Chapter 6

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The weekend felt too short. Rob didn't mind though. School kept him distracted from his "friends", distracted from his dilemma.

It was his art period now. He kinda wished Mike or Joe was in this class with him. Or Brad. But Brad always said he wasn't artistic. Mike and Joe were, and they planned to paint the cabin.

Rob sat alone in this class, and it didn't bother him. Everyone was in pairs, and his partner never showed up to class. He didn't know who it was, but as long as they were nice, or never show up, he was alright with the class.

But today, the opposite side if the table was occupied. The person's back was facing towards Rob as he walked into the classroom, but Rob knew very well who it was. He walked slowly towards the table and sat on his own side. 

Chester looked up from his phone and tried to keep himself from choking of his gum. He cleared his throat and almost spat his gum out, but he caught it with his teeth and chewed on it ferociously. Rob glanced at him and put his bag on his lap, opening it and digging a pencil and his sketchbook out. Chester tugged at his hoodie's sleeves. He could feel the heat from Rob's leg radiating onto his own leg. Crossing his legs, Chester looked away and fixed his beanie, pulling it down lower, almost covering his eyes. But in the process of crossing his legs, Chester's knee bumped Rob's leg.

"S-sorry," Chester grumbled. Ripples of hot and cold tumbled in his body. He felt sweaty and gross all of a sudden. 

The bell rang and everyone began to take their seats. The teacher closed the classroom door and stood in front of his desk. 

"Okay everyone. Easy day today. We're just working on yesterday's sketch and essay. If you have not been here for the past week, raise your hand so I can help out."

No one in the class giggled or chuckled, knowing the little joke was aimed at Chester. No one wanted to laugh at Chester knowing what he could do to a person if they ever humiliated​ him. Chester smiled and raised his hand. "You know me well Mr. Marcus." He was trying to keep his cool. There was no way he was embarrassing himself further in front of Rob.

The teacher walked towards the boys' desk and handed Chester a paper with instructions. Chester took it and read it. "Hmm, easy. Thanks."

"No problem. And Mr. Bennington, I know you feel attractive in that beanie, but you have to take it off. You're indoors."

Chester frowned and yanked the beanie off, but he felt some relief when cool air his his head. He was already sweating enough.

Taking his book out, he began to think about how he should pose his subject. The assignment was easy. Draw your favorite person, and write a small essay about why you chose that person. Chester knew who he was drawing. He also knew everyone else was drawing their mom or dad. Or Jesus. 

Chester couldn't help but glance across the table to Rob's sketch book. He recognized the person.

"Joey Kramer?" He blurted. Rob looked up, slightly startled. 

"Oh...yeah..." Rob hesitated. He didn't look at Chester directly.

"Didn't think you liked Aerosmith. Thought Shinoda might've turned you onto N.W.A. or something."

"Oh no, I love Aerosmith," Rob found himself saying. 'Oops. Nope, stop talking Rob.'

"Wow, don't hear that from a lot of people now a days." Chester chuckled, doodling on his book. "What turned you onto them?"

"My mom," Rob said, growing more confident, the little nagging voices of his friends fading away. "She actually, um, dated Joey."

"No fucking way!" Chester gushed. "You're lying!"

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