Chapter Twenty-one Caiden's View part 6 Free Falling

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Air is beating in my face and making it hard to see. I forced my eyes open. I was free falling mid-air. "GGGAAA!" I screamed and struggled in the air but it make me fall faster and made me stop. Bright mid-day sun and clouds were out and shining. I forced my head down, which was hard to do because the fast air forced up, and saw that I was falling to Earth with a rapid spread. At least I'm back to Earth but why was I put in the sky? I got closer to Earth and could see a tree covered town. That must be our town! okay so I just have to fall in there- FALL?! no I have to land there! The tall trees loomed over the town. "That's it!"

I got just above the town and waved my arms around and moved through the air. I fell right into one of the tall trees just outside of town. I fell and tangled myself in branches. I keep falling even through the tree, I grabbed a small branch and held myself up as my leg stretched above me and was caught on a limb and my other leg dangling under my body along with my other arm. I couldn't move unless I wanted to fall out of a huge tree. -CRACK!- The small limb that I clung onto, got ripped of the side of the tree and I went back flying. "GA!GA!GA!" that's me getting repeatedly slapped in the face with tree limbs.

~CRASH!~ I hit the concrete ground but it didn't hurt like I thought it would, something is under me? I pushed myself up and rubbed my tree assaulted scratches on my face I glanced underneath me to see laying flat and possibly dead and twitching Ethan with his face to the ground gagging.

"Oh it's Ethan!" I got happy to see someone I can stand-ish.

"~gaaaaggggg~" was his hazy response. I think I killed him. I poked his side where a nerve is to make him jump, but he didn't move. The poking isn't working so I have to resort it violence. I punched the middle of his back which somehow revived him but made him jump up and elbowed me in the gut that made me fall on my back. Ethan gasped and grabbed the ground staring at the sky hoping nothing else would come and didn't notice me gagging grabbing my stomach on the ground next to him.

Ethan took a glance "CAIDEN!" and freaked out. Ethan jumped on top of me and bear hugged my ribs that made me choke as he crushed my ribs.

"Ethan-" I said breathless trying my hardest not to die. -PUNCH!- I knocked Ethan off of me and he went rolling and tumbling into the middle of street.

Me huffing for air staring at Ethan that was again face down and possibly dead, "CAIDEN!" but one can only wish. Ethan whipped his head with his eyes closed and with a bloody nose screeching. He looked terrifying, I flinched. Ethan jumped up and pounced on me and collapsed. "CAIDEN! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO BE GONE TOO! CAIDEN YOUR NOT ALOUD TO LEAVE ME AGAIN! I WAS SO LONELY!" Ethan weaped and started to cry on my shoulder.

"GOD DAMN ETHAN! YOUR OLDER THAN ME GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" I was being crushed by his body that is starting to suffocate me. He hugged tighter around my neck and sobbed. "Ethan?"

"Jocelyn told me that you disappeared in a flash of light and you were gone since then," Ethan hiccuped "Caiden... I THOUGHT I FUCKING LOST YOU DON'T EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!" Ethan jumped back and punched my right in the nose and made me fall back again but then Ethan plopped back onto me hugging with even more crying and covering my shirt with his nosebleed.

"How long was I away?"

"long enough-... that now your fridge is now EMPTY!~ WAAAAAAA~" sometimes I just want to kill him.


"~you were about gone ~Hiccup~ for two days and counting."

I pushed Ethan off and sat there waiting for him to stop sniffling. After he somewhat calmed down but still cried, I told him to take me to Jocelyn because I bet that she's the one more freaking out because I just disappeared while she barely understood the situation. He eventually brought me to her house.

Dimension Descendants Ryan CarterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang