Chapter 8

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Rob put his tray down. Joe rambled on about some show while Mike doodled in his sketch book. Brad was listening to Joe, nodding at every other word.

"I mean, it doesn't make any sense. If Regina wanted Henry so bad, she would've already made a move."

"Joe. This is a show for little kids. Stop it," Brad laughed.

"Hey Rob," Mike greeted. Mike eyed him. "How was your weekend? We missed you back at The Shack."

"It was...good, I guess. I--I hung out with my mom."

"That's cool." Mike went back to drawing and Brad faced Rob. Rob didn't look at him though, he felt too nervous.

"You seem a little qu--"

"You wanna eat out again?"

Brad blinked. "Huh?"

"I mean...uh, with everyone else...this time. Since we...since it was just us."

"Oh, I see. What do you guys think?"

"Depends where," Joe replied, opening a bag of chips.

"I'm down to eat where ever," Mike said, still looking at his sketchbook.

"Cool. How about tomorrow afternoon?" Brad suggested. "Maybe Village Inn. I could really go for a pie."

"Yum," Joe chuckled. Rob grinned and then it faltered. Mike glanced at him, then glared.


Brad stuffed his hands in his pockets as a small breeze washed over him. All three boy were walking to Mike's house for a sleepover. It wasn't warm enough during the night hours for a sleepover at The Shack.

"Sucks Rob couldn't come with us," Brad sighed. Joe grunted, still staring down at the game on his phone.

"Yeah," Mike answered. "Brad, do you think he has other friends now?"

"What do you mean?" Brad looked over at Mike, but Mike kept looking forward.

"I don't know. He's been 'hanging out with his mom' an awful lot." Mike raised his hands and made quotations with his fingers.

"He did say his mom went through a divorce while they moved over here," Joe piped in. "Maybe they just want to spend time together."

"Yeah maybe," Brad nodded. "You know, we should really treat him tomorrow when we go out to eat. He's probably been through a lot lately."

Mike nodded, but looked back down at the pavement. He smelled it when Rob came to sit at the table. He smelled it since last week. It was a familiar strawberry scent that he only smelled on one person.

"The strawberry flavor is my favorite. I love strawberries, I love them even more when I can smoke them."

Mike sighed. He knew. He just knew Rob was friends with Chester now. It didn't matter to him, but what was really bothering him was maybe Chester already opened his mouth. Rob probably knew everything by now. He probably knew how Mike really did feel. And he knows he's hiding it.

Joe's phone clattered to the sidewalk and Mike looked up. Dave and a few other kids stood in front of him. Sam giggled as Dave smirked.

"Should maybe watch where you're going. Don't want to break that phone."

Joe scowled and picked his phone up. "This is the reason why I bought this expensive case," Joe mumbled. Dave frowned and slapped it out of Joe's hand again.

"Oh sorry my hand slipped," Dave said, making a surprised look. Sam kicked the phone away from Joe as he bent to pick it up.

"Come on Farrel knock it off," Brad said, getting fed up with Dave's behavior. Dave ignored him and pushed Mike.

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