Chapter 12

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-Byakuya's POV-

I looked out from the window. Crashes and debris flew from the main gates that surround the Seireitei.

Even though I knew that (Y/N) could handle the problem, but I can't help but to worry her....

"She'll be fiiiinnneeee."

I turned around and saw (B/N) sitting on the floor like he doesn't even care. He had the same intimidating (E/C) eyes from their father. "I knew she'll be fine, but she's still a woman, she needs a man to protect her." I said it proudly. "Puhleeze. In the end she protect you, not you protect her." (B/N) rolled his eyes.

I sighed and I lost the words I want to say in a second. "Look... For this time, let's let her deal with them. I know she'll win. I just knew it..." (B/N) gave me a reassuring smile. I huffed and looked back to the window.

Seems the fight will go on until one of them falls...



(Y/N)'s zanpakuto and Hori's zanpakuto dueled each other for roughly a minute. "You can never defeat me." Hori smirked. "This time, I can." (Y/N) smirked back and pushed him away.

She used one of her bankai skills, and Hori successfully blocked it with his plain clones. "You're a very sly one." (Y/N) huffed. "You too." Hori muttered.

"Why do you want to eliminate the (L/N)? What is your goal? Your intention?"

"Simple, to continue what have been lefted...." Hori smirked and snapped his fingers. His clones formed a fort. "Captain..." Yuyuko whispered. "It's alright..." (Y/N) nodded. "You better just... Give up before I changed my mind and kill you brutally." Hori warned.

"We (L/N) never gave up to our enemies." (Y/N) propped up her zanpakuto.

"You're really hard headed... It runs in the family, doesn't it?" Hori scoffed. "Perhaps it does." (Y/N) nodded.

"Then die."

Hori was about to attack her, but then a big (ugly) caterpillar appeared and roared. "What the..."

"Mayuri?" (Y/N) turned around and saw most of the captains are ontop of the caterpillar. "AWAY FROM THE HEAD CAPTAIN!" Mayuri shouted loudly. "You called reinforcements huh?" Hori glared.

"I did not." (Y/N) shook her head. "But I could use a help." (Y/N) smirked. "So, we changed rules? Well then... I shall kill you all one by one..." Hori smirked.

The clones' skin began to fall on it's own, and changed to cyborg clones. "C-cyborg?" (Y/N) wide eyed. "That's the secret to it's immune to reiatsu." Hori laughed evilly. "No wonder it felt fishy..." Yuyuko muttered.

"NO MORE TALK, COMMENCE AN ALL-OUT ATTACK!" Mayuri shouted and they all charged to Hori and his army.

(Y/N) stepped back and saw the brutal battle. One by one... All of them activated their bankai. But still, they can't even cut a finger off the cyborgs.

"The cyborgs are too strong, captain... I... I doubt we will won." Yuyuko shook her head. "There's still hope Yuyuko... We still have hope." (Y/N) took deep breaths as she put her hand over her stomach.

"What's wrong, captain?" Yuyuko asked.

"It's nothing." (Y/N) shook her head. Then she suddenly swinged her zanpakuto. And Hori was able to act fast and successfully avoid her attack effortlessly.

"You're slippery like a fish..." (Y/N) cracked her neck. "You're just too slow." Hori dusted off his shoulder.

(Y/N) balled up her fists and glared to the ground. "What? Desperate already? I thought you're the strongest shinigami alive." Hori put his hands on his hips. "I am." (Y/N) straighten her posture.

"Oh? Then why you can't even land a wound on me, hmm?"

"Because you can't STAY STILL!" (Y/N) dashed to Hori as she kept casting her skills with inhuman speed. "Fired up?" Hori avoided her deadly fast attacks.

"I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You."

"If you can." Hori corrected her. (Y/N) glared as she kept casting many skills as she can.

After a few minutes (Y/N) kept casting deadly skills, Hori became inpatient. "I'm sick of this child's play." Hori rolled his eyes and grabbed (Y/N) ny the neck, with unbelievable strength. "Captain!" Yuyuko couldn't think what she should do.

"Like I told you... I'll kill you brutally and make sure you're DEAD." Hori threw her to the sky. (Y/N) got a good grip on her zanpakuto and waited for the next attack. Hori let himself being pushed up by his clones and Hori kicked (Y/N)'s body down to the ground, even though he got stabbed by (Y/N)'s zanpakuto. But his leg regenerated and went back to normal.

(Y/N) crashed to the ground and created a wide crater. The cyborgs pinned the captains down to the ground. "CAPTAIN!"

Hori landed on the ground softly and looked down at the Head Captain. She groaned and opened her eyes. He took out his zanpakuto and let his cyborgs pinned her and Yuyuko down with their superstrength.

Hori mercilessly stabbed her body several times. (Y/N) felt like she had failed to be the head captain, she couldn't even found his weak point. And she's already infront of death's door.

Blood rushed out from her body furiously, causing her to die faster.

"Heh, all I need to do is to kill (B/N) (L/N)..." Hori scoffed. "He'll be such a hassle." Hori huffed.

(Y/N) used all her might to kick Hori away. "Don't.... Even think..." (Y/N) tried to catch her breath. "I thought you were weak enough to not move a muscle... You're one tough parasite indeed." Hori nodded and stepped on her face.

"Just ONE more stab, you'll definitely die..." Hori smirked.

Then, sakura petals danced around them. "What...?" Hori was confused and looked around. "B-Byakuya..." (Y/N) whimpered.

Then, cuts suddenly appear on Hori's body. "H-HOW...--"

"Away from my sis."

Hori shook his head and his cyborgs pulled Yuyuko and (Y/N) and dragged them next to Hori. "You come near, they'll die." Hori threatened them. "Let them go." Byakuya said sternly.


In a blink of an eye, Byakuya slashed Hori and he was completely caught off guard. In an instant, his cyborgs became limp and let them all go.

Byakuya kicked Hori away and caught (Y/N) in his arms. "(Y/N)... You have to survive..." worry engulfed his voice. "Captain..." Yuyuko flinched as she rubbed her wrists. (B/N) went to her and checked her wound. "It's just a small wound, it'll be gone in no time." (B/N) softly hold her wrist. "Yes. Captain." Yuyuko blushed lightly and nodded.

"We're not done." Byakuya turned to Hori who's standing up shakily.

"You'll pay for this..."

I couldn't put in a BTS reference in this chapter, sorry if you were dying for it lololol

I'll try my best to put it on the next chapter or maybe other KPOP references... I dunno




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