Chapter 11

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I'm terribly sorry that you have to want SO GODDAMN LONG for this chapter...

Hey, do any of you like Dazai x OC fics? If you'd like, theres hajimariidesu 's fanfic (in Indonesian languange, I've translated it!~)


"It's okay, (Y/N)... I won't let them hurt you or (B/N)..." Byakuya wrapped his arms around her body protectively. (Y/N) put a hand on Byakuya's shoulder and pushed him away gently.

"Byakuya... Please don't leave the manor..." (Y/N) said as she ran to the balcony and jumped without even thinking. She turned around and casted a strong barrier around the manor, before Byakuya could even respond.

She landed on the ground and went to (B/N) who is inspecting a few pieces of paper. "Oh, hey sis." (B/N) grinned. "No time to explain, you need to go to the (L/N) manor and stay there. Cast a barrier and do NOT leave the manor until I say so." (Y/N) said. "W-what?!" (B/N) was completely confused. "Shut your mouth and do what I say." (Y/N) glared. "Y-yes ma'am."

Then, Yuyuko went to her side. "Captain, I've heard what was going on." Yuyuko said. "Good, now, you must've know what to do..." (Y/N) nodded. "Yes, Captain... Report the situation to the other captains." Yuyuko said. "No, not that! Have Soi Fon prepare the stealth force and get her to make a barrier around the Seireitei. Also I want her to be in charge of protecting me, since any poison won't effect on her."

"Yes captain." Yuyuko nodded and off to do what she was told to do.

(Y/N) drew out her zanpakuto and looked around. She saw some kind of explosion outside of the Seireitei, but she couldn't pinpoint the location. She summoned a jigokuchou. "Attention to all shinigamis, please watch out for an ambush from the enemies, I do not want to see any of you slacking off like dead hollows on the floor scattering like dead leaves. Please protect captains and lieutenants at all costs."

She watched the jigokuchou flew away. (Y/N) looked around and saw a shinigami passing by. "Hey you! Go tell someone to call Ichigo and the others here! We need backup." (Y/N) said.

"Y-yes Head Captain!" The poor shinigami shivered and hurriedly ran like a little duckling.

(Y/N) casually walked to the source of the explosion and sat on the floor behind the big gates where Jidanbo guard it 24/7.

"What is it going to be now? Cyborgs?" (Y/N) yawned and rolled her eyes. She stabbed the floor with her zanpakuto and let it stuck. After a few minutes earth-rumbling, it died down and the gates exploded.

(Y/N) shielded her face with her hand and still sitting down.

"Well, seems we have guests..." (Y/N) stood up. Once the smokes fade, she was quite shocked with many clones of emotionless, grey figures. 'worse than I thought it would be...' (Y/N) thought and took her zanpakuto.

"Oh-hoh, well look at here, it seemed our acts have attracted the landlord's attention... Haven't we?"

The man is hooded and laughing maniacally, casually sitting in one of the clones in the middle of the army of clones.

"Why yes... But, I, having so many companies are quite a hassle if I say so myself... Mind if I get rid half of them or more?" (Y/N) prepared her zanpakuto.

"Hahahah! You can't hurt them! They are anti-magic... No bankai could even scratch them..." the man smirked. "Wow, such confidence." (Y/N) scoffed.

"Anyways, have toy recieved my letter? I would like to have your brother and yourself, if you don't mind." The man offered a hand to her. "You know my answer..." (Y/N) said. The man glared and huffed. "So... You want the hard way huh?"

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