Chapter 27

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Brad tossed and turned, finally settling on his back. He sighed and cursed silently, hoping the lack of sleep wouldn't affect him later on in the day. It was the third time he had woken up and he had to get up for school in three hours. 

Brad's heart ached as he thought about having to see Elisa in school. She didn't talk to him for the remainder of the weekend. Brad just hoped things would be better between them if they just talked.

There was a twinge of guilt in Brad's chest. He still liked Elisa, a lot. But then there were the unnamed feelings of affection for Rob that welled up in him. Brad whined quietly. He wanted to push away this feelings. Rob was his friend. One of his best friends. His stomach twisted painfully, his skin starting to sweat. Brad needed Elisa.


"Hey! Elisa wait up!" Joe shouted as he ran after Elisa. He caught up to her, slightly out of breath.

"What?" Elisa turned around, somewhat annoyed, thinking it was Rob. Her look suddenly became apologetic when she realized it was Joe who had called her. "Oh, hi Joe."

"Sorry to bug you, but Brad really wants to talk to you."

Elisa gave him a sour frown, huffing and turning to walk away. "Tell him I don't want to talk."

"But he's miserable, Elisa," Joe persisted. Elisa sighed. She turned back to Joe.

"Alright then."


Brad paced back and forth. He paused and kicked at the grass. He tried to ignore the shouts and laughing behind him from the people enjoying their lunchtime. Brad just wished he could be enjoying himself too, with Elisa. He sighed heavily and sat down on the metallic bleachers.

Off in the distance, Brad could see Elisa, Anna and Talinda trailing behind her. Her friends had worried looks, Talinda bit her nails nervously. Elisa turned to them, saying something and they stopped walking, nodding slowly to what she said. Anna and Talinda stayed where they were as Elisa walked closer to Brad.

Brad stood up quickly, his quivering lips pulling into a small smile. He was so relieved to see her. "Elisa..." Brad walked closer but she stepped back slowly.

"Brad, we...I don't think this is going to work anymore."

"W-what?" Brad stuttered. His legs felt weak and gelatinous, a large weight suddenly dropping in his stomach. "Elisa what--"

"It's not going to work." Tears began to well in her eyes. "And it makes me angry that this couldn't turn out the way I thought it would."

"What are you--"

Elisa continued to interrupt Brad, angry tears streaming her face. "How can I be okay with you when you like someone else? When you're just lying to me!"

"Those are rumors Lis," Brad whined. He wanted to take her hands in his, hold them tightly and beg for her not to go.

"You need to just stop. They're not and both of us know very well." Elisa stepped back further. "Bye Brad." She turned around and walked back to Anna and Talinda. The two other girls wrapped their arms around Elisa. They both turned and glanced at Brad with a grave look.

Brad sat back down on the bleachers. He could feel eyes on him. The other students around him knew that he had just been dumped. Some of them snickered and laughed quietly, others glanced at him sadly.

The lump forming in Brad's throat was hard to swallow. What he had feared the entire weekend just happened, and it seemed like there was no way to fix anything anymore. Fists balled up tightly, Brad sniffled and stood up. His friends were most likely in the library now.


Rob jumped when he saw a few people run up to the tale he sat at with Mike and Joe. It was a group of about five people.

"Mike!" It was Mark. Mark Fiore was behind him and Ben was with them too. Heidi and Sam still trying to catch up.

"What happened?" Mike asked, sighing as he moved a chess piece across the board. Joe scowled when Mike took one of his pieces.

"Elisa dumped Brad!" Sam called out as she pushed through Mark and Ben.

"Shouldn't you be with your new clique?" Joe asked as he glared her down. Sam glared back.

"Well Heidi just wanted to hang out, and Ryan is being dumb right now. Chester and Dave are just missing."

Rob could see Mike visibly gulp at the mention of Chester and Dave. 'He's jealous,' Rob thought curtly, biting his lip to keep himself from smiling.

"That's all you guys came to say?" Mike asked wearily, rubbing his brow. "We would've found out anyways, no need to come make a racket."

Mark opened his mouth to say something, but he decided against it, shaking his head. "Well, I thought we'd let you know. We were planning to say it less rudely than Samantha."

Sam stuck her tongue out at Mark. "Rude? How was I being rude?"

"You just came in here blurting out things," Mark argued back. Fiore sighed and pulled Mark away, obviously not wanting drama between the two.  Sam crossed her arms and glared at Ben.

"I suppose you go follow them." Ben shrugged and then followed the pair of boys. Sam turned to Mike.

"Chester said he wanted to talk to you, surprisingly." Mike's eyes bulged and he looked at Sam. Then he looked at Rob, worry etched on his face.

Looking back at Sam, Mike gulped. "Did he say why?"

"No, actually. I thought he hated you. I'm just surprised he wants to talk to you."

"You and me both," Mike murmured.
While Sam and Mike had their exchange, Heidi inched closer to Joe, peering at what he was doing. He had taken out his sketchbook, not wanting to partake in the conversation.

"What are you drawing?" Heidi asked quietly. Joe jumped slightly.

"Oh, erm, just doodling."

"It looks nice," Heidi squeaked. Her cheeks were reddening.

"Thanks," Joe replied, glancing at her for a brief second, smiling softly.

Sam tugged at Heidi's shirt, signaling for her to follow. Heidi pursed her lips, cheeks still warm.

"Chester wants to talk to me?" Mike said absent mindedly.

"Are you going to?" Rob asked. Mike shrugged, sighing shakily.

"He's probably gonna jump you," Joe said jokingly.

"Probably." Mike tried laughing, but his voice trembled. Joe caught it and looked at him with a puzzled look.

Mike looked down at the table, his hands shaking and sweaty.

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