Chapter 14

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Brad smiled as he stared at his phone. Joe did end up posting the video of Rob on his Instagram. It actually had quite a few likes, and all the comments from their friends were positive, surprised, but positive.

"You've had that video on replay for a while." Brad turned red and muted the video, his mom laughing. "Is that one of your friends?" She leaned over to look at the phone.

"Rob, yeah." He played the video for her.

"Hm, that's pretty cool," she said, nodding. "You should invite drummer boy over sometime, since you talk about him all the time. Give me a chance to meet him." She laughed again and Brad laughed too, a little embarrassed.

"I'll see when he can."

"Alright. Well, go wash up, your food's nearly done." She patted him on the back and left for the kitchen. Brad looked back at his phone, smiling at the video playing. There was something about watching Rob that made his heart flutter. Maybe it was because Brad recognized the solo? Whatever it was, it had him grinning at his phone like an idiot for nearly 20 minutes.


"Um, when?" Rob asked.

"Whenever you're free, Brad replied, biting his nails. He heard some whispering. It sounded like he was talking to a woman, probably his mom.

"I can go this Friday. Is that alright?"

"Yeah,'s perfect," Brad smiled, despite Rob not even being there to see it. "You can come after school."

"I will. Th-thanks."

"No problem. Bye Rob."

"Bye." He hung up and sighed happily, clutching his phone.


Rob collapsed on his bed, grabbing his pillow and hugging it. His face was red and he had a wide grin plastered on his face. Brad invited him over. Brad invited him to his house.

Rob giggled happily and squeezed his pillow. Then he sat up to grab his phone. He had to tell Chester. Then he stopped. What would Chester tell him to do? Rob could only go so far, but it seemed like Chester was pushing him to go too fast. After all, Brad already had a girlfriend...

Rob's smile faded. Brad was with Eliza now. Eliza had won. It crushed Rob to see them be so affectionate towards each other. It seemed out if place for Rob, but he wished Eliza would just go away. He was hoping something would happen to make her start to dislike Brad.

Then it hit him. He was friends with Chester. Chester had control over almost anything that happens among the students.

Rob quickly grabbed his phone, unlocking it and quickly dialing Chester's number.

"Hey Robbie, what's up?"

"Chester, I need...I was wondering if you something for me?" Rob began to chew on his nail. He was suddenly becoming guilty over the plan he created, but it had to be done.

"What did you need?" Rob could year the smirk in the blonde's voice.
"Can you...I--I need you to do something about Elisa."

Rob automatically assumed Chester was taken back by his request, judging by Chester's sudden silence. He was too, but Rob so desperately wanted Brad to like him back. And it wasn't possible if Elisa and he liked each other. She was in the way.

"Um, what did you have in mind?"

"Just make her stop liking Brad," Rob said flatly. There was really no other way to word it. His cheeks were turning red from frustration. This was so hard.

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