Chapter 2

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Yoooo, Author is BACKKKKKK sorreh guys, I'm too focused with BTS, since now I'm an A.R.M.Y. GUYS I'M SO HAPPY IF YOU RECCOMEND ME SOME SONGS!!

Dun worry, I'm still an Otaku. I'm 2 in 1.

Anywayz, continue reading >-<


(Y/N) brought him to his room. "that Ryoka is pretty powerful, to be able to hurt you..." (Y/N) said. "Unohana might be busy right now... so I should stop your bleeding..." she took out a bandage from her shihakusho, she's always prepared with a bandage. "I don't need... it'll stop bleeding eventually..." Byakuya said. "Byakuya... this is a wife's duty, got that?" (Y/N) helped him to sit up.

She removed his upper shihakusho and bandaged it, to reduce bleeding. "I still don't get it why the hell you want to marry me..." (Y/N) shook her head. But, Byakuya still doesn't want to answer and stayed his mouth shut. "you have a bad taste, you know that?" (Y/N) smile. Byakuya sighed as he ruffled her long hair.

"yeah... say whatever you want..." Byakuya sighed as he laid down. "could it be possible that Aizen killed by a captain?" (Y/N) asked. "don't jump into conclusions..."

"I know! It's impossible the Ryokas do that! They can't even kill you..." (Y/N) muttered. "probably a captain..." Byakuya said. "but... who would dare kill Aizen?" (Y/N) asked.

"I don't know..." Byakuya shook his head. "okay... you better rest... I need to find my brother..." (Y/N) pulled the covers over his body. "don't you dare wander off!" (Y/N) scolded. "okay... okay..."

(Y/N) used his flash to find her younger brother. She found her with a squad member from Squad 4. "(B/N)! Why on earth are you here?!" (Y/N) asked. "Captain Kuchiki!" the squad member bowed down and leaved.

"oh, hi sis..." (B/N) said. "I would like to discuss about Aizen's murder... apparently I heard his Lieutenant is getting crazy of his death... getting out from prison... and fighting against Gin... and that's insane!"

"maybe she's hypnotized..."

"there's no such thing!" (Y/N) shook her head. "this case must be handled or I'll have a headache tonight..." (Y/N) sighed. "hey... as your Lieutenant and your brother, I'm having a headache as well, not just you."

"ah, I thought you only care about fights... not extremely-troublesome cases around the Soul Society ever since those Ryokas came here." (Y/N) said as she crossed her arms.

"it's been 5 days..." (B/N) said. "yes... it is been 5 days..." (Y/N) nodded.

After hours and hours discussing, they got a message from Isane, Unohana's Lieutenant. "Aizen and Ichimaru are traitors?!!" (Y/N) was enraged. "that's impossible!!" (B/N) gripped his zanpakuto hard. "Sokyoku, huh? what the hell are they up to?!! After all this time I treated them like my family!! And now, they're traitors!!" (Y/N) glared and accidentally released her spiritual pressure.

"(B/N), prepare your zanpakuto... we shall have no mercy for them... for everything!!" (Y/N) used her flash to the Sokyoku as fast as she can. "I got your back, sis!" (B/N) nodded as he followed his enraged sister.

When she arrived, everything was settled, every captain was there... including the bleeding Byakuya, from saving his sister. "Byakuya!!" (Y/N) ran to Byakuya. "Byakuya!..." (Y/N) wide eyed. "who did this...?" (Y/N) asked Rukia. "C-Captain Ichimaru..."


"oh dear... an angered angel has arrived..." Ichimaru smirked. "YOU TRAITORS!!! YOU'RE GOING TO RECEIVE GREAT SUFFER!!!" (Y/N) took out her zanpakuto. "enrage, Ikari!!!" her zanpakuto became a giant sword, made out of Ikari's anger.

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