Chapter nine Spongebob Cast

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After a minute of walking and Jocelyn carrying me, we got to the store. She brought me to the counter and sat me down on the desk. She ran into the staff room and ran just as quickly out with a clear plastic box. She plopped it down next to me and jumped up on the counter and sat beside me. I slowly lifted my leg to the counter and rested it on the corner. She grabbed the box and grabbed a little box of art markers. "What you want?" she said happily jumping and smiling in place.

"Spongebob!" I chanted. She started to draw, she looked like a tattoo artist in their zone. "Hey Jocelyn."

"Hm?" she hummed still focusing on the drawing.

"The gate that I had opened before you guys knew where I was, Do you guys know what that place was?" I said softly. She was quiet until She sighed.

"We didn't want to tell you about it before this early but since you have been there you need to know." she said dropping her eyes.

"That gate goes to the Descendants Battle Grounds. That was were the Descendants went to battle the demons and such on Earth at. If the enemy won then they get to roam free on Earth until the next battle is declared. And of course if the Descendants won then they get to murder the whole other army in cold blood or just send them back from once they came but that was unlikely. The Descendants fight for Earth so if more demons and supernatural being come to Earth they will kill and take over." she said and still didn't look me in the eye just down at the drawing.

"Why did they want the Earth? Its pretty weak already because there is mostly just humans that can't do anything." I said as a quick flashback of the dream that I had before the one that I witnessing the bloody battle and deaths of unbelievable demon like creatures and humans.

"That's why they wanted it because it's so weak so it's easy to take over but the Descendants always had to win for the Earth even if they had to kill each other they would just to win." she said and sounded upset.

"Even if it was for the Earth why would they also kill the Descendants? Descendants killing Descendants? I can't see that!" I started to get upset.

"Descendants have to protect their dimension no matter what the price even if it was a life. Also the past Descendants and in other dimensions it didn't matter if a Descendant died because the soul would just come back in a new body so it doesn't matter to them. But because the Earth Descendants and very few are more sensitive over life and death they rarely killed each other but if they had to they would." she said trying to focus on working. I watched her drawing and scribbling.

"If the Descendants don't like to kill then why would they kill in cold blood to other Dimensions!?" I said in a loud voice as I whipped my head up to her but she continued to stare down.

"It doesn't matter for other Dimensions. Were all enemies so it doesn't matter. We only fight for our dimension only no matter who you are you only fight. Think of the world as a warrior and the other Dimensions are too but they are on the other side. It's everyone for themselves." the way she said it made my stomach hurt.

We went silent for a while. "You said Earth Descendants right? Does that mean there are other Descendants in other Dimensions?" I said quickly and confused.The way she implied it makes it sounds like there are.

"Yeah Earth is not the only Dimension that has Descendants. You have to be lucky to have a powerful Descendant that could be a big help. We are one of the lucky ones to have you with us, Not many Dimensions have ones like you." she said like she was trying to get my spirits up.

We're not the only ones? Well that makes sense because there are more Dimensions. "Do we have any allies? Because you said that it's everyone for themselves. You can have allies right?"

Dimension Descendants Ryan CarterWhere stories live. Discover now