Chapter 34

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Brad was mostly quiet as he drove. It worried Rob quite a bit. Elisa breaking up with him left him feeling really down and Rob saw it clearly.

"How have you been feeling?" Rob asked, concerned. He hoped Brad would answer and break the painful silence filling the car. Brad shrugged.

"Well, a bit better I guess. I'm still really upset over everything though," Brad admitted with a sigh. His shoulders rose and fell dramatically. Rob nodded understandingly.

"It's okay to feel that way. You really liked her." Brad glanced over at Rob, a smile appearing on his face.

"Yeah. Thanks for understanding. I wish I could be a little more upbeat right now. I hate being all mopey when we hang out."

Rob shook his head. "Don't worry about it." Then he smiled too. "You can try and clear your mind while we're together." Brad nodded. He pursed his lips.

"Thanks...thanks for being here for me Rob," Brad said quietly. That fluttery feeling was in his tight stomach again. He tried to swallow the feeling away, gulping hard. "I-- I'm really glad your my friend Rob."

Rob continued to smile. "No problem." Brad then gave an airy chuckle, glancing at Rob.

"Did you spike your hair up?"

"Yeah," Rob laughed. "My hair was...getting a little messy."

"I like it," Brad motioned towards Rob's hair. Rob blushed.

"Th-thanks," Rob chuckled.

Brad turned and pulled into the parking lot of the diner. It was mostly empty despite Friday usually being the day the restaurant was packed.

'It might be the storm coming,' Rob thought as he looked up and around at the sky. The wind was picking up. The two teens walked towards the building after Brad locked up the car. Rob shivered. The temperature was starting to drop. He rushed ahead of Brad a bit open the door for him.

"Thanks," Brad grinned. Rob nodded and smiled, walking in after him. A waitress seated them at a table for two, much to Rob's amusement.

"It was that table right there," Brad mumbled. He stared at a table across from them, right by the wall. Rob reached over the table and put his hand gently over Brad's.

"Hey," Rob cooed, noticing Brad's pained look. His tone was similar to Chester's in a way. The same tone he would use on Rob when he was upset. "Don't think about that too much now. You're making yourself upset."

Brad looked at his clenched fist and Rob's hand over his, then he looked up at Rob. "You're right. Sorry." He gulped and wondered why Rob's hand was still over his. His already tight-feeling stomach was feeling tighter with anxiety. The fluttering in his chest swelled.

"Are you gentlemen ready to order drinks?" A waitress asked as she walked up to them, flipping her notebook open. She glanced at their hands, a small bashful smile appeared on her face.

"Uh, yeah," Brad muttered, red-faced. Rob moved his hand away, his face equally as red. They both knew the waitress was getting the wrong idea. "I'll have a coke."

"Sprite, please."

The waitress nodded and scribbled onto her notepad. "Alright, I'll have those out for you in a jiffy." She walked away with the same close-lipped smile. Both boys glanced at each other, an unpleasant silence sifted over them. Brad cleared his throat and shifted in his seat.

"I...have to ask," Brad began. Rob's heartbeat quickened.

'Does he know what I'm going to tell him?' I

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