Chapter 12

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Chester blew a thick cloud of smoke in front of him, covering the windshield. His music played loudly, almost rattling the whole vehicle.  Dave sat in the passenger seat, looking at himself in the mirror.

"Ugh, you mussed up my hair too much this morning," Dave pouted playfully. Chester rolled his eyes. "Didn't know you can get that rough." He giggled and pulled his wallet from his pocket, taking a few bills out. He handed them to Chester.

"There's some extra...for giving me such a good time this morning," Dave purred and leaned towards the blonde, kissing his cheek. Chester smirked and took the money, turning to catch Dave's lips. He was growing so tired from sleeping with Dave, but he was giving him a lot more money now. All he had to do was suck it up for now. It was so hard for him to keep a job, Dave was his only source of income. 

They kissed for a few moments, Chester's hand at the back of Dave's neck, pulling him close. It was a little amusing to play around with Dave, it almost made him laugh at how he was so head over heels over Chester. Dave brought his hand up to grip Chester's wrist, groaning when Chester's lips nibbled against his jaw. "No...don't get me excited before class," Dave chuckled. He then moaned as Chester bit his neck, suckling slighty. Chester pulled away, smirking.

"Mm, I just can't get enough of you Phi," Chester purred. "Go, don't be late." Chester nudged Dave, wanting him out of his car already. Dave smirked back, opening the door and stepping out. Once he was out of sight, Chester sighed and wiped his mouth. He stuffed the money laying on his lap into his pocket. It was still early, no point of getting out of the car, but Chester did so anyways. He turned the ignition off and stepped out of the car. 

He walked towards the basketball courts. They were deserted at this hour, always the perfect place for him to continue smoking. He leaned against one of the poles, taking a cigarette out and lighting it. He exhaled deeply, closing his eyes.

"I thought I might find you here." He opened his eyes and smirked at the voice behind him. He knew that voice all too well. 

"Well Mikey, hello to you too," Chester said as he turned, taking another puff from the cigarette. Mike walked up to him, stopping a foot or two in front of him.

"Yeah, hi." Mike crossed his arms and glared at Chester. "I see that you're hanging around with Rob."

"You know, I'm not to surprised you figured it out, Mike." He blew smoke into Mike's face, but the other boy didn't flinch or cough. "He's a sweet boy."

Mike shook his head. "I dunno what the hell you're planning, but you need to stop." Chester laughed and tossed the cigarette. 

"What could I possibly be planning Shinoda?" He walked a few inches closer to Mike. "I'd really like to hear what you think." Mike didn't say anything, he just continued to glare at the blonde. Chester laughed again. "If you don't have anything else to say, why did you come find me?"

"I want you to leave my friend alone."

"I'm not hurting him, Mike. I just keep him company when the rest of you just jerk it and ignore him." Chester got even closer, but Mike didn't back away. He needed to show Chester that he couldn't push him back. Chester's breath fanned against Mike. "I also couldn't help but tell him about what really happened between us. How you're really just a dirty slut Mikey, how you really wanted to fuck me that night."

Mike closed his eyes, shuddering as Chester's fingers brushed up his arm. He remembered that night too, he remembered everything that he did to Chester. "It's too bad you chickened out. I was really loving how you touched me, everywhere." Chester giggled, his body feeling hot as memories of Mike's hand working in his pants flooded his mind. 

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