Chapter Sixteen Caiden's View Part 1

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"Where is she!? She wasn't at her home or the hospital! Also her hospital room's door was blown off and the room was burned! But there is no trace of her!" Jocelyn yelped and ran around the room. After Jocelyn found the hospital room she got to everyone and gathered them outside of a store after also going to Ryan's house for her and started to have a panic attack.

"The room was burnt?!" Ethan quivered. They all stared worried for the worst. ~BOOM~ a gate from the peacekeeper dimension bursted open through the sky. Jumped out of the gate and free fell till they landed on their feet. Mizuki and Izumi came rushing over to us panicked.

"Where is Hotaru he never returned like he agreed!" Mizuki sounded like he was blaming them "You also lost someone! Ryan's also missing! and now Hotaru?!"

"Ryan's missing too!" Izumi gasped

"Where was Ryan last seen?" Mizuki asked.

"Day before last, she never returned home from the hospital and when Jocelyn went to look for her the hospital's room was burnt and covered in ashes but no sign from them," Deila explained"What about Hotaru?"

"Same he said that he would return after seeing Ryan."Izumi said 

"He actually saw her? That's unexpected." Caidens not surprised.

"Wait so you guys let him go unsupervised to see Ryan when she is weak and sick! What if he killed her! What if she already killed him! Do you realize the situation? They are both gone and both on each others deathwish list!" Ethan scowled

"Ryan would never do anything like that! She has no intention for his death!" Deila shot back to Ethan.

"Damn all of you are Idiots! They both are afraid of each other's death doesn't anyone realize this! Ryan doesn't want to kill Hotaru and Hotaru doesn't want to kill Ryan! They both are prepared for each other's death for the other! They both would resort to killing themselfs for protecting the other! Think of it like this they are both the same! I will tell you now that they are both alive and something got to them! What's important right now is to find them not if they dislike each other, You all are real Idiots!" Izumi screamed and fussed at everyone. Everyone stared amazed to actually see Izumi raise his voice.

He quickly whimpered because he hates to raise his voice but it worked. "Right we need to figure out here they are, thanks Izumi." Deila smiled and Izumi nodded like a proud dog.

"Hey wouldn't Hotaru be with her? So they should be okay for now?" Ethan said.

"True but if she's okay then he probably wouldn't come but if she gets in trouble then he would come to her." Caiden claimed

"Guys if they are together or not we need to figure out where Ryan and Hotaru are!"Jocelyn interrupted. They all nodded and got back on the subject

"Is there anyone who would have anything against them?" Ethan stupidly asked.

"Idiot, tons of the supernatural and demons has a bone to pick with just Ryan but Hotaru well he's doesn't really have any enemies he's a Peacekeeper we don't make personal enemies, so if someone took them both then they would have just found Hotaru by chance and took him along too if they did get taken." Mizuki implied.

"Okay so either two things possible happened, One they got taken or Two they went against each other and turned out bad and something else happened along with that." Deila exclaimed. Everyone was stumped and couldn't think about anything else about Ryan and Hotaru's disappearance. After they met up everyone went around the woods and town to see if there is any sign of them. And nothing. 

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