Chapter 23

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Rob chewed his lip as Brad grabbed his finger and gently moved it to a different fret. "There ya go! A minor," Brad laughed. Rob strummed the note and blushed when Brad clapped happily.

"You actually learn fast! I tried teaching Joe, but he made it so difficult," Brad said smiling widely. Rob pursed his grinning lips, flattered.

"I don't think it's too hard," Rob admitted. Brad chuckled, glancing up at Rob. Rob's cheeks were a soft rosy shade, lips pressed together bashfully. Brad gulped. It was that feeling again.

"Uhm, erm--Why don't we take a break and have a snack?" Brad suggested. Rob nodded and set the guitar down on it's stand. Brad's hands were sweaty as he stood up, steading himself with the headboard of the bed. What was happening to him?

Rob followed him out of the room. "What do you feel like eating?"

"I'm fine with whatever," Rob said. Brad nodded, walking into the kitchen. Rob sat at the dinner table, taking his phone out. Once out of sight, Brad exhaled an uneasy breath. He leaned against the counter, head over the sick. He brought a shaky hand to turn the cold water. It was uncomfortably hot and humid.

Brad was starting to think it was just him. It was like this the last few times he and Rob had hung out. His hands would become clammy and sweaty, his chest and belly were filled with a light fluttery feeling, and his face would heat up. And then he would be happy. Brad would see Rob and a smile would just find its way to his lips.

Brad sighed again and splashed the water on his face. He recognised all these feelings. He had them when he first met Elisa. He still felt them time to time when he was with her, but it wasn't as intense as it had been with rob. Grabbing the dish towel hanging from the cupboard beneath the sink, Brad patted his face dry. The heat in his cheeks dissipated, only for a moment.

What he was couldn't be what he thought it was. There was no way. He loved Elisa. Brad shook the thought from his head, heading to the freezer to take out some ice cream cones. He grabbed two of them and walked into the dining room.

"It's getting a lot warmer, so I figured ice cream is the best thing right now," Brad said as he handed Rob one of the cones. Rob chuckled and thanked him.

"So thoughtful," he joked. Rob opened the white wrapper. It crinkled loudly for a moment before he pulled it off the cone. Brad opened his, eyes on Rob as he began to bite the thin layer of chocolate surrounding the scoop of ice cream. Brad gulped. Rob's tongue licked the ice cream, his lips going on to grab more. Brad sat next to Rob hesitantly, tearing his eyes away for only a moment. He started to eat his snack to, trying his best to keep his eyes off Rob. The way he was eating just made him even more uncomfortable.

But his eyes still reverted back to the younger teen, watching his movements. Rob licked his lips. Brad looked away again.

"Erm, you excited to graduate?" Brad was hoping that a conversation would divert his mind.

"I honestly haven't given it much thought."

"Well it's only about a month and a half away," Brad chuckled. Rob shook his head.

"Well one that you say how much time we have left, it's a little scary."


"Well, we're going onto college, or just going out in the real world and all."

"That is a little scary." Rob chuckled this time, finishing the last of the small ice cream cone he had. Brad gulped. "So do you like anyone?"

Rob froze and bit his lip. Brad mentally slapped himself. It was a sudden question and he didn't know why he wanted to know all of a sudden.

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