Chapter 21

410 13 1

I don't think I'll have a double chapter update...



“What? Hmph… Like I care.” Zaraki turned around. "Did you just... Do what I said?"


"See! You did it again! Awesome!"

“You guys are hopeless. Take her back to her room. I don’t want to see her regret everything all over again like last time.” (Z/N) disappeared. “C’mon sis.” (B/N) went over to her and helped her stand up. “No! I want his ass kicked!” She struggled. “Geez, okay!” (B/N) kicked Zaraki’s ass. May your sins be forgiven, (B/N).

A vein popped on Zaraki’s forehead. He turned his head and gave (B/N) a death glare. “P-please, I’ll make it up to you!” (B/N) hurriedly carry (Y/N) in his arms and jumped down. He had a hard time carrying her to her room, since she’s struggling and all.

He barged into their bedroom and saw Byakuya already sat up. “(B/N)? (Y/N)?” Byakuya stood up. “She’s been drinking sake on the rooftop… She’s a hassle, so I brought her here. Plus, Zaraki was with her, picking up a fight. I got no choice. And BOI SHE’S HEAVY!” (B/N) rubbed his back. “I’m sorry, I should’ve noticed sooner.” Byakuya took (Y/N) in his arms. “Byakuya… Zaraki’s been a meanie!” (Y/N) whined. “It’s okay, actually… Knowing that you had to deal with her every single day.” (B/N) rubbed his poor arms.

“Yes. You better return back.” Byakuya said. “Oh yeah, FYI, she’s pregnant y’know.” (B/N) smirked. “W-what?” Byakuya wide eyed. “Yeah, G’night Captain.” (B/N) closed the door. You could hear his complaints about his sister’s weight and his back from afar.

Byakuya froze there and saw (Y/N) slowly drifting to sleep in his arms.

“Why you don’t tell me sooner…?” He brought her to the futon. He stared at her stomach and blushed. “I’m going to protect you and your mother, no matter what happens to me.” Byakuya muttered as he pulled the covers and hugged (Y/N)’s body.


(Y/N) slowly opened her eyes. “Ow… My head…” (Y/N) muttered. Then, she realized that Byakuya still hugging her tight. “Good morning.” Byakuya muttered. “Good morning, you usually woke up before me.” (Y/N) smiled. “I did, but I decided to keep in the covers.” Byakuya said. “I guess drinking sake late night wasn’t the best choice… I was sure I could handle it years ago…” (Y/N) muttered. “Sake is off for the year.” Byakuya said as he sat up.

“What?!” (Y/N) wide eyed. “But, why?! What if I need to drink sake?” (Y/N) muttered, disagree. “You can always have me. You don’t need sake to clear your head. Just speak out your heart to me.” Byakuya smiled. “O-okay…” she nodded.

“Also… Why wouldn’t you told me?”

“What? That I drank sake last night? You were asleep like a baby.”

“No, the fact that you’re pregnant.”

“I WHAT?!”

“You didn’t knew you’re pregnant?” Byakuya was surprised himself. “Where did you know? Are you a psychic?”

“(B/N) told me that last night when he carried you here.” Byakuya said. “W-Wha…” (Y/N) muttered. “From now on, you shouldn’t overdo your work. You need to take a rest from battlefield until our child is born. Understood?”


“No buts.” Byakuya shook his head. “You wouldn’t want our child end up like last time, right?” Byakuya asked as he cupped her face with his hands. (Y/N) sighed. “Alright then.” She nodded. “That’s my girl.” Byakuya pressed his forehead against her’s. “But I’m going to get a piece of the action in battlefield.”

Byakuya sighed. “I don’t think so.”

Then, a loud knock on the door was heard. “I’m sorry Captain! We need you right now!” Yuyuko called out. “What’s wrong?” (Y/N) stood up. “I think you need to see it for yourself.” Yuyuko said. “Okay, I’ll be out in a sec.” (Y/N) changed to her shihakusho and her haori. “I’ll be coming with you.” Byakuya said. “Meh, alright.” She shrugged. The two stepped out from the room.

Yuyuko was there, in a panic attack. “You should come to the Department of R&D…” Yuyuko said. “This doesn’t sound very nice…” (Y/N) muttered as she went to her office and jumped off from the balcony. They hurriedly make their way to the Department of R&D, and barged into the room.

Everything is in a wreck. A few shinigami were panicking non-stop. “Please Captain! Help us!” a shinigami went to them.

“Where is Mayuri?” (Y/N) asked. “D-D-Downstairs!”

“Keep your guards up at all costs.” (Y/N) drew out her zanpakuto and looked around. “It seemed… One of his live experiments went beserk…” Yuyuko said. “Indeed… Hold on…” (Y/N) muttered and went downstairs. “Don’t go alone!” Byakuya chased her with Yuyuko. They appeared in a wide room with a cell in the middle, where Hori is SUPPOSED to be.

“Where the hell is Hori…?” (Y/N) asked as she looked around. “Oh boy…” Yuyuko huffed and looked up. They saw a strange creature, it looked like a giant spider with the head of a human, which is none other than Hori. “Captain, look out!” Yuyuko warned. It hissed and jumped down. Byakuya swiftly pulled (Y/N) into his arms. “You go and get help. I’ll handle that thing with Yuyuko.” (Y/N) said as she pushed Byakuya aside.

“Don’t underestimate me, (Y/N). I’m stronger than you think. And that’s supposed to be my line.” Byakuya drew out his zanpakuto. The monster roared and walked to them. “Split up!” (Y/N) flash stepped out of the way. “(Z/N)!” Her zanpakuto changed into a big sword with reiatsu flowing from it.

“Let’s play, yeah?” (Y/N) smirked. “Senbonzakura.”

Sakura petals flew around the room. The monster hissed and climbled up to the ceiling. “Tch, it’s smart.” (Y/N) muttered and threw her zanpakuto to the monster. It hit it’s leg and now it’s stuck. “NOW!” (Y/N) put her hands together. “Okay!” Yuyuko ran and stepped on her hands. (Y/N) lift and threw her up to the ceiling. Yuyuko successfully sliced the monster into two. Unfortunately –like all other insect like creatures—green goo splattered all over the place. (Y/N) guarded herself with the zanpakuto and sighed.

Yuyuko landed on the floor safely, while the corpse fell on the floor with extra green goo splattered around. “You two have good teamwork.” Byakuya complimented. “I told you should go and get help. In a second thought. We don’t need any help. We need that idiot Mayuri. Where the hell is he?” (Y/N) grumbled. “I think… That’s Mayuri and Nemu…” Yuyuko pointed to the corner of the ceiling.

There are 2 giant cocoons on the corner. “Geez.” (Y/N) sighed. Sakura petals went to the cocoons and soon Mayuri and Nemu both fell to the ground with a loud thud. “Ow, that’s gotta hurt…” Yuyuko flinched.

“Are they unconscious?” (Y/N) went over to them, while avoiding puddles of green goo. She pressed her foot on Mayuri’s stomach and he immediately sat up. “What happened?” Mayuri asked as he looked around. “Seemed like Hori went on a rampage, and turned into a spider. We took care of it already and I want explanations.” (Y/N) crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

“Well, I was monitoring him from upstairs. I did what you told me, assign a shinigami to be in the same cell with him. But a some kind of shadow approached Hori. The guy seemed awfully terrified so I thought I should check it with Nemu. When I got there, I think I got knocked out by a blonde haired girl… It happened so fast, I couldn’t even dodge it.” Mayuri said.

“Blonde haired girl…? You sure you’re not drunk?” (Y/N) asked.

“Wait… Blonde haired…? I need to see the footage, Captain Kurotsuchi!” Yuyuko pleaded. “W-What? Why would you need the footage? You know somethin?” Mayuri asked. “Just give her the footage. My Lieutenant isn’t some regular shinigami.” (Y/N) sighed as she went upstairs with the others.

Then, they went upstairs and approached to a monitor. “Get me the footage from cell 134340!” Mayuri ordered.

Then, a shinigami displayed the footage of the scene before. Apparently, when Mayuri and Nemu went to investigate, the shadow changed to a long blonde haired girl in black. “No…” Yuyuko gasped.

“What is it, Yuyuko?” (Y/N) asked. Yuyuko paused the footage and zoomed to the face of the girl. It displayed a clear face of the girl. Unfortunately she had a black mask on.

“T-That’s my sister!!”


Again... It's 1.17AM...

Oh and I put a BTS reference somewhere in this chapter lol


Noble Clans (Byakuya Kuchiki X Reader) (HIATUS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon