Chapter 24

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Brad fumbled with the buttons on his shirt his hands shaking. He didn't get why he was nervous. It was maybe because Rob sat on his bed watching him. He made eye contact with Rob through the mirror.

"Are you still planning on wearing that vest over that?"

"Yeah," Brad breathed, finally able to get his shirt properly buttoned up. He turned around to face Rob.

"I'd say ditch it. It's not gonna be a very formal thing," Rob suggested, biting his nail. Brad pursed his lips. Rob was right.

"Maybe if I just put on--"

"Brad, she isn't gonna judge how you dressed," Rob laughed. He got up from the bed and walked towards Brad. His hands went under the hem of the button up dress shirt Brad wore, straightening it out. Brad shuddered when Rob's fingers brushed against his belly, softly grazing.

"Sorry," Rob said meekly, cheeks reddening.

"It's fine, you're only helping," Brad sputtered. Rob smiled sheepishly, cheeks still red. Brad chuckled fairly and looked back at his mirror. He did look fine with the dark blue dress shirt on, sleeves rolled up. He wore his black skinny jeans and a pair of black converse.

"You'll be fine Brad," Rob assured when he noticed Brad's nervous look. "You've been on a date before."

"I don't think it's that," Brad muttered. And it really wasn't. It was probably the lingering feather-like touch on his belly. Or maybe it was the feeling that had continued to stick with Brad, even with his constant denial.

"Then what is it?" Rob asked curiously.

"I can't really say."

Rob shrugged and watched Brad as he fumbled through his drawers, looking for a tie. Once he found one he looped it around his neck, fingers slipping and fumbling trying to tie it.

"Maybe a tie wouldn't be best," Rob chuckled as he grabbed it away from Brad. Then he flattened Brad's collar back down, using the tips of his fingers to flatten in. Brad cursed inwardly as he began to sweat, Rob's delicate touches sending hot chills through out his body.

The doorbell rang and Brad let out a sigh of relief. The two boys walked into the living room to open the door. Brad smiled happily when he saw Elisa. She smiled back.

"Hey. You look beautiful," Brad said sweetly. And he meant it. She wore a simple light blue dress. Her hair was up in a half-ponytail, braided on the sides.

"Thank you," she giggled, "You look quite sharp yourself." Elisa's smile faltered as she caught a glimpse of Rob. She tried her best not to frown. "What's he doing here?"

"Rob was just helping me get ready," Brad replied airily. He felt Rob's gaze on the back of his head, burning and itching. He gulped.

"Anyways I wanna show you something," Brad took Elisa's hand, cringing once he realized how sweaty his hands still were. He lead her off the porch and towards the driveway.

"What is it?"

"This." The couple stood at the driveway. Elisa looked puzzled.

"What am I supposed to be looking at? All I see is a car," she said looking around.

Brad grinned, "Exactly."

Then Elisa beamed. "It's yours?" Brad nodded proudly. "This is so awesome!" Elisa took both of Brad's hands, jumping a little. She hugged him tightly and kissed him, lingering a bit. She did this hoping Rob could see.

Rob did see it from where he stood at the doorway. It pained his heart to see Brad kissing Elisa back, but he didn't worry too much. Chester was taking care of this for him and he had faith.

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