Chapter Fifteen Plan: Stage Two

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"Okay now tell us everything."

"NEVER PEASANTS!" Annori hollered.

Swung my spear over to her neck and pressed. "You want to call me a peasant again?" we both growled.

We are at the end of the broken down prison hall. After we had contained Annori we have set her down on the ground in the baby sling to get answers out of her."Tell me your plans." I pressed the blade harder.

"Okay,okay but remove the blade," she nudged her eyes towards the blade. I moved the blade and she gasped for air. "You girly are a loose canon and you being with them would end out bad for everyone. So we thought if we kill and end the Nashi line then all would be spared. We also bring Hotaru along because we have a bone to pick with him."

"What about them you mean the Earth descendents?" I asked.

"Why ending her life Annori? Wouldn't it be better to take her or something for yourselfs? Because she doesn't know really anything it could have profited you." Hotaru asked. I glared at him with a Don't give them Ideas look.

"Like I said she's a loose cannon that's trouble and we don't want to take in the trouble. But that is a good idea I will take a note of that." Annori snapped. "Too bad if you were still with us we would be a little more functional." Annori grinned at Hotaru. Loose cannon? Me? well maybe? Still with us? again I am the lost one.

"Hotaru?" I whimpered. He glanced over to me and saw me looking worried.

"Its nothing to worry about Ryan you will understand later." he sounded sincere but I didn't feel it. Understand what?

I glanced over to Hotaru and he seemed not worried. "Okay then! Now we know what their goal is. Now for the rest of the plan Right Hotaru?" I tried to just brush this off and get back to the plan.

He nodded and Annori started to panic a little. Hotaru picked up the sack and strapped her against his back. "Okay Annori another question where are we?" I glanced back to Hotaru's back baby sling.

"We are in the Royal prison." she groaned.

"Okay another one how do we get out of here?"

"Like Hell I would tell you!" she sneered. I lifted up my spear with a glare that scared her.

"Fine I'll tell you!" she quickly squealed.

"So after we leave the prison then were are we going to be? I wouldn't think the prison is just a big building alone." I asked.

"Then we will be in the castle duh! We are royalty!"

"I don't see whats so royal about you guys."

"In this Dimension Descendants are Royal. And the supernatural beings they deal with are thought of as taboo." Hotaru replied. I didn't think about it.

"Okay well let's go!" I chanted

"Okay so go down the hall till I say stop." Annori interrupted. We started to walked down the dark hall

"Oh yeah Annori if you even think about tricking us then I will cut your throat got that?" I glared. Of course it's an empty threat but I need to get her to cooperate. She squealed and nodded. We walked for a while down the hall.

"Hotaru I want the others here." I knitted my eyebrows, Because everything would be okay if they were here.

"Me too but we can't make contact with them here we both don't have those kinds of powers." he sighed

"Yeah." I sighed back. I walked quietly as Annori complained on and on about how Hotaru's back was too hard.-BAM!- I slammed my palm against Hotaru's stomach to make him stop walking. I grabbed his arm "Hotaru I'm such an Idiot! Caiden!"

Dimension Descendants Ryan CarterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora