Chapter Twenty Caiden's View Part 5 Through the Golden Gates

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After being swallowed by the light. In a flash of quick light I had suddenly appeared before Ryan's lifted hand. I quickly snapped open my eyes to see that she's okay, having a rush of thankful feelings. I screamed at Ryan about where she was and I didn't even take a notice to my surroundings. I shook her relieved until a certain someone caught my eye. Hotaru! he's still alive? that's great then we can take both of them back! but one thing took a stab at my brain. "Where are we?" Ryan and Hotaru explained that they were taken by the Royal descendants and that they are going to get killed because Ryan's too powerful or something and they just have a thing against Hotaru for some reason. Half the time I was barely listening about why they got taken and my mind wandered off thinking about the Nashi celestial hall. Ryan must have a thing for the Victorian times I'm guessing.

We talked about their stupid plain to escape the Royal's castle by making one of the Royals tell them where to go if she wants to live. I knew that Ryan wouldn't kill (probably?) but the girl was slashed a bit and Ryan was holding her spear but to be fair Ryan was also bloody from a slash on her face too. I glanced at Hotaru for ten seconds because I saw that his face was tear stained and it surprised me. What's going to happen once I leave? What if Ryan and Hotaru gets hurt more? I wouldn't be able to deal with them getting hurt, or the wrath I will suffer from Jocelyn.

"Why did you to specify get taken?" I asked, Ryan shrugged and I looked to Hotaru, with a worried tense look, Hotaru mouthed things to me so Ryan won't here I nodded and saw Ryan trying to make out what he said, I can't let her figure it out so I changed the subject. We went over Ryan's idiotic plan once more. We all agreed and Ryan was about to send me back before an important question ran through my head. "Ryan do you like the Victorian times?"

"Yeah it's my favorite era?" Ryan said unsure, but I was satisfied, and it explained a lot. She sent me back in a flash of slow light. I closed my eyes waiting for my next destination. I opened my eyes after a couple of seconds. I stood in front of the golden gate doors that leads to the hall, but the place I was just shining light from every angle. There was no walls or floor but I was standing on flat surface. The gate door was still bright and outshining the glowing. I pushed open the gate and it slowly opened to the hall. Light rushed out of the gate and shined on the hall.

I walked through and stood in the hall in front of the gates. The gates closed behind me and once again I was in the Hall. Happily I didn't see Jerkashi. I giggled at the joke I thought and walked forward. I walked for a while. Well if that way was to go to the summoner then the other end of the hall is where you can go back to where you were originally, its only logical. Eventually I passed the first wood door with the walking armor. I decided to just laughed at how funny they looked. I stood snickering then glanced at a armor.

A white armor, with popped cup-like shoulders outlined in beautiful grey blue, chest armor that covered nape of the neck that cupped from below the chest and was bare in the middle of the chest. Slim white metal curved around the abdomen, that spreaded out once reached the hip and had small pieces of layered gold metal on each hip that connected to the middle with black stripes of leather that crossed over. At the end of the metal was ridged. Under the popped out hips metal armor, under of the armor was a solid black skirt. Black thigh high socks and from the knees down was sharp pointed downwards metal with royal crosses protecting the knees and foot armor that had thin white wings poping out from the sides of each ankle. With forearm armor that attached to a small white shield that hung onto the arm piece.

It is very beautiful, and more sexy than I thought for an armor. I thought of something Skirt? Ryan? unlikely but I still wouldn't mind to see her wear that. I snickered and stared at the amazing armor. The armor looks like an angels armor but that's impossible because it belongs to a demon overlord. A name ran through my head 'White demons hell armor'

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