Chapter 5

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Chester blew the smoke through his lips. It filled the air in front of him. He closed his eyes and felt the warm, humid air around him grow warmer. Leaves crunched beside him.  Opening his eyes, he found Phoenix walking towards him.
The younger boy hopped onto the old, rusted truck, making it rock slightly.

"Hey you," Chester smirked as Dave scooted next to him and took the tank from Chester, putting the mouthpiece between his lips and inhaled. He blew out the smoke and grinned at Chester.

"I got you more flavors," Dave said as he handed the tank back to Chester. "Your favourite too."

"Mhm," Chester closed his eyes again and lay back onto the spread out blanket. The weather was getting warmer and the heat made the back of the truck hot and burning. He couldn't just let himself cook up on the metal.

The two teens lay next to each other, the clouds growing thicker. They sat in an old junkyard, they're little haven.

Old cars, trucks, even an old RV surrounded them. There was mostly scrap metal, broken electric appliances and old automobiles in the junkyard. The junk was so packed together,  it created a maze that only Chester and Dave knew how to get through.

"It's getting warmer," Dave sighed as he turned onto his side to face the blonde boy.

"That means spring showers," Chester murmured, still looking up at the cloud filled sky. He felt Dave's hand on his stomach, inching down to the hem of his shirt.

"I know, you love rain," Dave whispered. His hand was now under Chester's shirt, tracing circles onto his soft skin. Dave's hand was delicate with his movements, making Chester quiver. "You always go out into it."

Chester's eyes shut. He knew what Dave wanted him to do. He's been begging him since they became...what ever they were.

He didn't feel anything towards Dave. He just used him. Chester didn't care about how much Dave "loved" him. He was just a good source of money. But Chester still did small things to pleasure Dave, only to keep him around. He knew he was leading Dave on with the occasional handjobs and blowjobs, but what else could he do. Chester can't just let Dave grow bored with him.

"," Dave kissed along the older boy's jaw. "Mmm..."

The younger male's hand was spread out, lifting Chester's bagging shirt up, exposing his stomach. Chester held his breath as Dave's hand went down his chest, then down his stomach, nudging over his belly button piercing.

Chester gulped and sat up.

"No, not here," he said quickly.

Dave pouted and sat up too. "But we've messed around here too. Let me at least touch you--"

"It's still kinda light out Phi."

"It's sunset Chaz. God...please stop avoiding it..."

Dave put his hand on Chester's thigh and rubbed it. His hand was dangerously close to his crotch. "Please Ches... I want you so bad..."

He watched Dave as his own hand groped himself.

'Needy bitch', Chester snarled in his head when he saw the other boy's excitement already showing. But he couldn't help but watch Dave struggling with arousal, his breathing becoming strained. He had no remorse for the younger teen. Maybe if he just got it over with...

"How bad Phi," Chester breathed, inching towards the red-head, his lips only millimeters away from Dave's. The blonde held his breath to keep himself from shaking. He hated faking it all the time. But it was amusing to see the other teen in such need.

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