Chapter 39

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The whir of the electric A/C drowned out the sound of the rustling of sheets. Rob stirred and his eyes fluttered open. It was still sort of dark out. It was probably five in the morning by the looks of it. Rob sighed and closed his eyes. It was always on the days he wanted to sleep in. As he settled back into bed, he realized the spot next to him was empty.

The spot still felt warm, meaning Chester had just gotten up. Rob crawled off the bed and looked past the curtain into the rest of the RV. Empty. Then the little sliver of light caught his eye. The bathroom door was slightly ajar. It was impossible to peep through the slit from where he was standing, so Rob stepped out of the room and towards the door.

He was sure to tiptoe and move quickly, yet nimbly, as some parts of the RV floor creaked. Once he was close enough to see the right wall, he inched further into the RV so he could see more left. He could see Chester leaning his butt against the sink.

What Rob saw next made his jaw fall open. Chester's face looked like he was in some sort of pain, but Rob couldn't be more wrong. The blonde's hand was in his sweats, in between his legs. His hand was pumping in a slow rhythm. Chester's shirt and hoodie were both crumpled up on the floor.

Rob felt himself grow so quickly he felt lightheaded for a moment. He gulped then walked closer to the door so he could press his cheek on the door frame and have a closer peek. Chester paused then pulled his cock out. Rob was breathing hard, yet he managed to stay quiet. He started touching himself too. He didn't go right into it though.  He just squeezed himself through his pjs.

Chester emitted a small groan and then quickly suppressed it. He spit into his hand then kept going. At this rate, he was begging to be caught. He wanted to get caught. Little did he know he already had been.

Rob's hand was already pumping too. He used his pointer finger to push the door a little more open. He was tempted to slide it down more, but Chester would see him. He did anyways. It was too late to stop it when his finger pushed too hard and the door slid half way open. Chester's eyes snapped open and looked at Rob. He quickly pretended to cover his member and attempt to pick his sweats up.

Rob didn't move however. He was frozen. Chester eyed at him. The boy was too flustered and embarrassed to react. Chester adjusted his pants then moved towards his friend. Rob began to put his dick away but Chester grabbed his hands and kneeled down.

Rob was shaking as he watched Chester take his cock into his mouth. He gasped and felt white hot chills run through his body as he felt the new sensation. He groaned and began to slump back after a few seconds.

Chester pulled back, making a "pop" noise. He stood up and pulled Rob to the room. He sat Rob on the bed and got back down and in between his legs. Chester began sucking again immediately and left Rob squirming and moaning shyly.

"Oh my-" Rob felt like he was the hardest he ever was in his life. He felt like he was gonna-

Chester pulled back again. He looked up at Rob. This was the moment he worked so hard to get to.

"Robbie... fuck me," Chester whispered as he stood up and took off his sweats. He was completely naked in front of Rob. He could tell the other boy's eyes were eating up the image.

Rob looked at Chester then down at his member. It was standing straight up and visibly throbbing. Chester's slender figure moved closer to Rob and pushed him back so his back collided roughly with the mattress. Rob could see the pre cum run down the side of his cock and he groaned. Chester reached under the bed and pulled a bottle out. He squirted some liquid into his hand and stroked Rob. It was cold but it made Rob quiver.

"Am I your first?" Chester asked quietly.

Rob nodded shyly. Chester smiled and straddled Rob. He sat down slowly, easing Rob in. Both teens moaned and groaned. Once finally inside, Rob felt a million different sensations flood over him. His heart was pounding so hard he felt his heartbeat every blood vessel in his body.

He looked up at Chester. The blonde looked back at him with sultry eyes as he moved up against Rob slowly. A moan escaped him. Chester smirked.

The older boy started to move his hips faster and faster. The movements made Rob's toes curl and his hips raise. Chester gasped at the returning movement from Rob and his legs tensed. He fell into his hands, groaning and humming contently. Rob's hands rose to Chester's hips and began thrusting. Chester cried out happily.

Chester fell next to Rob, out of breath and breathing hard. The younger teen was breathing the same, just as flustered and tired as Chester. He felt sore and cramped, having not felt that sensation in a while. For Rob, his whole body and mind were reeling.

I just lost my virginity, he thought frantically. His body was still burning with afterglow, the excitement of the whole thing was still reeling in his head. The boy wasn't sire what to think. He looked down at his torso, he was still half naked as pants were pooled around his ankles. Chester was still laying next to him, completely naked and shameless.

"How was that?" Chester asked him quietly. Rob shrugged.

"I...liked it," was what he could muster. His heart was jumping out of him, he was still a little hard.

Chester smirked. Something stirred inside him, some sort of satisfaction. "You can do that as much as you want," Chester whispered, laying on his side to face Rob. "I don't mind."

"R-right now?" Rob stuttered out. Was Chester expecting him to keep going?

Chester laughed and put a hand on Rob's belly. "No, unless you really wanna."

"I'm okay," Rob mumbled. Chester guggled then sat up. He bent over the bed to grab his pants and boxers. He hopped up and put them on quickly and reached under the bed for his bong.

Rob wondered how it felt for Chester. Rob assumed he would've been laying low from the soreness... At least Rob knew he would be. He didn't really see himself as a bottom when he was around Chester, even though he was more submissive around the older boy.

As Chester packed a bowl, Rob sat up to put his pants back on. Chester only had his boxers back on and was sitting cross-legged on the bed, taking a huge hit from the bong. After he blew out a large plume of smoke, he handed it to Rob.

"Here, you need this right now," Chester giggled. Rob took the piece and the lighter, feeling the other boy's hand on his back immediately after. "You know you took a huge step right?"

Rob raised an eyebrow, a non verbal "what do you mean?" since he was busy smoking. Chester smiled.

"You just had sex with a boy Robbie," Chester giggled. "And that's okay, it's okay to explore things like that."

Rob blew out a surprising amount of smoke. He coughed a bit while he handed Chester back his bong. He also immediately started feeling different. "I guess I just can't believe it," he replied.

"You will," Chester smirked before taking another hit. "You've only opened a new door." Smoke leaked from his mouth and nostrils as he spoke. He offered the piece to Rob and the young boy decided more was okay.

After all, he just lost his virginity.

A part if him wished it was Brad, but the smaller, sadder side of him knew it was impossible, and it was content he shared that moment with Chester instead.

As Rob was thinking and preparing to take a hit, Chester's hand came up to rub his back, sending small tingles across Rob's back.

"I haven't had normal sex in a while?"

"Normal?" Rob coughed.

"It's always out of spite, anger, or for money, or something like that." Chester sighed. "I thought it would be like this with Mike, but well he..." Chester drifted off, pressing his lips. Then he waved his hand. "Whatever, forget all this, why don't we go out today? It's a nice Saturday."

Rob hesitated, then nodded. "Sure, yeah."

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