Chapter Ten Peacekeepers

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"That's the Nashi Descendant?"

"Hey! I think she's cool!"

"Idiot you don't even know her powers yet! And she has a cast on, also you think everyone is cool!"

Slowly opened my eyes and groaned as I propped myself up. I fell asleep while I was watching T.V with Jocelyn and Ethan. I looked to the corner of my eye. "Hello."

I whipped my head over next to me. Everywhere on the other end of the couch was people. There was three, one sat next to me, one was standing behind the couch and propping their arms on the couch, And the last one was sitting on the armrest on the other side of the couch. They were all boys that looked between the ages of 15-19. But one thing was different, They had spiked horns that popped out of the top of their heads and wrapped and whipped of the back of their heads. They kinda reminded me of dragons.


I tried to jump off the couch but forgot that I couldn't use my leg and fell of the couch with my leg still on the couch. and the rest of me on the floor. "Oh I thought she knew of us! Well then we get to have a real introduction!" One said happily. I glanced up at them. The one who was speaking was the one that was sitting beside me.

"ETHAN!" I cried out. What if they are also trying to kill me? It would be easy to when I'm like this.

"What!" Ethan came screaming alarmed out behind me. I looked up and he was loom looming over me. I grabbed his foot and cradled it in fear.

"What are you doing?"

"W-Who are they? Are they the evil creatures coming out to kill me?" Haven't I have enough of this?

"Oh Ryan I see you guys have met!" Jocelyn came out behind the couch from somewhere.

"JOCELYN!" I screamed because I knew that Ethan wasn't going to help. I quickly crawled with my arms and one leg over to Jocelyn's foot and grabbed it.

"Oh my god Ryan I am so sorry I should have woken you up," I dug my nails into her ankle "Don't worry Ryan remember the other Descendants that I was telling you about the ones that we want to become allies with this is them. Don't worry they won't hurt you." Jocelyn grabbed my hands from her ankle. Her ankle had deep red nail marks on it. She pulled me to my feet. I had to grab onto her hands to keep myself up.

I glanced over to the people on the couch staring at me. "But we are Demons though." the boy with his arms on the couch said. He had bright red hair that and the end spiked up. I shoved my face and wrapped my arms into Jocelyn's shoulder.

"I don't think my heart can take this." I groaned and squeezed her shoulder.

"Ryan this is Mizuki," Jocelyn pointed to the red haired boy "Izumi," Pointed to the boy that sat next to me. Izumi had very light blonde hair and looked the youngest "And Hotaru." and lastly pointed to the boy on the armrest who had a mix between dark brown and black hair.

"Um J-Jocelyn they have h-horns." I stuttered staring at the top of their heads.

"Well they are from another Dimension. P.s I think they look cool!"

I lightly turned my head over to them. "Um are they like war demons or something?" I stuttered kinda scared to hear the answer.

"Well that hurts that you think we actually like war!" Izumi said jumping on all fours on the couch and looking up at us like a dog.

"We are The Peacekeeper Demon Descendants." Mizuki said uncrossing his arms and standing up.

"Peacekeeper? you guys? like peace?"

Dimension Descendants Ryan CarterWhere stories live. Discover now