Chapter Twenty-Nine "Yeah,I'll Protect You."

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This hall was damaged and dim and looked like a war-zone. Hopping on the air, waving my hands behind me. I walked pass one of the doors. Beautiful gold swirls that curved and dug into the walls. With a demon's claw marks scratched across and ripping the metal. It was still so shiny and popping out it looked almost like the door was animated and put in reality. I grabbed the swirly gold knob and slowly creaked open the door ready to kill something with this time green mist surrounding my hand and about to throw.

large but small compared to other rooms, was a empty room with a huge fancy canopy bed leaning against most of the wall, big vanity covered in hair brushes, brightly colored white walls and posters and portraits of... Annori?

Bunch of portraits and action shots of Annori and the other Royals Lex and Nalol. "So this is the Royal rooms huh? taking a wild guess this is Annori's room." compared to the tons of pictures of just her. Is it me or does the Royals all have a big ego? Annori reminds me of the cliche rich pre-teen.

A great thought popped in my head. I jumped and floated, minding my own business and snooping through her drawers and under her bed. She's the enemy of course I would be snooping. I crouched under her bed and saw nothing. I slumped back onto my knees and looked to the middle of the room. Hotaru all banged up dragging Annori in her sac behind him on edge and whipping his head around like he was looking for something. "HOTARU!" I screamed flipped back on my back and tried to run and they disappeared.

"Hotaru? Hotaru?" I looked around but I was all alone "HOTARU YOU JERK YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE ME!" I cried and kicked my foot at the bed leg and made it crack and collapse the bed. "What the hell was that? He was just there but in the background was completely different then the rooms." I took a minute to think. "My dimension sight-breaking powers." I said to myself. I saw Hotaru but he is not here but somewhere else, looked like he was in danger too. "Just where the hell are you Hotaru?" I sniffled.

I pulled myself up and quickly left the room. I dragged my feet over to the neighboring room. Tall, skinny, silver metal door with barely any design other than typical up and down carvings. I went through that one and to an even bigger room than Annori's. With many mirrors, another grand bed, long chandelier, and pictures of Lex the leader of the Royals along with many pictures of a little baby girl wrapped in purple silk and a cute little bow on the little hair she had. They both had big smiles that matched along with both of their pretty light baby blue eyes. The picture was in the most prettiest frame.

Such a adorable baby, and also pale. Lex also looks younger in the picture, I could tell it was taken a while ago. Lex looked so happy, he had a real smile than the only evil grin that I have seen.

There was more pictures of lex and the baby than him and the other Royals. I searched the room and found nothing but a bunch of hand held mirrors stashed under his bed.

Creeped out by this narcissist I left the room again without finding anything once more.

I made it to the next door. Black wood average sized double doors that looked like a drawbridge but was a door. With flowers and vines carved into the wooden door. This ones must be Nalol's room. The silent tall black haired girl with bangs in her eyes that hide her glaring dark purple eyes that pierce you.

My chest ached. The door had no handles so I had to push the two pieces of two part. It looked like a normal Royals room. Steady colors that matched the rest of the castle. Only a couple of portraits of her and the Royals and a single picture of Hotaru in a sharp black frame sitting above a vanity. He looked younger but only by a couple of years so it was pretty recent. I looked over to her nightstand and saw a old portrait of Hotaru.

Why does she have a picture of Hotaru? And a recent on at that. Well Hotaru was a Royal apparently but he left years before this picture was taken. He also wasn't looking at the camera when it was taken and his head was turned. He also has horns, Annori said that when he was a Royal he didn't have horns. Chills went down my spin.

Dimension Descendants Ryan CarterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora