Chapter 13

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Brad smiled sweetly as Elisa nuzzled into his chest, lacing her fingers with Brad's. It was warmer like this. The rain had come back, it was cold and breezy again. The first bell hadn't rung yet and they were sitting outside on the metal bleachers of the football practice field. Over students were there, tossing around a football. Others sat on the growing grass, talking and some eating breakfast. Few people sat on the metallic bleachers too.

"You want to go inside and get breakfast, it's getting a little chilly out here." Brad nodded, giving Elisa's shoulder a soft rub in attempt to make her feel warmer. The couple stood up, making their way down the stands. They walked towards the building, walking briskly. Elisa shivered, warmth greeting the pair as warm air greeted them. 

"Ugh, this weather!" Elisa exclaimed, rubbing her hands together.

"I hate the cold, but the rain is nice," Brad chuckled. "Do you want my sweater?"

"Yes, please," Elisa groaned playfully. Brad laughed as he unzipped his hoodie and gave to Elisa. She put it on, wrapping herself tightly in it. "Much better," she sighed.

Brad laughed and took her hand, the pair getting in the breakfast line. Once they grabbed their food, they sat at the end of one of the lunch tables.

"Is it just me, or is the oatmeal always too bland?" Elisa asked as she opened the small container that held the oatmeal. 

"No, it's definitely missing like sugar or something," Brad agreed, taking a spoonful of oatmeal and shoving it into his mouth. He smiled at Elisa, the two eating quietly, enjoying each other's company. It had been like this for two weeks now; The couple would arrive early to spend time alone together, then Mike and Joe would show up, along with a few of their other friends.

"Hey you two love birds," Mike greeted, grinning, Joe behind him.

"What's up." Mike sat next to Elisa, Joe next to Brad. 

"Fiore and Rob came over yesterday, and dude you missed it!" Joe exclaimed, waving his hands. He took out his phone. "So like, we were all chilling out, and Rob just kinda mentioned he played drums, so everyone begged Mike to let us use his drum kit."

"It's true," Mike laughed, shaking his head. 

"We got Rob to play, and he's really good!" Joe squealed. He turned his phone so Brad could see the video he clicked on. Rob was seated at the drum set, hesitating, drumsticks in hands. Brad could hear Mark, Joe and Mike all urging him to play something. Rob caved and then started playing a simple rhythm, then it slowly built up, growing a little more complicated. Then, Rob was playing something similar to a drum solo Brad had heard before. 

"He's playing a Joey Kramer solo," Brad breathed. He was taken back. Joe was right. Rob really did have talent. He continued to watch the video, Rob's arms skillfully moving. Then the video ended. Brad kinda wished he was there, watching Rob play. But he had spent the previous at a volleyball game watching Elisa. "That's so fucking cool."

Joe moved the phone to show Elisa, talking excitedly about the solo Rob was playing. She nodded, trying her best to look interested, but Brad could see she was growing bored with the five minute video. 

"Hey, where is Rob?" Brad asked, suddenly realising that his friend didn't show up with Mike and Joe. 

"He texted us saying he was gonna be late. Not sure why," Mike muttered. 


As if on queue, Rob set his bag down, sitting next to Joe. "Sorry guys. I needed to help my mom with some stuff."

"Yeah," Mike said, eyeing Rob. Rob raised an eyebrow, and then faced everyone else.

"What are you freaking out about?"

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