Chapter Seventeen Caiden's View Part 2

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After everyone scrounged around for Ryan and Hotaru it eventually got to dusk then dark and we had to end it for the day. Right now I am on my way back home. I sighed to myself "We really don't get a break do we? Ryan was right about that."

What am I saying 'was' for? Walking in the dimness there was a faint sound of little animals and leaves that had always annoyed me. My house is on the other side of town aways from Ryan's and Jocelyn's. It's kinda quiet without Ryan causing a commotion or something. I wonder if she really thought about how her life was going to change like this. It must be hard for her to first have a normal life and then it get all messed up like this and is always in danger. Unlike me who has always know about this.

I eventually got back to my house which is right next to Deila's because she gave me this house to live in and also so she could have an eye on me while at it. Ethan also lives behind me but never stays at his home and breaks into mine for kicks.

I took a shower and went into my living room and chilled out on the couch scribbling things down in a notebook. I scribbled and scribbled for an hour and then stopped when my hand started to hurt. I rubbed my face "Ugh now I have to locate them." I muttered.

Getting up I brought my notebook with me. I went into my spare room/my office (Mostly taken by Ethan) and sat down at my desk that took over a large part of the corner and placed my notebook on top. I sighed and leaned back in the chair but I leaned back too far and the I almost fell out of the chair. "How are we going to find them?" I muttered.

"I don't know? Do you have anything you can think of?" Ethan peered behind my shoulder.

"Of course you broke into my house again." I growned.

"Of course I did, your house is bigger than mine. Have you figured out where they are yet?"

"Not yet but I was working on that."

"Really? I thought that you would have figured it out like usual it quite surprising."

"Not really this is normal because I usually have about a couple days that lead onto weeks to find a missing person."

"I know that but I would have thought you would be more frantic than calm about their disappearances. Especially with Ryan missing I wouldn't think you would allow her out of our sight."

"I'm not the watch dog Idiot."

"Well I would call you that," Ethan snickered "To think that all these years we still don't know how you do this kind of thing."

"I refuse to tell my secrets and skills to idiots." I chuckled but Ethan just punched my head. I have always gotten the responsibility to find and track down people but know one knows how I do track people down because it's a secret even Deila doesn't know them. "Are you going to stay here and bug me or are you actually going to go back home?"

"Fine, fine I'll leave." Ethan gave up and walked out the door leaving it cracked open like always and that irritates me how he never closes the door.

I turned back to the desk and grabbed my pen. I flipped to a page. I noticed there was a light and shadow on the notebook. I "Huh?" and leaned back into the chair and the light and shadow moved up on the wall in front of me. I stared at the light and shadow but it never moved. I turned my head to the door and the light glowed to the door. I flinched and the light too. I got up from my chair and got up close to the door that had a part of light on it. I kicked the cracked door open and bursted out the door and ran down the hall and slid on the floor like a baseball player and while I slid I grabbed the door handle to the bathroom and held myself half way on the ground and held myself up with my hands on the handle. I'm not that hysterical.

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