Chapter 1

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Paper_candy_: Hi gaes, you're reading your most annoying author's work :D this'll be my first Byakuya x reader fic, soooo plz go easy on me XD
Anyways, for u Indonesian readers, plz add Hajimariidesu and read her works! SHE NEEDS URGENT FOLLOWERS, VOTES, AND VIEWERS!!! Unlike myself *flips hair*
Hajimariidesu: //slap//
Paper_candy_: uh... Go on reading... Don't mind me... Warning, there will be spoilers here, so I WARN YOU BEFORE YOU COULD GO ANY FURTHER


You're one of the very lucky shinigami that was born into the (L/N) family, one of the four noble clans. You were raised in a strict family and leadership became their first priority over the years. You didn't knew Byakuya much, but he proposed to you a few years ago after Hisana's death. All this time you thought he just wanted a younger wife, obviously you were 30 years younger than Hisana.

And you also didn't often chat with the Kuchikis besides Hisana. But you accepted his proposal anyways. You didn't have to worry about your good name (L/N), since you had a younger brother that will carry on the name. It was peaceful between of you two, but it wasn't what Rangiku thought it would be. It was too peaceful.

And so after few weeks or months (somehow I forgot) eversince Rukia was sent to the World of the Living, you decided to bring her back to the Soul Society and replace ger with someone else. And eversince that day, a group of Ryokas intruded into the Seireitei that was told that they were helped by her old friend Kukaku Shiba. You had a headache every now and then and eversince the Ryoka came and Aizen's death.

By the time Rukia was about to be executed, you decided to not go, in order not to experience anymore headaches that will make you completely dizzy and unsuitable for sudden battles that will might occur any second.

-Normal P.O.V.-

"No need, Yamamoto... Do it without me like you always do..." (Y/N) shook her head as she hung her head. "Are you sure? You're not coming, you know you need to, right?" Yamamoto asked, hoping he could change her mind. (Y/N) sighed and turned around with an annoyed expression. "Now, tell me who made the rules?" (Y/N) asked as she crossed her arms. "The captain of the Blank Division..."

"And who am I?" (Y/N) asked. "The 16th head of the (L/N) family." Yamamoto said. "Now... Please proceed the execution... You may be excused." (Y/N) said. Yamamoto nodded and leaved.

Her sword shined and appeared a woman with long red blood hair with a snow white kimono. "You idiot! I feel something bad coming up! Don't you stand here and do nothing like a brainless moron!"

"Oh, shut up (Z/N)... You're giving me a headache, you know that?" (Y/N) asked. (Z/N means Zanpakuto Name this zanpakuto spirit is an emotional spirit, so comment your badass, scary zanpakuto name!~)

"I can't believe I have a master as dumb as you! Such troublesome..." (Z/N) muttered as she facepalmed. "(Z/N)... I know I must do something... But I can be useless if I have headaches in the middle of the execution... You know my weird illness, right?" (Y/N) sighed. "Ugh! Fine! Do whatever you want!" (Z/N) scoffed and she disappeared.

"That stupid emotional zanpakuto spirit... Coming out and scolds at me whenever she likes.."

A few minutes, she felt an enormous reiatsu. "Hmm... It's that Ryoka and Byakuya..." (Y/N) said as she saw a blue glow on the Sokyoku Hill, where the execution of Rukia Kuchiki is.

"Hisana... I don't know how you can love a man like him..." (Y/N) shook her head as she took her zanpakuto.

(Y/N) wasn't really ready to leave the (L/N) family, one of the four noble clans. But all of her family members were murdered by a certain Shinigami group, luckily her brother, her father, and herself survived. And that shinigami wasn't known until now.

She defeated the previous captain, yet is none other than her father. And her younger brother got through the test and got to be her lieutenant, (B/N) (L/N). (B/N is Brother's name)

After an hour or two, recalling her past, she felt the reiatsu was dimmed. "Byakuya... Why do you have to be so reckless!?" (Y/N) gripped the sheath and jumped from roof to roof with her shunpo to the Sokyoku.

Once she's there, she saw the group of the Ryokas. She avoid them and saw Byakuya and Ichigo got slashed each other. "Byakuya!" (Y/N) used her shunpo to get him. "What happened to you?!" (Y/N) asked. "It's okay, (Y/N). I won't die." Byakuya placed his hand on her shoulders. "Byakuya..." (Y/N) held his big hand tightly. "How could you lost to a Ryoka...?" (Y/N) asked.

Byakuya sighed. "It's better for you not to fight him..." Byakuya said. "What?! So you think I'm weak?! Who do you think I am?" (Y/N) glared, trying hard not to punch him.

"(Y/N)! Listen to me! I promised Hisana, so--"


Byakuya hung his head down and realized he had gone too far.

"Byakuya... What are you talking about--"

Byakuya used his shunpo to go away from her. (Y/N) turned around and faced the orange haired ryoka. "What? Now you want to fight me?" Ichigo asked as he tried to catch his breath, trying hard to stand up. "No... I have no interest to fight you... Or my husband will get upset with me... But I must say I'm impressed that a ryoka like you could make my husband back off like that. Be thankful that you don't have to deal with me."

"Husband?? So you're Byakuya bastard's wife he's blabbering about??!" Ichigo wide eyed as he pointed at her. "Why yes... Allow me to introduce myself. I'm (Y/N) Kuchiki, the captain of the Blank Division. Now... If you'll excuse me..."

"Soo... You're not going to beat the crap outta me?"

"Haven't you heard I have no interest on fighting you? And so you know I don't actually like to repeat myself... It's just waste of time." (Y/N) said. She went away and tracked Byakuya. Byakuya was in a shrine that was especially built for Hisana.

(Y/N) opened the door and saw Byakuya kneeling down infront of the altar. "Byakuya... I need to cure your injuries... I can't possibly do it here." (Y/N) shook her head. (Y/N) stared at the photo of Hisana. "Sorry for disturbing... Hisana..." (Y/N) muttered as she helped Byakuya to stand up. "You really need to prioritize your health... Byakuya..."

(Y/N) took a last glance at Hisana's photo and helped Byakuya walked out from the room. She sighed as she closed the door softly.


How was it? Wowww!!! I suddenly felt proud of mahself! (*//艸//)♡ next time, I'll make it longer!~ plz vote and feel free to check my other stories!

Paper_candy_ out!!!

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