Chapter 1

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"Brad!" Mike shrieked and he sat up abruptly. His shook his hair out, droplets of water flinging around. He looked around at the damp covers then glaring up at his best friend, who was laughing hysterically.

"That wasn't funny!" Mike whined. Brad snorted and lightly punched Mike on the shoulder. Mike rolled his eyes and plucked pieces of rubber out of his hair. "A water balloon, Brad? How mature."

"Chill out dude. I'll help you clean up," Brad said as he opened the blinds, letting the early rays of the sun peek into the room, giving it a purple glow.

"What time is it?" Mike asked as he took his soaked shirt off.

Brad motioned towards Mike's bedside table, his digital clock glowing dimly. "Only 6:38."

"Why would you wake me up at the ass crack of dawn?" Mike whined, peeling the soaked covers from his body, taking is shorts off too.

"Just wanna walk. Probably stop by the store or something."

"This early? Don't look."

Brad turned around as Mike stripped behind him, walking towards his dresser drawers and searching for a dry pair of underwear.

"Just 'cause," Brad replied, biting his nail. "I'm bored, and it's Saturday."

Mike zipped up his jeans and walked past Brad, reaching for a shirt that had been tossed onto his desk. "Well get your ass changed and let's go before my parents get up," Mike smirked.

Brad grinned at his best friend and grabbed his bag.


"It's freezing," Mike shuddered, stuffing his hands into his hoodie and shivering. Brad rolled his eyes.

"Pussy, it's like seventy degrees."

"Shut up," Mike grumbled. They neared the drug store. Mike sighed and took his phone out, checking the time.

"It's getting warmer now, won't need to carry around our sweaters all day," Brad reminded Mike.


A low skid resonated behind them and they groaned and made way for a boy skating behind them. The boy skated past them, turning around and glaring at them.

"Fagot!" Mike called behind them. The boy didn't turn around again to face them, but raised his hand and threw them the finger.

"Fucking hell," Brad murmured. "He's stalking you Mike."

"No, don't joke about that!" Mike groaned. "I already get enough of Bennington at school, I hate seeing him outside of school."

Brad chuckled and shook his head. "I'm only joking."

They looked ahead and watched as the boy skated into the parking lot of the store.

"Ugh I swear of he talks to us at all," Mike groaned. Brad shrugged and walked through the sliding doors of the store. "I still can't believe he tried hitting on me," Mike uttered.

"Yeah," Brad agreed, leading Mike into the aisles. "Biggest douche in the school turns out to be gay-"

"He's always been gay dude. You just never pay attention to what's going on around school."

"Whatever," Brad said, waving his hand at Mike as he scanned the aisles, looking for something to buy and snack on. Brad grabbed a bag of chips while Mike took a bag of Hostess donuts, a packet of beef jerky in his other hand. 

"So Joe mentioned something about a concert going on next week," Mike said as they neared the coolers. 

"Is it another rap artist? You know I really don't like rap."

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