Chapter 18

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"What is it?"

Chester hesitated. He bit his lip and whimpered. It was so hard to admit it suddenly. For weeks and weeks he had been dying to have Rob know. Now it just seemed wrong. All he had been doing was using Rob to mask the heartbreak Mike put him through. He was trying to hard to move on. But Chester only had Rob. It was inevitable.

"I like you Rob. A lot."

Rob blinked, his heart aching suddenly. "Chester..."

"I know, it's just...wrong. You like Brad and all," Chester paused and cried. Rob continued to hug Chester, wondering if the hug was actually helping him or making it worse.

"I just..." Chester tried.

"I understand," Rob said quietly. "But...I..."

Chester sniffled. "I know. You don't feel the same."

"Chester, I do like you. But just not in the way you want me to." Chester pressed his lips together, looking down. He looked genuinely hurt. Rob felt sorry for the other teen.

"It still hurts," Chester began. He knew he was going to start rambling, but he couldn't stop himself even if he wanted too. He had too much to drink. "Everything with Mike. He just broke me down. Especially at a time when I needed him the most. Jonathan--He ruined my life.

"I got caught up in a life that I didn't want. And he...he violated my trust and...well, he violated me."

Rob felt taken back, hoping Chester didn't mean what he was trying to say.

"He was obsessed with me and he just--" Chester stopped again. It was hard to talk about. Rob was the first he ever really told. Not even his own parents knew much about that night.

"I'm so sorry Chester." Rob held Chester close, feeling the other boy's body shaking against him. "I'm sorry this stuff happened to you."

"I just needed Mike," Chester cried, his hands coming up to grip Rob's pullover. "I loved him so much."

"You still do," Rob said, almost in a correcting tone. Chester hated it when Rob brought it up. He hated to admit it with every ounce of his being. And he didn't know why.

Knowing Chester didn't want to talk about this further, Rob let go of him and helped him up. Chester stumbled slightly, obviously still very intoxicated. "Let's get that cut cleaned up."

Chester nodded and followed Rob, carefully stepping over the shards broken of glass. Chester sat at the table, thinking it was best for him to stay put and not walk around since he was barefoot. The broken glass was everywhere.

"There's a broom here somewhere," Chester muttered, looking around. Rob nodded and found it leaning against the wall by the driver's area. He began to sweep as much of the glass up.

"We'll have to come back with a vacuum cleaner to get everything out if the carpet," Rob sad as he dumped the glass into the trash bin.

Rob walked towards the sink, hoping the water would run. It did much to his relief. Chester must've really kept everything functional. He was spending most of his time in the vehicle after all. Rob grabbed one of the washcloths in the sink and dampened it with warm water.

After wringing the cloth out, rob walked towards Chester and began to help him clean the makeup from his face. Chester closed his eyes and sighed, glad that Rob was helping him. Rob's gentle hands felt nice and comforting, making Chester feel much better than he was earlier.

Rob moved down to wipe the drying blood from Chester's chest and stomach. Then he moved to wipe blood from his arm and hand.

"Do you keep a first aid kit here?"

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