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Liam finally overcame his past, beat the odds and came out the victor. He finally said goodbye to the parties and the girls, and got the help he so desperately needed. His friends stood by his every wish, and helped him conquer addiction and get help for his mental standing. He was able to get over all of his problems, and everyone he held dear to him stuck by him. Liam got what he needed, a second chance. 

He learned a valuable lesson as well, that being that when you really try, the you will win. He won the vicious cycle of life, the one where you think you're invincible, where you think that no matter how you abuse your body, you will not succumb to it. He finally got sick of going by what was cool, and realized that "God dammit, this can kill me." Liam Payne, realized that no matter how bad he wanted to be, that he was not invincible. 

He found love and triumph on his journey, learned how to love not only others, but how to love himself. One girl finally came along and listened. That's all he ever needed, someone other than his equally as fucked up friends to listen. Sure, he had Zayn, but he'd told him everything from the beginning, when they had first become acquainted with each other. He finally found someone he could love, not just use for sex. Delilah was his great escape, and my oh my did he escape. 

Along the way he met Harry and Louis, the couple that would soon change his perspective on things. He saw how they had to hide, using tattoos as their only way to express the love they felt towards each other. He soon realized that he was sick of hiding behind the drugs and his reputation, he was sick of hiding behind the booze and the women. He finally realized that there's more to life than parties and sex.

This realization got him back on his feet. He started school, began a new life for himself. But it all came crashing down when he realized he couldn't just stop. "How do I keep going like this, it's too hard I just want to end it all." He'd thought that so many times, devised the perfect way to escape this twisted world. But he couldn't end it, he couldn't leave his roommates with the image of his dead corpse, couldn't put them through that just because he wasn't enough of a man to get over his addiction.

But he was man enough, he just had himself convinced that he wasn't. But he did get help, and he came out of it with a smile on his face and his past behind him. He went out and had the time of his life with the people he loved, and had his first meaningful sexual act. Little did he know that it would change his life forever. 

Delilah got pregnant, but Liam didn't walk out on her. It was his turn to be there, and he tried his hardest to be. In between classes and work, he cared for Delilah. He moved out of the apartment with Zayn and into the one the floor above, so him and Del could make room for the baby. The boys helped him along, even though he insisted that they'd already helped him enough. Him and Zayn would stay up nights on end talking about everything, because his advice would always help Liam rest easy.

They had a small baby shower with their families, getting everything they needed for when the baby arrived. They never did find time to send thank you cards out for everyone. 

When the baby finally did come around to being born, they named him Michael. "He's gonna look just like you." Delilah smiled when she held him, looking up and Liam, who had tears in his eyes. "He's got your nose Del." He said, taking his son into his arms.

They lived a happy life after that, had two more kids and bought a house. They grew old together, never straying from the others side. Liam wrote Delilah love notes whenever he could find the time, and gave them to her on every birthday and Valentines day. Even as he grew old and his hands ached with arthritis, he wrote her. The grand-kids would scurry about and ask what he was doing. He'd just smile and say, "Telling your grandma how much I love her."

He died happy, something he never thought would happen. He always thought he'd take his own life or get killed by an overdose, but he died happily surrounded by the love of not only his wife, but his children and grandchildren. He lived quite the life, and always told the stories of his journey throughout life. He had a hell of a time recounting his adventures, talking about the gang and all of their crazy times together. On his gravestone he had a quote, something he said a lot in his last years. "I had a hell of a life, and I want a hell of an afterlife too." 

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