Chapter 21

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Chester looked surprised to see Rob sitting at the table, waiting for him. Rob bit his lip. "I came to check on you," Rob said. Chester closed the RV door behind him.

"I'm alright."

"You just seemed...sad, yesterday."

"I'm better now," Chester assured Rob. Chester put his car keys on the table then walked to the back room to turn his Hi-Fi on. Rob followed him.

"You don't need to worry about me," Chester said as he changed out the CDs in the Hi-Fi. Rob pursed his lips and sat on the bed.

"I just wanted to make sure," Rob sighed.

"I wanted to ask..." Chester sat next to him. "Things aren't gonna change between us, right? We'll still be friends?"

"Of course," Rob said nodding. Chester grinned. Perfect.

"That's good. I can't bear to lose another friend. You're really all I have Rob."

Rob smiled at Chester. He couldn't see how Mike despised Chester so much. He didn't seem like the malicious, manipulative psychopath his other friends portrayed him as.

But he didn't know that Chester was being just that at that very moment. Chester continued to smile sweetly. He was still coaxing Rob into thinking he didn't mean harm. He just needed Rob to stick around longer. Just until Brad rejected Rob. Maybe then Rob will change his mind and try to like Chester back.

"I'm just happy to have a friend like you. No one's ever cared this much about me," Chester continued softly. "I appreciate that."

He leaned over to hug Rob tightly, his face burying into his shirt. He grinned as he felt Rob hug him back.

"I'm more than happy to be your friend Ches," Rob sighed happily. Chester then moved to nuzzle against Rob's neck, his arms still wrapped around Rob's torso as he scooted closer to him.

"Thank you so much Rob," Chester hummed. Rob continued to hug Chester, unaware of what Chester was trying to do.

Chester looked up at Rob. He was so close. If only he could...his lips were only inches away...should he...?

Chester gulped and decided against it. He couldn't become to eager again. He might blow his last chance. But waiting was killing him, it hurt so much. He took a small breath and kissed Rob's neck. Rob jumped a bit at the feeling, but calmed down.

He was slowly beginning to panic on the inside, but he remembered Chester was still hurting. Maybe he just did that for comfort. Rob rested his cheek on Chester's crown, sighing. How could he help his hurting friend?



"Stay with me tonight? Please?" Chester asked quietly, his body pressing further against Rob's side. Rob nodded reluctantly, hoping this was something that could help Chester. He saw Chester smiling as he pulled Rob back onto the mattress with him. Rob's heart was racing, but he kept Chester in his arms. 

"I'm sorry I've made things difficult," Chester sighed as he got comfortable against Rob. 

"You haven't done anything wrong," Rob assured Chester, petting his hair. Chester hummed in response, already drifting asleep. 


Rob stirred in his sleep. Chester's eyes fluttered open. His head was resting against Rob, one of Rob's arms were slung around him. He grinned and nuzzled further into Rob, hoping the younger teen wouldn't wake up.

Much to his dismay, Rob did wake up. But he didn't get out of the position they were in.

"Good morning," Chester grinned. Rob smiled and yawned.

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