Chapter 35

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Rob sobbed and sobbed in the passenger seat as Chester drove. The windshield wipers were working madly against the pouring rain. Chester looked over at Rob sadly. He really did feel bad for the younger boy, but he had gotten what he wanted.

"It'll be okay Rob," Chester tried. Rob's crying didn't cease as he shook his head vigorously.

"No," he hiccupped. "I really like him and h-he hates me now."

"It's not your fault, okay. If he doesn't want to realize how awesome you are, then his loss."

Rob continued to cry. Not matter what Chester said, it wasn't going to make him feel better. It hurt so much. He actually thought Brad would take it better. Rob had his hopes up.

The rain didn't seem to cease as they pulled up to the junkyard. Chester maneuvered his car as close to the RV as possible, not wanting to get drenched in rain again. Chester parked and went around the side to get Rob out. The poor kid was crying so much his legs were shaking.

"C'mon Robbie," Chester sighed. The two rushed inside the vehicle. Once inside, Chester peeled the wet leather jacket off of Rob and hung it to dry in the restroom. Rob's sobbing had finally quieted into short small cries and hiccups. Chester took Rob's hand and tugged him towards the backroom. He sat the younger teen down on the bed.

"Hey, hey. You're gonna be okay Robbie," Chester cooed. He hugged Rob after sitting down beside him, rubbing his back. The two teens rocked back and forth, Chester still trying to hush Rob. "Here, lie down."

Rob nodded and lay on his side. He buried his face in Chester's shoulder and continued to weep. Chester's fingers ran through Rob's damp hair. The rain had washed all the gel out, leaving it messy again. He rested his chin against Rob's head, arm's snaking around him.

"I'm s-sorry I'm s-so upset r-right now," Rob sobbed. Chester tsked and shook his head.

"No need to apologize at all. It's okay to cry, you're upset." And Rob did keep crying. It was probably the most he had ever cried, and it was making him feel slightly better. But eventually he did stop. He was getting a sinus headache and his throat was slightly hoarse.

"Better?" Chester asked. He didn't know why he asked, Rob was obviously gonna be hurt for a while. But still, Rob nodded hesitantly.

The rain had calmed down to a soft patter, making it seem more relaxing. Chester sighed, loving the feeling. He had Rob in his arms as Rob clung onto him, his Hi-Fi was playing Depeche Mode softly and the rain complimented the atmosphere. It was almost perfect. All he had left now was sleeping with Rob. And not in the way that was about to happen now.

Rob yawned and hesitantly put his arms around Chester. Chester smirked, unseen by Rob. "Get some sleep hon."


Brad cried out angrily and threw whatever was in front of him. That poor object happened to be his phone. He sighed and was thankful it had the near bullet-proof case on or else it would've shattered against the wall.

Brad huffed and curled up on his bed, bringing his knees up to his chin. The storm seemed to get worse with each passing moment. He thought about Rob and how the other boy cried out when Brad left. 'Good. He deserved it,' Brad thought bitterly.

'Poor Elisa,' Brad thought then. He felt so bad for her. She liked Brad and Rob and Chester ruined it all. She believed the rumors those two maliciously spread. Maybe he could tell her the rumors were Rob's fault, maybe she'll like him again.

Too many emotions were running through him. Too many thoughts. What was he gonna do now? Rob deceived him, his closest friend, and he lost his girlfriend because of it. Brad didn't even know if Elisa would come back to him after hearing everything. Brad curled up even more, his legs almost pressing against his chest. He whined and sighed. Why was everything so suddenly wrong? Earlier in the year, everything was perfect. He had Elisa and he was happy.

'Rob ruined everything.'

Brad's phone vibrated on the floor by the wall. He sighed and stood up the retrieve it from the other side of the room. It was a message from Mike: 'Call me asap.'

Brad frowned. He really didn't want to talk to Mike, or anyone, at all. He was too upset but he dialed Mike's number either way. His friend probably heard about what happened. It was a small town and he knew Benji told everyone what happened. He'll have to deal with that later.


"Hey, Mike. You wanted me to call you?"

"Yeah, I did." He could hear Mike shifting on the other end. "I heard what happened. Words gotten around."

"I figured," Brad sighed. He sat up.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Hm. I can't get a hold of Rob."

Brad scowled. "Why should you care. He ruined everything." He heard Mike sigh and they didn't speak for a few moments.

"He really did like you Brad."

"You knew?" Brad cried out. "And you didn't tell me?"

"I wanted him to tell you, and he wanted to tell you himself."

"That doesn't change the fact that he started those stupid rumors!" Brad spat.

"You know it wasn't really him right? It was Chester. He asked Chester to do something about Elisa, and he wasn't specific. Sure, it still wasn't really right of him, but you can't blame him for everything."

"I don't care who started what!" Brad shouted. Tears were swelling in his eyes. "He fucking ruined my relationship with Elisa! I don't give a rat's ass if he's gay over me!"

Mike was silent again, Brad breathed heavily. He heard Mike sigh again, then he spoke up again.

"Remember when you told me about Rob talking to you about someone he had a crush on?" Brad did remember, but he didn't tell Mike that. "He said something about it being complicated, how the person he like was with someone else. And you still assured him he'd get that chance with that person."

Brad huffed. It was true. But maybe if he had known he had been the one Rob was referring to, then his response would've been different. Mike apparently knew that too.

"You still told him to go for it, even though he said his crush was already with someone else."

Brad didn't reply at all and he heard Mike huff. The line beeped signaling that he hung up. Brad huffed again. Whatever. He didn't need Mike. He looked at his phone. Brad knew at any second, his phone was going to blow up with messages from his friends and other people at school, even the ones he didn't know. Rob once again was gonna ruin his reputation.

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