Chapter Twenty-Three Ryan's View From Prison To Servant Hall

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We had an awkward silence as we walked down the new empty prison hall. Hotaru was more focused on getting out than anything so we can drop the sac of crazy off our backs and go home. I wonder if Caiden has already gone back and they are in there way.

"It will be a pain if they aren't here in time." I said.

"It would be a pain because we couldn't go back even if we wanted to, We both can't summon a celestial map so they have to come get us."


I wonder how long the hall will be. "Hey peasants are you going to let me go eventually?!" Annori grumbled

"With that kind of attitude maybe not." I growled. Glaring continually and wishing to slap the other, I had to deal with her no matter what. But what will we do with her once she gets us out? Should we keep her like a pet? Or just leave her here? Problem with both things, we would eventually kill her out of frustration if we bring her home also I can't deal 24/7 with the crazy sac or if we leave her here then the other Royals will hear everything that we have done to her and would go back out to kill us.

My brain won't let me have one problem at a time. "Hey Hotaru," I said.


"In your past you were a Royal, right? so then you should know the way around the palace, right?"

"I was but I was never really in the castle I mostly dealt with everything outside in the kingdom and was usually doing the paperwork for the palace."

"So you were like the secretary?"

"I wouldn't call it that," he grumbled. He may not know the place so well but at least we have a insight to guide us.

"I hate you Hotaru. You use to be so cool and you turned out like this." Annori whined.

"I barely knew you then because you were so young so you never knew me really from personal memory." Hotaru said. I don't like this I am the only one that knows nothing.

A drop of dew fell from the ceiling and plopped on my forehead and startled me. This place is so dark and gloomy, as expected of a castle's prison. A dark granite staircase that narrowed the halls end and stopped. I look to Annori "Go up through the stairs and it will lead you to the castles servant hall." Annori said.

"Servant hall?" I asked.

"Wow you really are an idiot! You should at least know from the name!" Annori barked.

"...?" My response.

"The servant hall is where the servants of the castle's chambers are." Hotaru said.

We walked up the narrow stairs. The bottom of the stairs was cold and crippled but as we went further up the more cleaner and lighter the stairs and the atmosphere with thinner air. The stairs ended and the stairs flattened into a floor. I quickly went ahead of Hotaru and stumbled onto the flat floor. I feet was starting to ache from the stairs. I paused and waited for Hotaru to catch up. I looked down the floor and it stretched far down and formed a hall. Really grand and fancy. Shining ceilings and large gray walls that has thin and long with random light blue drapes hanging from ceiling to floor on the walls, fancy blue colored carpets that lined the whole floor. With small chamber like doors aligned the walls.

"So this is the Servant hall?"

Annori huffed and agreed. I pitter pattered my way down the hall while Hotaru was trying to keep up. I rushed over to a chamber door. It was cracked. I gingerly touched the door and to creaked open showing the inside of the room. A large room with a couple of people dressed in dresses and suits that looked like maids and butlers. I examined each person in the room. Pretty young and old women and men. One of the butlers looked out of place. Tall and a very young man with a soft face and long white hair put up in a messy bun. The hair made him stand out. Is he really one of the butlers? He sat at a table alone. He moved his head and I caught a glimpse of his eyes. The eyes that shined a bright soft gold color. Gold? I thought.

I glanced around at the other people and they completely ignored him like he doesn't exist. Hotaru popped his head right above mine and looked in too with Annori's head above his, all in the crack of the door. "That dude, there you see him? the white haired one, he seems..." Hotaru said unsure.

"Like he doesn't belong here?" I said

"Yeah that's it."

"Annori is he a normal servant?"

"I don't know? but to be fair I don't know half the staff."

We stared at him interrogating his appearance. -WAM!- I made a fist and swung it back and hit Hotaru in his groin and "We need to get back on track!" I chanted. I leaned back away from the door and looked down the hall to make sure no one was there. I glance back to Hotaru who wasn't there. I glance down and saw him hunched over groaning.

"Did you really have to hit me there?" He growled.

"Sorry it was the height difference."

"HA! serves you right!" Annori laughed and then told me how she wanted to give me a high-five for that.

"You want me to hit you there too?" I gritted my teeth at Annori. She shook her head and covered her head with the rim of the sling. We went back to the halls path, I shuffled my feet across the colorful carpet and Hotaru behind me I happily shocked him with my finger.

The hall seems endless, time seems like it did not move a second. I want to go home. This place is bad, something bad is going to happen. All these terrible thought ran through my head endlessly.

Lex and Nalol's images appeared in my head. I don't have a good feeling about them. Her. "Ryan look." Hotaru said looking forward with a relieved expression. I looked ahead. A doorway that ended the hall. Big metal and wood designed double doors, that looks like an antique castle main door.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"Yes." Annori affirmed. "This door takes you to the Palace's royal food preparation." Annori said.

"You mean a big kitchen?" I asked

"Royal Food Preparation!" she bickered.

I ran up to the door, and Hotaru trying to keep pace. I pushed the slightly cracked open doors and continued forward on our little journey.  

Dimension Descendants Ryan CarterWhere stories live. Discover now