Chapter 27

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Just so you know, this book is about to finish~ don't worry, I'm currently planning on a sequel, I dunno if this sequel would come out right and decided to publish it on wattpad...


-Timeskip a year-

Throughout the year, the Kuchiki family faced a lot of obstacles in their daily lives, (S/N) was born in the middle of battlefield. A fight between a monster, sent by C to eliminate (S/N).

(S/N)'s current life is in great danger, almost everyday, threat comes by and haunt (Y/N) and Byakuya every single day in countless ways. The good news is that (S/N) seemed to be okay and most likely to inherit (Y/N)'s godly powers.

"(S/N)! Where are you?!" (Y/N) looked around as she brought (S/N)'s baby clothes. (S/N) have a special skill, that is that he can crawl without his mother noticing.

"Oh dear." (Y/N) power walked through the corridor. Then, she saw smol legs on the floor, right on the door frame to her office, possibly (S/N).

"(S/N)?" She approached it and it was (S/N) staring at (Z/N) in her human form. "(Z/N), what the hell are you doing?" (Y/N) asked. "I just want to let this kid get used to zanpakuto spirits coming out and so." She explained. "He's still a baby! What did you expect??" (Y/N) picked up (S/N) in her arms.

"I said to let him get used to it! Dumbhead." (Z/N) glared. "He's still a baby! At least wait until he can talk!" (Y/N) glared back at her. She took her son to the sofa and put on clothes for him. He's mostly quiet, just like his father. He has (Y/N)'s eyes and Byakuya's soft black hair.

"Why would he come into my office...?" (Y/N) muttered. "I called him. That's all." (Z/N) said as she combed her hair with her fingers. "Excuse me... You CALLED him?" (Y/N) wide eyed.

"Yeah, I'm not sure if the others can do this." She shrugged. "W-what?! You need some explaining to do, old lady." (Y/N) left (S/N) on the sofa and went to (Z/N). "Look, it's not a big deal. I just... Attract him to get here. It won't harm him or anything."

"That's not what I'm worried about. What if you accidentally called them to?" (Y/N) glared. "That's impossible, I called him directly."

"Don't do that again next time. Now go back!" (Y/N) shooed her away. "Sheesh... Good thing that I'm still willing to help you." (Z/N) muttered angrily as she disappeared. (Y/N) took her zanpakuto on the floor and sighed. "That old woman." She muttered and put the zanpakuto on her desk.

She turned around and saw her son just sucking on his thumb.

Then, (Y/N) felt rather sleepy all of a sudden. "Ah... It's still daytime and I'm already sleepy?" (Y/N) muttered. She sat on the sofa and carried (S/N) in her arms. "It's rare for me to feel sleepy at this time of the day... Maybe I'm overworking myself...?" She mummbled to herself.

Then, all of a sudden, Mayuri barged into the room. "Pardon for the intrusion! Don't fall asleep, captain!" He warned as he rushed to her. "Wh-what are you talking about?" (Y/N) yawned. "It's dangerous! It might not affect anyone else for now, but I can feel it! It's dangerous." Mayuri shook her shoulders.

"Just a quick nap won't hurt..." (Y/N) groaned. "Nope, you're not sleeping. Come on... I'll take you to the Department of R&D. I'll keep an eye on you, and interrogating Iota." Mayuri snapped his fingers. Nemu rushed into the room.

"Help her walk to the Department of R&D!" Mayuri carried (S/N) in his arms gently as he began to play with Mayuri's stubbed golden cones on both of his ears. While Nemu helped her to stand up and kept her awake.

Mayuri ended up jumping off the balcony just to "make it faster". If he met Byakuya on the way, he would be dead soul reaper meat.

Mayuri had prepared a special room for (Y/N) and (S/N). "And I need an anti-sleeping potion ON THE DOUBLE!" Mayuri practically hit his high notes to his subordinates in the lab.

Finally, Nemu arrived with a sleepy (Y/N) desperately trying to stay awake. "I'll place you in a special room, you two will be safe, I guarantee..." Mayuri lead them to a glass-- probably quarantine-- room.

"Here you are. I'll spray some micro droplets (if that's really a thing) of antibiotics and some other stuff while I study the air." Mayuri said as he handed (S/N) over to her.

"I'll have Nemu assist you here." He pushed Nemu and (Y/N) inside the room. "What...?" (Y/N) is still confused, due to her current state. Then, Mayuri hurriedly off. "Please don't fell asleep, Captain." Nemu took (S/N) and placed him on the floor, rather confused of the new environment. (Y/N) sat down and felt her eyes very heavy.

"I... I'm so sleepy." She slurred like a drunk old woman. "I know, captain... Captain Kurotsuchi will be back with an anti-sleeping potion for you." Nemu patted her shoulder.

After 15 minutes of agony, Mayuri came back with a weird looking bottle in his hand. "Here!" Mayuri opened the door and handed Nemu the bottle. She passed the bottle to (Y/N). "Just a small amount should be okay."

(Y/N) drank the liquid slowly as she felt sleepiness slowly takes over her.

Her head hurts after she took a glug of the liquid. "W-what is this...?" (Y/N) looked around and everything is all topsy turvy. "Don't worry, that's the side effects... It will all be worth it when the potion do it's job." Mayuri put his hands on his hips and waited for (Y/N)'s reaction.

Then, she fell back, which made Nemu acted up and caught her before her back could touch the floor. "Nemu!"

Nemu put her ear on (Y/N)'s chest to hear her heartbeat. "I... I think she's fine." She muttered. "Are you sure? DOUBLE-CHECK NEMU!!" Mayuri shouted. "I'm sure, captain." She nodded.

"How is the air, captain?" Nemu asked. "It's not the air... It's a spell." He glared at the ground. "There's probably C's henchman that sneaked closer to her and cast a spell..." he muttered to herself. "A spell... Captain?" Nemu asked as she looked at (Y/N)'s face. She was peacefully sleeping like a baby.

"I need to work on some cures. Guard (S/N) at all costs! And contact Captain Byakuya while you're at it." Mayuri rushed back to the lab.

Nemu sighed and looked at (S/N) who is sucking his own thumb, he's extremely innocent, that doesn't understand a single thing about his mother. He probably just cares about his thumb.

"I'll protect you." Nemu whispered as she took his small chubby hand.

My new school is an extreme pain in the ass.

I literally have not much time to rest at home. And guess what, the uniform is all LONG LENGTHED! Geez, there's no fans in the classroom, hell. There's no AC. All natural breeze that would make everything worse, since I'm on the 1st floor... Meaning not much breeze.

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Twitter: toxxicpaper


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