Chapter 19

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I just love that bean so much, it hurts me heart when I knew he's dead in the manga...


(Y/N) opened her eyes and looked around. She was in her room. The door opened and saw Byakuya. “Oh, you’re awake.” He smiled. “What time is it?” She asked. “Well, the sun just risen. You should get ready.” Byakuya said. (Y/N) stood up and wobbled. “Whoa…” Byakuya caught her body. “Just how strong are they?” Byakuya asked. “They’re just mere small fries.” (Y/N) shook her head and regained her balance. “Oh really?” Byakuya didn’t seem sure about her answer and sighed. “Captain Mayuri would like to see you.” He said. “Hm… He must’ve done with his experiments.” (Y/N) put on her captain’s haori and flash stepped to his workplace.

She barged into the room. “Reports, Mayuri.”

“Gah! Excuse me, Captain… Did you ever heard about personal space?!” Mayuri turned around and became all grumpy. “No. Now, what do you want to tell me. I hope it’s good news.” (Y/N) muttered as she crossed her arms. “It seems Hori had returned to it’s stable state. He is not a Shinigami nor a human.” Mayuri said. “What?” (Y/N) wide eyed. “I don’t even know what he is… He’s not in an artificial body, and absolutely not a cyborg or any kind of that. The readings is all messed up. I’m surprised myself. I was sure he was a shinigami back there.” Mayuri sighed stressfuly as he showed a paper with messed up readings, almost looked like a child’s masterpiece. “Where is he?”

“In the cell. He’s in stable state, sure. But he won’t talk. At least he didn’t freaked out like last time.” Mayuri grumbled and went to show her the way to the cell.

They went downstairs and saw a single cell in the middle of the room. There was Hori with his stomach, neck, wrists, and his legs chained down. “Hori. It’s nice to see you obidient.” (Y/N) said with a calm voice. Hori looked up with a blank stare. “Talk.” She ordered.

He stayed silent and looked at her like a corpse. “No response.” (Y/N) muttered. “Right? I’ve tried some expreiments on him and it’s magnificent!” Mayuri’s face brightened. “What kind of experiment?” (Y/N) asked. “I’ve tried to stab him, burn him. And it seemed he has regeneration… Even though it’s rather slow. Also, he didn’t responsed to the pain…” Mayuri pressed a button out of nowhere and a laser device appeared.

It zapped laser to his chest, blood flowing down from the wound. Hori doesn’t seem to flinch. “W-what is that…?” (Y/N) muttered. “That’s why! It’s magnificent! But, sadly he can’t response to anything.” Mayuri said. “Keep monitoring him, Mayuri. Also, assign someone in the same cell as him. I think it’ll help him to response. He’ll make a good pawn.” (Y/N) smirked. “I hate to admit it… But, I like the plan, Captain.” Mayuri nodded.

“I AM the head captain…” (Y/N) said. She walked out from the place and saw Yuyuko, bandaged all over, approaching her. “Yuyuko… You looked all wrecked…” (Y/N) said. “Yes, I’m fine over all. A suspicious person is here to meet you, he did went beserk for bit. He didn’t caused any serious damage and we have him secured at the gates.” Yuyuko said. “Problems just keep coming and coming, huh?” (Y/N) sighed and went to the gates with Yuyuko.

She saw a hooded man, pinned down by a few shinigami with their zanpakuto out, ready to slice him whenever. “You have business with me?” (Y/N) asked. The shinigami picked him up and kept his arms behind his back. “Captain (Y/N) (L/N)… Oh, I mean Kuchiki.” He said. “I’m here just to retrieve my subordinate.” He said. “Who? Hori?” (Y/N) asked. “Yes. If you kindly bring him here. I mean no harm.”

“But he does. I’m not going to lend him to you. He will go through an experiment. He will be our pawn.” (Y/N) said coldly. “He also need to pay all the damage he caused. Physically and emotionally.” (Y/N) explained.

“My, I had no choice but to force, hm?”

Yuyuko acted up and draw her zanpakuto out. “Should I kill IT, Captain?” Yuyuko asked, clearly still holding a grudge against when Hori called her ‘it’. “Hold your zanpakuto back.” (Y/N) said, calmly. “I do not advise you to force me. It’s a very childish act, if I might say.” (Y/N) said.

“Then, bring Hori here.”

“How about a ‘no’?”

He sighed. “I’ll do anything. IF you bring Hori back to me. He’s precious to me.” The man said. “How about if you work here for me?” (Y/N) asked. “C-Captain?!” Yuyuko was suprised by her decision. “But you'll have to go through intense experiments, scanning, examinations, and tests to make sure you’re not a threat.” (Y/N) said. “Why would you ask me to work for you?” He asked.

“Oh, it’s a bad feeling, that’s all.” (Y/N) said. “Oh, state your name, also remove that hood.”

He sighed and let one of the shinigami removed his hood. He had handsome features, emerald eyes and jet black hair.




“It was my decision.” (Y/N) said in a calm voice. “Sis! Are you crazy?! What if he go beserk and kill us all?! Did you just saw what Hori did you us with your very own eyes?!” (B/N) shouted. “Mayuri is currently running an intense advanced experiments on them both. They must have something… Kind of… Related? No… Mmm… A hybrid?” (Y/N) muttered. “Hybrid? Sis, did you have a fever or something?”

“I’m sure there’s something different in them. I can feel it! I just don’t know what it is. They’re not shinigamis or humans… We just need to find it out.” (Y/N) said. “Can’t we just question them?” (B/N) asked. “Do you think they’ll speak out the truth?” (Y/N) glared at her brother. “That’s just too crazy to be true…” (B/N) said as he looked away, confused with everything that just happened.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he’s no threat.” (Y/N) said. “If he is?”

“I’ll go All-Out with (Z/N).”

“You’re crazy, sis.” (B/N) sighed. “Said the guy who had a crush with my Lieutenant.”

“W-what?!” (B/N) blushed and glared at his sister. “I knew you have a crush on Yuyuko. You know our rules.” (Y/N) said. “Yes… Marry a noble.” (B/N) sighed and nodded. “There’s a noble who wanted to be your spouse, and she seemed to be the perfect one for you, actually.” (Y/N) said. (B/N) looked away. “But I’m planning to erase that rule.”


“Well, we deserved to have our own freedom, yes?” (Y/N) smiled. “But, what about that girl…?” He asked. “I’ll turn her down, obviously. I’m still the head of the clan, don’t forget that.” (Y/N) crossed her arms. “D-Does that mean…”

“Yup. Ask her out.” (Y/N) nodded.

(B/N)’s eyes shined and jumped off from her balcony. “THANKS A LOT, SIS!”

She chuckled. “Why does everyone seem to love jumping off from my balcony…?”


(Y/N) had decided to check on Hori and Iota. “How is it, Mayuri?” (Y/N) barged into the room. “Captain, please knock…” Mayuri sighed. “Meh.” She shrugged.

“Well, Iota seemed to be stable. Hori doesn’t seem to have any response to anything. Even towards Iota.” Mayuri said. “I’m not asking about Hori. It’s about Iota.” She said. “I think he’s the same as Hori. The readings are awful!” Mayuri glared at the floor. “Then, it seemed that I need to go some questioning towards him.”

“Fine.” Mayuri showed her the way. They went deep into the underground and they found a cubicle made out of strong materials. She went inside the cubicle and saw Iota being chained down on the floor. “How are you?” (Y/N) asked. “Comfy enough.” He shrugged. “He responsed to everything normally.” Mayuri gave her a sheet of paper. (Y/N) took the paper. “Hmm… You’re not a shinigami or a human… What are you?”

“It’s complicated.”

“Doesn’t matter. Just tell me.”

“I better shut up about it.” Iota smiled and closed his eyes.

“So, you and Hori are the same… ‘Race’?” (Y/N) asked. “Well, I don’t think so.”

“I’ll come again tomorrow.” (Y/N) said as she turned around. “Keep monitoring them. I’ll be looking forward for some changes.” (Y/N) said to Mayuri. He nodded. (Y/N) stepped out from the cubicle. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Alpha.” Iota said before the door closed shut.

(Y/N) turned around and stared at the cubicle.



I AM DONE. Geez, figuring out a conflict sure is hard.

Should I change the cover tho?


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