Chapter 9

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Anyone want a past about (Y/N) Kuchiki??

P.s.: ChibiPinkyCutie helped me with the proofreading! You should check out her stories!

"Away from my sis." (B/N) drew out his zanpakuto. "I won't hurt her... If you lend me Toshiro." The woman said. "W-what?!"

"You... You're..."

"Yup. Get them."

The cyborgs quickly captured them, without giving them a time to react. "Captain!" Rangiku struggled on their grip. "Haha... Maybe... I'll start with her?" The woman pressed her zanpakuto against (Y/N)'s chin and lift it. Blood continued to flow from the corners of her mouth.

"Sis!" (B/N) tried to escape from the cyborg's strong grip. "She seemed special to you... What did she did to you? Because she is your sibling? She did killed your father and let your mother die." The woman scoffed.

"Shut your mouth..." (B/N) tighten his fists. "You, look for Mayuri. I don't want to waste any time. And lock them inside the cell." The woman went to a sort of machinery. The cyborgs carried them to a personal cell and put them each an anti-magic bracelet.

(Y/N) was hanged infront of them.

"Sis..." (B/N) frowned. Their zanpakutos are been putted away from them, so they won't escape through the slightest chance.

"You know her?" (B/N) asked Toshiro. "Yes. She was one of the shinigami from the 9th division. But she killed a shinigami got no reason infront of me and Mayuri."


"Toshiro! Go get the hollows at the East!" Mayuri said as he got a message from Nemu. "Okay." Toshiro dashed towards a big hollow while other shinigamis are trying to defeat it.

"I hope I'm not too late."

Toshiro activated his shikai and tried to attack it while avoiding it's attacks. "I hate shinigami!!!" It roared and let out a wave of energy around it, sent a few shinigamis flying back. "Fukuoka! Try to attack from the back while I distract it!" Toshiro took a good grip on the handle.

"Yes, Captain!"

She ran to the back of the hollow and prepared for the attack. When it was distracted by Toshiro, Fukuoka slashed the hollow from the back, and followed by Toshiro.

The hollow roared and died. "Good job, Fukuoka. It seemed that captain Mayuri had finished too." Toshiro saw Mayuri running to them.

Fukuoka was silent and didn't responded with a single action or words. "Hey, Fukuoka?" Toshiro turned to her. Fukuoka's eyes were filled with hatred and killed a shinigami beside her.


-end of flashback-

"I've never heard her before until now." (B/N) muttered. "That's not good to tell other people's past without permission, captain."

Toshiro's eyes turned to the woman infront of him. "I've been waiting for this day to come eversince you kicked me out from the Soul Society." Fukuoka let out an evil chuckle. "I did what I supposed to do." Toshiro glared. "Captain (Y/N) has nothing to do with this."

"Of course she has something to do with this. She's YOUR head captain. YOUR higher up." Fukuoka spat on his face.

"Let me go! You moving pieces of steel!!"

"I see that Mayuri was successfully captured." Fukuoka's face lit up and happily opened the cell doors. "Let me-- Fukuoka?! Why are you doing here??" Mayuri shouted. "Revenge."

"Actually, I could have my revenge, here and NOW." Fukuoka drew out her zanpakuto and pressed the blade against Mayuri's neck.

Before she could press it harder, Fukuoka sensed a large reiatsu. She froze and looked around.

"Don't. Touch. Him."

Fukuoka turned around and saw that (Y/N) was glaring at her. "Oh, did the lion woke up?" Fukuoka giggled. "By the way... How can you release your reiatsu? That anti-magic should be preventing you to even release your reiatsu..."

(Y/N) pulled down the chains and the chains broke. The cyborgs dragged Mayuri and Nemu infront of Fukuoka. "Haha! If you want to kill me, you have to kill your friends!" Fukuoka laughed.

(Y/N)'s zanpakuto seemed like it was pulled by an invisible something to her hand.

"W-what?! How can you do that?! Is the anti-magic broken??"

"Bankai, (Bankai Name)!"

"Oh no...." (B/N) facepalmed. "She's done it again..." Toshiro softly pressed his forehead against the bars.

"I've never encountered her bankai before..." Fukuoka muttered as she backed away to the machinery. "You won't get anywhere." (Y/N)'s voice changed a bit, just enough to be noticed. She ran through Mayuri, Nemu and the cyborgs, slashing them into halves.

(Y/N) threw her zanpakuto to the machinery, and it exploded. Fukuoka took the chance and blocked the attack with her zanpakuto.

"As long as I have my zanpakuto, you can't defeat me..." Fukuoka smirked. "Don't be so cocky." Their blades crashed to each other. With full force, (Y/N) swinged her blade to the side and made Fukuoka stepped back.

"(skill name)!!"

The attack was very destructive, it made a giant hole on the wall. Fukuoka's leg was crushed by the debris. (Y/N) took her chance and ran towards Fukuoka. She pressed her knee on her neck, and the top of her zanpakuto slightly pressed on Fukuoka's forehead.

"Did you made a clone of Mikoto Shinaharo? And did you killed a group of shinigamis?"

"Why should I know? Did you freaking SEE a cloning machine around? NO. Don't you just jump into conclusions." Fukuoka glared. "Then, it's great doing business with you." (Y/N) thrusted her zanpakuto through Fukuoka's skull.

After a few minutes, she breathed hard and was sweating. "Damn... I lost control of (Z/N) again..." (Y/N)'s voice went normal and looked at her wrists, the anti-magic bracelet was still attached to her.

"You don't know how grateful I am to have you." (Y/N) smiled at her zanpakuto and put it back to it's place before freeing Toshiro, Rangiku, and (B/N) from the cell.

Noble Clans (Byakuya Kuchiki X Reader) (HIATUS)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt