Chapter Fourteen Royalty

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It's cold. My head hurts. I pushed myself up and grabbed my head. The floor was cold concrete. "WHAT?" I jumped up and fell on my butt. I whipped my head around so much that I fell over. I was in a old looking prison cell. The walls old brick and rusty metal bars held me inside. I held my breath and started to choke.

"gaaa." moaning came in the corner. I jumped back to see Hotaru passed out in the corner. I leaped over to him and shook him repeatedly. -BANG!- He jumped awake from sleeping and by being startled punched me in the face. I fell back. He whipped around looking at the situation. A drop of blood fell on the ground and we both realized that my face was bleeding from when he punched me.

I wiped it off with my sleeve. "Hotaru..." I squeaked out. His face was distressed and worried me. He put his head down in his hands

"It's coming true. The prophecy, the one when you kill me it's happening. I should have told the Earth Descendants earlier and we wouldn't have been here." he murmured.

"What the hell are you talking about? Told us what?" I pushed myself back on my knees. "This is where the prophecy starts. I knew that they were coming but I wanted you to suffer. I

knew that they were going to come to Earth and they were going to come. If I told them then we would have been prepared and we wouldn't be here." his voice was full of guilt and regret.

"Who are 'they'? what do you mean by you knew this would happen?" I started to freak out. I lightly went cold. I turned into my devil identity but had control.

"I had a vision but never told anyone about it, it was about the prophecy. I never told anyone that they were closer than they thought. They broke in and abducted you to kill you."

"WHO THE HELL IS 'THEY'?!" I screamed and echoed

"The Royal Descendants of this dimension, the ones that were going around on a manhunt rampage. They were looking for you. I knew they would come and yet I sat in silence. I thought they would only take you but they also brought me along. They are going to kill you. They think that you are too powerful and should be gone. If I had told someone that they were coming then we could have been prevented. This is all my fault and now I am going to die because of this." he pushed his head down into his knees.

I lifted my hand and lightly touched his shoulder. -PUSH!- he pushed me down. I fell on my back and he quickly put his hands back in the corner with him. "You want to kill me now right? Just like the prophecy you kill me here after I told you because I betrayed all of you." He started to sound scared. I hate myself when a person is scared of me. I just want me to be able to pet their head and tell them it's okay and I'm not going to hurt them. He grabbed his head with his hands and closed his eyes like preparing for the worst, his death.

"Hotaru." he flinched and bunched more into a ball. "HOTARU LOOK AT ME I WILL NOT KILL YOU! IN THE PROPHECY WOULDN'T YOU BE DEAD BY NOW!? YOU'RE STILL ALIVE AND I AM NOT MAD AT YOU! IT'S OKAY I WON'T HURT YOU! GET THAT THROUGH!" I grabbed his face with my hands and made him look me in the eyes.

His face was scared "Your eyes your controlling the Nashi spirit. You didn't kill me. The prophecy said that you will get mad and go into your Devil Identity and kill me because you couldn't control it." he sat stunned

"I told you this once and I will tell you again as many times as you want to hear it I will never hurt or kill you even if I have to die. Got That?" He nodded. -TAP-TAP!- I glanced down the dark hall and appeared.

"Touching just touching isn't it Annori?" chuckled a deep voice. We jolted back against the cell wall. Looming down at us was was three people who was dressed like royalty. Gold epaulets, long grey cape that draped, with light blue flowing designs. One boy with grey silver hair and two girls standing behind him. One of the girls was a little taller than the boy and had long black hair with long black bangs in her eyes. The other girl was shorter than all of them she had bright blue eyes and short wavy light red hair.

Dimension Descendants Ryan CarterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant