Chapter Thirty-Three Blood Scented Air

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 Ami lead us out of the auditorium to another colorful concrete path. Jocelyn, Ethan and Caiden are back and behind us.

"Um Ryan...Is that?" Ethan pointed at my waste.

"Oh! these! I just took I prize from a couple of demons that I killed," I noticed that he was pointing to the tough attached to my waist "Oh I also have one's eyes." I pulled the eyes out of the pouch and showed them. Ami got tired walking so I put her in the sling. I could hear Ami and Jocelyn growl at each other but each time I look back they stop.

The bushes got more thick. The little road widened. Huge round road wrapping around a pretty fountain. The road surrounded by huge bushes, trees and flowers.The whole scene was beautiful. "This is the Royal garden." Ami said to me awing at it.

I walked around the round path and admired the decorative stone fountain. It sprayed mist into the air when you sat on the stones. I love gardens. "Ryan." Caiden called as he walked over to me and the fountain. I put Ami down so she could wander so me and caiden could talk. "Before when you said that you killed a lot of demons. And by yourself, I was wondering why you didn't you just summon me? I would have been of help." Caiden asked.

"You were also fighting the battle what if I summoned you at the wrong time and then the others got hurt? I didn't want to take my chances." I muttered.

"You really never think about yourself do you?" he sighed. I just stared at the rippling water in the fountain.

"I guess I don't."

"You protected the enemy. That was reckless you didn't even know who it was. All you do is protect." Caiden said. I don't want him to talk about that when I am selfish for wanting not to be alone and pondering if I should actually put others in danger.

"Where's Deila?"

"She stayed on Earth to work, she never really goes off Earth so it wasn't surprising."

"What work? I get that she wouldn't leave and all but I've never really known what she does really with the Earth descendents."

"She has her jobs like us." he said.

"That's not what I asked I asked what work?" I sternly said.

"Our dirty work. Now that we have someone within the..." he hesitated.

I glared my red eyes at him.

"One of the royal lines. The Earth descendants have more responsibilities." he said knowing that I would get it out of him no matter what.

"Because I'm the second devil I'm close to the devil. I already know that the first three is royal."

"There is more than just the devil line." he said as he walked away.


"Ami? where are you?" I heard Ethan.

"Don't worry I'll get her." I said and got off the fountain. I walked around the fountain and she wasn't there. -RUSLE- leaves moved in a thick wall of bush. A peace of her cape was dragging underneath the wall. I grabbed it and pulled out Ami covered in leaves. "What were you doing?" I laughed and brushed leaves off of her.

"The path out is completely blocked!" Ami growled at the bush. I examined it. It was taller than the trees and wider than the whole gazebo. Can't fly over it because the trees are forming the canopy, and can't go through it because the brambles are to thick and it seems that there are vines and thorns too.

"Hey guys! The path to get to the town is here but there's a problem." They all came and saw the enormous wall. Ethan thought he could just kick a path open but he just got his foot stuck and we had to pull him out.

Dimension Descendants Ryan CarterWhere stories live. Discover now