Chapter 19

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Brad sighed loudly, making Mike's head snap up from his sketchbook. "You still upset over what happen with Elisa?"

"Yeah." Brad rested his chin on his hand, pushing his breakfast away with his other hand. Elisa had ignored him the rest of the weekend. He felt so bad for upsetting her. She didn't even come have breakfast with Brad. He contemplated on asking Anna or Talinda if she was still angry with Brad.

"She'll get around it sooner or later. Just give her time. She'll understand you just forgot."

"Hopefully," Brad muttered his reply. Joe and Rob came back from he breakfast line with food. Rob sat next to Brad and Joe sat next to Mike.

"Did you guys she Chester?" Joe said immediately after he sat down. "He looks like he's a mess."

"No, I didn't see him. He probably partied during the weekend or something," Brad said in a dismissive tone.

"No no, it's different," Joe paused and all four boys glanced at Chester as he walked past them. Brad realized what Joe meant.

Chester usually came to school wearing a leather jacket, platform boots, and tight jeans that usually had two or three belts hanging from his waist. He also usually wore eyeliner, always had a ton of bracelets on each wrist and a spiked collar now and then. He just always looked dressed up. But today, Chester's face was free of makeup, his arms were bare, and he wore a baggy t-shirt and a baggy pair of jeans. He looked like he did before, when they were all friends.

Brad, Mike and Joe all gaped at how different he looked. Then they noticed the gauze tightly and neatly wrapped around his hand.

"This is...different," Brad said, turning back to face everyone else. Mike pressed his lips together and Joe held a smug look.

"Now do you see what I meant?" Joe glanced back at Chester, who was now seated a few tables down with Dave. "Makes me wonder what the heck happened for him to act this way. Look his hand..."

"Yeah, and he doesn't even have that stupid smirk of his," Mike murmured.

Rob felt uncomfortable. He didn't know if it was Chester's outburst or the fact that Rob sort of rejected him that was making him look...depressed. It was probably a mixture of both those things. Rob also thought maybe Chester had continued to drink after he left the older boy alone.

"He's not even responding to Farrel," Joe said.

"What are you talking about, he never responds to him," Brad said. All three teens still seemed put off guard. Chester glanced up and the three boys scrambled back to what they were doing previously. Rob continued to look at Chester though, their eyes meeting. Chester still seemed hurt. Rob's heart ached. He wished there was something he could do for his friend.


Chester sighed and put his head in his arms. He was sick of hearing everyone's hushed whispers when they saw him. The only reason he came to school looking so differently was just out of pure laziness. His weekend had consisted of crying and drinking. Chester was too hungover to even put on his usual get up.

His head pounded and he didn't feel like working on the assignment the teacher passed out. He hated feeling like this. He hated feeling in general. Chester was just so angry that Mike, and Rob at times, made him feel things. He hated being angry too.

Chester shifted in his seat, his headache making him uncomfortable.

Why was everything suddenly so wrong? Everytime he would feel emotions and empathy, everything would seem off. Chester just wanted to feel normal again, free of feeling hurt all the time.

He still had his plan...That was something he could probably look forward to. If he couldn't have Mike, he could have Rob. Rob would sooner or later fall for Chester if the plan went through. It seemed like it was working after all. Elisa was walking around all angry, Brad and Rob were hanging out more, there wasn't really much more Chester had to do before Rob admitted his feelings to Brad.

A small smirk spread across Chester's face. That's just it. There wasn't much waiting left to do. There was only a bit of time left before he made Brad think it was Rob that started the rumors. 

'It's not long now,' Chester thought happily. 


"I really am sorry Elisa," Brad said, holding Elisa's hand in his. Elisa pursed her lips. A big part of her wanted to give into Brad's apology, but she still wasn't sure of everything. She had been somewhat avoiding Brad for the past two days. Brad could just be playing mind games with her, and she probably didn't know. Elisa didn't know if she could trust Brad.

"It''s okay," she sighed, caving. Brad's hurt expression softened. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have gotten so mad." 

"It's alright," Brad kissed her hands, then brought her into a hug. Elisa sighed into his chest, hugging him back tightly. "How about this--I should take you out next weekend? To make it up to you?"

"That'd be nice," Elisa hummed. Brad kissed her and smiled. She smiled back. 

"I'll walk you home, yeah?" Elisa nodded and Brad took her hand. 

From a distance, Rob sighed deeply. He watched the both of them walk away hand in hand. He hoped Elisa believed the rumors more. He wanted her to so badly. Rob didn't care if she got angry with him or Chester, he just wanted Brad. He wanted Elisa's place so badly. He wanted Brad to kiss him, hug him and look at him the way he looks at Elisa.

"You ready to go?" Chester asked. The parking lot was empty other than Rob and Chester standing around Chester's car. He was the only student parked in the area. 

"Yeah," Rob sighed. His heart ached terribly. He wanted to cry and shout, let all his frustration out. Rob entered the car and Chester started the ignition. 

"You okay?" Chester asked, glancing at Rob for a moment before turning the radio on. 

"Yeah...I guess," Rob mumbled.

"Is it about Brad?" Rob nodded. "Oh. I'm still working with Elisa. You won't have to wait much longer, okay?" Rob nodded again and sighed, leaning against the car door. 

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