Chapter 28

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This book will PROBABLY end on chapter 30 so get ready

Guys, I found an awesome app, suited perfectly for me. Grammarly, just the app I needed to improve my grammar


For a few days, (Y/N) still haven't woke up from her deep slumber in the quarantine room. (B/N) had to get out from the room to avoid unwanted stuff, orders from the papa.

"Ma... Maa..." (B/N) tapped the glass wall as he saw his mother asleep on a futon inside the quarantined glass room. "She'll wake up soon..." Byakuya went over to (B/N) and picked him up. "Maa! Maa!" He shook his head furiously and wiggled from his father's warm embrace.

"You didn't act like this a few days ago... Did you just realized that there's something wrong with your mother?"

Then, Mayuri approached them. "Something wrong, Captain Byakuya?" He asked. "(B/N) seemed that he just realized his mother didn't wake up since a few days ago." He chuckled as he tried to keep (B/N) in his arms.

"I need to make an important report to you, captain." Mayuri coughed. "What is it?"

"It's regarding our current enemy."

Byakuya turned to him and his face has never been so serious. "What about it?" Byakuya asked. "We sensed a large reading in the human world, currently circling around somewhere-- in who knows where!" Mayuri flings his arms in the air as he groaned in frustration. Byakuya sighed.

"I think I'm gonna go crazy." Mayuri sighed heavily as he rubbed his temples. "The readings seemed to be waiting for shinigami to enter Seireitei." He muttered. "What...?" Byakuya wide-eyed.

"I've already forbidden shinigami that are currently on a mission in the human world, we declined medic reinforcements in any situation possible... Whatever the situation is-- no one shall use the Senkaimon and leave also entering the Seireitei. Even if they use the butterfly, I'm sure that they still can barge in.

Byakuya nodded.

"Then, I will be going then, I have to finish my paperwork, now that I'm currently replacing the head captain," Byakuya said as he tried to calm his son down. "Alrighty captain, I'll try to update the readings whenever I can." Mayuri nodded and left, running.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you or your mother," Byakuya whispered as he decided to head back to his wife's office.

When he got there, he saw (Z/N) walking back and forth. "Ma..!" (S/N) reached out to (Z/N). "What the hell? Kid, I'm not your mom." (Z/N) hissed in disgust. "What are you doing here, (Z/N)?" Byakuya asked as he closed the door.

"Warning the hell out of you." She said, with a displeased expression. "Warn me about what? I have a lot of things running in my head." He sighed and put (S/N) on the couch. "Don't you realize something is funny with her?"

"Hm? (Y/N)? She's safe in Mayuri's hands. We have something more important to take care of."

"Oh? Your wife's life is in danger, you doof." (Z/N) crossed her arms. "She's quarantined and Mayuri already gave her some medication." He sighed in frustration, trying to figure out the enemy and his wife at the same time. (Z/N) grabbed Byakuya's collar and he could see clearly that her veins are popping everywhere.

"Listen, if you don't kill that thing that's waiting for her, you're just as cruel as a killer. Waiting won't solve anything. You'll end up killing her. A slow, painful death. You don't realize that she's suffering even though she doesn't seem like it?"

"How should I know? I can't realize every single little detail about her." Byakuya took his zanpakuto. "Take care of my son for a bit."

"Hey-- I'm NOT your babysitter."

Byakuya ignored her and hopped off from the balcony. He made his way to the senkaimon and saw Zaraki there, talking with Toshiro, oddly.

"Oh, Captain Byakuya." Toshiro waved. "Out of my way," Byakuya ordered. "I have a wife to save."

"What? You're not going anywhere, captain." Zaraki's large body blocked his way. "I thought you already knew this, but those things are after her ass."

"I do know about that. So you're telling me that we just wait here and do literally nothing to get rid of it?" Byakuya had an intimidating aura around him. "How can you be so sure, that you can take it down by yourself, judging that you came here all alone?" Zaraki won't let down, even for Byakuya. "Captain, I believe he must've known the consequences..." Toshiro stood up.

"I won't risk it. No matter how annoying that old hag is, we couldn't lose another captain." Zaraki crossed his arms. "I always thought you had a soft side." "it's a manly soft side, pipsqueak."

"I don't want to lose another captain too, not to mention my wife... Now if you kindly step away." Byakuya moved Zaraki's body. "At least have someone with you." Toshiro crossed his arms, practically volunteering himself. Zaraki slapped his forehead. "I do NOT want to get involved with problems, captain," Zaraki muttered loudly.

"As long as you listen to what I say, you'll be fine." Byakuya opened the senkaimon. As soon the senkaimon opened, hollows in various shapes and sizes swarmed through. "Shit! I knew it!" Zaraki drew out his zanpakuto and defeated some of the hollows. "Captain Toshiro! You help Zaraki here and inform the other captains to vacuum the hollows in the Seireitei. I'm going solo." I'm goin solo lo lo lo lo lo lo-- I'll stop

Byakuya jumped through the Senkaimon and he reappeared in the sky. A large dark cloud with thunders threaten the city, the city which his wife would love to visit again, and he has to protect it again in order to see her gorgeous smile.

He squinted his eyes as he kept falling down from the sky. It was a man with a white cloak and a white mask, along with a few peoples he recognized from his previous battle at Seireitei, including Hori, guess he was still alive.

'Is that... C that Iota always blabbering about?' Byakuya thought and landed onto the cloud, it was surprisingly solid. "Who are you? And what do you want?" Byakuya gripped his zanpakuto.

"Oh, I didn't expect to face you sooner. I thought I would meet your son first, but oh well... You do know who am I, correct? Don't pretend you don't know me. That garbage Iota talked about me a lot, did he not?" C chuckled. His voice is surprisingly loud and low, probably it was helped with a speaker device.

"What have you done to my wife?" Byakuya glared, also trying to keep his cool. "Oh? I was just trying to give her time to rest. Taking care a child is sure a hassle. Am I right? Why don't you hand him to me? I and my team will take good care of him what was his name again?"

"You have no rights to know my son's name."

"Why don't you fight me to find out?" Byakuya bravely challenged his stronger opponent. He wasn't even sure he would come back home to his wife and son alive. Oh well, family comes first.

"Cocky, aren't we?" C chuckled.

"Kill him." C simply pointed at Byakuya.

When Byakuya was ready to attack, a person came up to him and took care one of C's subordinates. It was Kyoraku. "Hey capt, need some help?" he smirked and pushed the girl with her bangs covering her eyes.

"Tch. Reinforcements." she muttered. "Kill the Kuchiki! Hori keep him out from here and kill the Kuchiki!" C ordered. "Tch... I've always wanted to cut your heads off with my own hands." Hori summoned cyborgs and caged Kyoraku.


Ok, i managed to update when i supposed to study for my final semester test


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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