Chapter 24

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I was going to update yesterday but kinda going through some personal things and I wasn't able to get around to it I feel bad bc its short too and ugh I'm so sorry 

Well hope its alrighttt 


Luke's P.O.V.

It's been a week since that day. The funeral was yesterday and Vic has started to get better. She hasn't cried too much after I came back, except the funeral. I'm proud of her though, this just means she's getting stronger.

The hardest part of being back home is seeing Nick and Vic together. It makes me feel sick.

I want to be with her again, so badly, but right now I need to help her through all of this.

We've talked about it, and I understand that having to dump him right now is not at the top of her priorities right now, she's very clearly going through one of the worst things she'll ever go through. There's no way I'd pressure her right now, she's really fragile at the moment. She's getting better, but, still.

I'm at Vic's now with Jess and Nick actually. She's sitting across the room with none other than Nick.

"I have to head out to work, I'll see you all later." He says before leaving.

As soon as he leaves Vic comes over and cuddles into my side.

"You know what, I'm gonna go too. I don't want to be a witness to this whole thing behind Nick's back." She says, heading out.

"Wait, Jess, I'm sorry. You know I'm going to deal with this soon." 

She nods, "I know, and I understand you have a lot going on. But I really can't stay and watch you two."

I pull back, "Vic we do need to talk about this.."

"Why." She mumbles, frowning. 

"You know why." I softly reply, feeling awful that I'm starting to push this conversation.

She groans, "I know... I'll talk to him. I will. I'm just so hurt right now, hurting him is going to make it worse. But, there's never a good time."

"If he finds out about what's going on right now he'll be hurt too." I tell her.

She sighs, nodding, "I know. I'm sorry." 

"Do you actually want to be with me?" I ask her.

"Of course! Why would you even ask that?" She replies.

"I was just wondering. I mean you really don't want to break up with Nick, it just makes me think maybe you don't want to be with me." I say.

"Luke I love you and I want to be with you, only you." She says.

"I love you." I tell her. "But Vic we can't continue this much longer he will find out.."

"I know." She sighs.

Soon the front door opens and all I can hear is screaming. "Guess who's home early!"

Vic pulls away from me and smiles, "Guys oh my god!"

She rushes over to the guys and I smile. I'm so happy to see her smiling, even if it's just the guys coming back after not seeing then for a week.

I get up to go see them, and they're all in a group hug.

Vic pulls out of their hug and comes and stands beside me.

"Vic we're sorry about what happened.." Ashton says as Calum and Michael both nod.

Her smile fades from her face.

"Oh, um." She pauses and looks down, "It's fine."

I put my arm around her pulling her close, and she tries hiding her face.

I give them a look and nod for them to leave to the other room.

"Vic.." I softy speak.

"Mhm." She replies.

"Look at me.." I say.

She looks up at me, teary eyed and I frown.

"It's okay, everything is going to be okay. I promised you remember? Just be strong baby." I tell her, placing a kiss to her forehead.

She nods and takes a deep breath.

She gives me a small smile before kissing my cheek.

I love her so fucking much.

I can't wait until she breaks up with Nick.

That sounds terrible and selfish.

Honestly, I can't see myself with anybody other than Vic, I need her.

Everything about her is perfect.

"Luke!" Michael yells snapping me out of my thoughts.

I go and join them in the other room.

I walk in to see Ashton, Calum and Vic all laughing at Michael.

I couldn't care less about what they're laughing about, but they're keeping Vic's mind off everything.

She looks up at me and sticks her tongue out at me and I chuckle, shaking my head at her.


Victoria's P.O.V.

The guys are about leave now, except Luke.

He's still talking with the guys so I go upstairs to my room.

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling just thinking about everything.

I'm snapped from my thoughts when Luke literally jumps on top of me.

"God dammit Luke get off me!" I groan shoving him off.

He laughs and I roll my eyes.

"You suck." I tell him.

"You love me." He says with a playful smile.

"No I don't." I try to keep a serious face but a small smile makes it way onto my face.

"Oh really?" He asks with a smirk.

I nod and he sighs.

"Okay, well I guess I'm going to go then." He says.

"No don't leave, I love you." I reply, wrapping my arms around him.

He chuckles, "I love you too baby."

We lay there in silence as he rubs my back and I sigh.

"Luke?" I say grabbing his attention.

"Yea?" He questions, looking at me.

"I-I think I'm going to talk to Nick tomorrow, to end things." I tell him.

I need to do it soon. I'm so not ready for it, but I can't keep doing this to Luke. I really can't keep doing this to Nick. 

"Vic, don't do it if you aren't ready to. I don't want to pressure you into it." He replies.

"It's better if I do it sooner than later, it's fine." I say.

"You know I'm always going to be here for you, right?" He questions, pulling me closer to him.

"I know. It's been over a year since you first kissed me, think of all the bullshit we've put each other through since then..and we're still here." I give a small smile.

"And over eight years since we first met.. Now how have I put up with you that long?" He jokes.

"Hey..." I whine, playfully smacking his arm.

"I love you." He says.

I sigh and close my eyes, "I love you Luke. I always will."



ok hope you liked ittt

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