Chapter thirteen My Responibility

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We all stared at Delia stunted.

"What? Who?" Jocelyn stuttered as she pulled Delia up from bending.

"Remember what the Peacekeepers told us about what they are dealing with right now that Dimension that was sending soldiers and on a manhunt."

"Yeah?" We all answer all on edge to see her frantic.

"They are starting to come around towards Earth's area. It's started to concern me. Earth doesn't have magic and they are really violent and if they come to Earth it will be a huge problem." Delia assured.

"Did the Peacekeepers inform you?" Caiden asked. Delia nodded hastily. "How close are they now?"

"About twenty Dimensions away and slowly coming this way."

Twenty isn't much. -Tap-Thump-Tap!- We looked down the sidewalk and quickly walking was the Peacekeepers. "Have you told them yet?" Mizuki asked hastily. Delia nodded. "Because they have been going to every Dimension they can find and they have been violent and in the way they are heading they are going to find Earth and then go on a rampage with Humans. That is the last thing we want is for the humans to get caught up with this and most likely get killed because they don't know anything and they can protect themselves. Also The PeaceKeeper Dimension will be got to first." Mizuki's face was serious.

"Well if they do come to the Peacekeeper Dimension or Earth then we all need to be prepared for it."Izumi butted in. I glanced beside Izumi and saw Hotaru standing behind Izumi but loomed over because of the height difference between them. I kept staring at his face as he looked at the other conversation without a single emotion.

"We should put magic barricades in the gates and need to be prepared physically if they get hostile and we need to get involved." Caiden and Mizuki both explained but I didn't listen much about it and continued to look at Hotaru.

"Ryan what is it?" Jocelyn glanced and saw that I was staring.

"Nothing." I muttered and looked back to Mizuki but my eyes just lead to the ground.

"Hey at least we have Ryan right? With her power she can take out an Dimension with ease, so if the Soldiers come and turns bad she can just take care of it right?" Jocelyn hastily exclaimed.

"Even if she has the power doesn't mean she will have the willpower to also she doesn't have any fight training or the experience." Caiden shot back. His comment made me happy that he is being considerate and not just seeing me as a power. They nodded in agreement and glanced to me. "Just because we have an Nashi Descendant doesn't mean we are going to ride on her coattails and slack off. We have our own powers that we have been using way before we had Ryan." Caiden snapped at the others. I glanced up to Caiden. From what I told him before that I don't like feeling like a demon that causes harm and scares people he remembered that and that made me a little relieved because if he didn't step in then I would have fainted from the staring in expectation.

I glanced back to Hotaru who was looking the other way from the group without any eye contact towards anyone. "Hotaru." I said with no emotion. He only moved his eyes over to me and the others looked at me. "I would like to have a word with you." Everyone looked at me like they were worried about something. Almost hesitant,concerned, scared.

"Um Ryan h-how about let's finish up with this first." Jocelyn smiled and stuttered.

"You realize I'm not an idiot I can tell when you don't want me to do something." I snapped.I glanced at Caiden and Ethan they also had the same face of being hesitant. "Hotaru may I speak with you." I repeated. The peacekeepers glanced and stared to Hotaru waiting for an answer. He took a single nod. The others seemed like they didn't want him to. He walked up to me and passed by and walked down the sidewalk seemed like he was expecting me to come. I ran down slightly behind him and the others stared closely at us.

Dimension Descendants Ryan CarterWhere stories live. Discover now