Chapter Twenty-Two Caiden's view Part Seven kingdoms Citizen Town

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Within a blink the scenery turned from our little mountain town into a old gentle looking kingdoms town. With sun bleached clay stone buildings, rock roads and black shingled little homes and wooden stands selling produce and souvenirs, a beautiful rustic town. The Royal kingdoms citizen town. Women carrying baskets and wearing plain dresses, and the men in vests and standing at their stands full of weapons and metal.

We stood on the outskirts of the kingdom's town. We stuck out like sore thumbs because of our appearances, also it's even more awkward for me because it's very rare for a person to have blonde hair, here its ether blonde is the most disgraceful thing they see or the most interesting thing.

Citizens stared and took glances at us and some walked away and some stared astounded. Ethan stared with a mouth wide open at a stand "Can we go shopping!"

"Stop it idiot we are on a mission not for a shopping spree."

"Aw come on~ I never get to have some fun with you guys."


"To bad I'm going to play!" Ethan disobeyed and ran off. He ran over to a chicken leg food stand. He leaned on the counter and tilted his head and stared into the eyes of the young women's clerk's eyes. Ethan's eyes tinted blue and the lady and a sweet smile, Then gave him a small sac full of chicken legs. Ethan took the sac and threw it over his shoulder, said thanks and waved goodbye to the lady and scurried off over to us with a big grin.

"Look guys! I love coming here! so many nice people!"

"Idiot! don't use your charming powers on normal people! Especially to get food! everytime we leave Earth you just have to flirt with women and gather food!"

"But women are so cute! and great cooks!"


Ethan uses his charming powers to hypnotize them and just play around for a laugh. Just because he has charming he thinks it's ok to flirt and get food! just like the time we first met Ryan he called her cute and stared into her eyes but she didn't do anything so he send me a message to my head asking 'Why is she not doing anything! I'm hot!' and frantically screamed that in my head that made me upset so I just glared but I think Ryan thought I was glaring at her not Ethan, oops?

We made our way down town. Mostly little children and teens stared at us. Most of the adults have seen us so it won't be as big of a thing to them, but the younger ones haven't been around as long and haven't seen us before. I stood in front leading as Ethan and Jocelyn walked behind me.

"The town may be small but it's long, It might take a while till we get to the castle." Jocelyn said glancing at stands as we passed by.

"Yeah so as long as we wont trail off then we should get there in no time." I replied.

We continued to walk and we could start to see the castle from very far but at least visible. A grand castle that is even more beautiful than any king of the world castle would have, Huge with many windows and shining silvers that coated parts of the castle.

I glanced at a stand full of knives and the stand next to it was small hand guns. Some stands have normal weapons or magical weapons, just about every Dimension will sell magical weapons but not Earth because humans doesn't get involved with magic and we intend to keep it like that, But the awesome knife that I saw! "After we grab them we can go shopping." I said but I didn't want them to think I am allowing them to just buy everything.

"Whats with the change of mind?" Jocelyn snickered

"Nothing we need new weapons and also our mission would be done already so..."

Jocelyn stared at me with a smirk

"I also what the awesome knife over there." I muttered. Ethan snorted at me "To stab you." I whispered, Ethan whimpered and scooched over ~BUMP~ one of Ethan's long legs has bumped and pushed a running child over to the ground.

"Oh I'm sorry." Ethan reached to the child and the child took a glance at us and started to shiver on the dirt ground. The child whimpered and whined quietly so we couldn't hear. Ethan moved closer and the child started to panic and was on the verge of crying. I pulled back Ethan quickly and kneeled down in front of the frightened child.

The child glanced into my eyes and started to calm down, kinda. A little pale boy with hazel eyes and wore ragged clothes with tear-filled eyes, held his wrist to his mouth and shivered at the sight of my blonde hair. He looks like about seven. I reached out my hand and the boy hesitated but gave me his hand. I pulled him to his feet and I brushed him off. The boy started to stop shivering so much.

"You know if you are afraid of unique looking people and don't go near them, then you will never know what they really are like and will miss out on a possibly a friend that could be more loyal than family." I smiled and got up off my knees and walked away and the boy stared at us walking away with a look you can't even explain but you still love it. I scurried off and Jocelyn and Ethan glanced back and forth at me walking away and the little boy watching me and took off behind me.

"What was that about?" Jocelyn asked trying to keep up.

"People shouldn't be scared of appearances and if they are then they will miss out. I can't stand it when people are like that. Judging even though they don't know anything." I growled.

Jocelyn hummed and watched my eyes move to the side "What would they do if they did know who we are? Hmm?"

We got closer to the castle and even more stands and houses were compressed around and made it tighter with more people. "I am going to search around the town to see if Ryan and Hotaru has already escaped and got to the town." Jocelyn turned around. It's going to happen.



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