Chapter 26

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I'll make it up to you guys somehow

(Y/N) was forced to return back to the Kuchiki Manor, orders from the husband. She was pacing back and forth along with Yuyuko who is loyally standing near her. "C-captain... I think you should calm down... I mean, Captain Byakuya isn't alone." Yuyuko tried to reassure her.

"But the thing they're fighting isn't normal, Yuyuko! Anything could happen to them!" She let out a frustrated sigh. "But stressing out won't be good for the unborn baby, captain." Yuyuko pointed out.

"I know..." she hissed and went over to the balcony, and Yuyuko hurriedly followed her. (Y/N) locked her eyes on the Department of R&D building.

After around 15 agonizing minutes, she could spot Byakuya stepping out from the building. "Byakuya!" She jumped straight from the balcony, which caught Byakuya's attention immediately.

"(Y/N)!" Byakuya acted fast and jumped to catch her before she landed onto the ground. Byakuya landed on the ground safely and he sighed heavily. "Whoa?! What the hell just happened?" (B/N) asked as he just stepped out from the building.

"B-Byakuya?! Why did you...? You know I can do this by myself." (Y/N) said.

"How many times I've told you NOT TO JUMP OFF THE BALCONY." He raised his voice just a little bit. (Y/N) rolled her eyes. "The balcony is like a door for me."

Byakuya set her down.

"So, it was Iota?" (Y/N) asked. "No, reinforcements. We failed to catch it alive, it killed itself before we could even secure it." He sighed. "But, you're not hurt anywhere, right?" She inspected his body, looking for wounds. "No, I'm alright. We're alright." He nodded as he hugged her.

"Is Iota okay?"

"I guess he's fine, we need to interrogate him tomorrow." Byakuya said. "If it's interrogation, leave it to me." (Y/N) smiled as she pointed herself. Byakuya chuckled and caressed her cheek. "Alright, that's if you stay right beside me." He said. "Sheesh, I can protect myself y'know."

"Excuse me captain, I hafta interrupt you two." Mayuri went over to them. "Yes?" (Y/N) pushed Byakuya away gently. "I think Iota's gone crazy. I believe only you can deal with him." He explained.

"Alright." She nodded. Then, she went to the basement along with Byakuya and Mayuri following behind. There's still green goo all over the place, body parts and all that stuff you don't want to know about.

Iota was breathing heavily, still chained around as if he's gone completely crazy. "Iota." She called out. Iota looked up to (Y/N) and gave her a stare, showing her that he's suffering greatly. "Mind explaining?" (Y/N) asked. Iota sighed and glared at the floor. "They're here for Alpha."

"So why did they appear here? Won't it be efficient if they just went straight to me?" (Y/N) asked. "They need confirmation from me. But I think after this, they'll might kill you in your sleep." Iota sighed. "There's nothing I can do." He said.

"Yes, I realized that. But we can handle this pretty much ourselves. You know who are they-- WHAT are they?"

"I... I don't even know myself to be honest. Probably, another version of me." Iota said. "Another version?? You mean, human?" (Y/N) asked. Iota sighed heavily. "Don't you get it? I'm not like the rest of you, I don't need swords to kill you all in one blow. And my boss made a clone of me, but stronger-- well... Probably." He shrugged.

"And one thing for sure, he won't give up until he got Alpha's head." Iota stared at (Y/N)'s stomach. "Won't you just... Kill him? If they are your clones, obviously you can defeat them, since you're the-- original form-- just to be simple." Byakuya asked.

"Oh, I wish you could've said that sooner... Being chained down here weakened my powers... My current power won't be enough to stop them even if I really want to." Iota sighed as he looked down at the chains.

"That's better that way."

"W-what?!" Iota was surprised and looked up to her. "This is our business. Just be a good boy and sit here patiently until things settled down, then we gather up and discuss what we're going to do with you, to be honest... We still see you as a threat. Being involved by Hori and a group who is currently assassinating my unborn child..."

"I understand... Just a tip... Sleep with one eye open. They could appear anywhere, anytime. Strong or weak. Every little time you wasted for trying to defeat it will effect greatly."

"I'll try to keep that in mind." (Y/N) nodded and turned around, leaving Iota alone in his cell.

"We've gotta be extra careful from now on. Since now we know that those creatures would jump straight for the fetus." Mayuri said as he pressed a button, displaying empty cctv monitors.

"I'll have my men to display cctv around your manor Captain Kuchiki, it's a cctv which can detect creatures which is not familiar here in the Seireitei. I'll have them to keep an eye on it as much as possible." Mayuri said.

"Alright, I'm looking forward to it." (Y/N) nodded.

The two leaved and went back to their manor, to their room. (Y/N) sat down gently on the futon and let out a sigh. "I'm worried about our baby, Byakuya..."

Byakuya turned to her and nodded. "We all are. Don't worry, I'll make sure you two are safe in my hands." Byakuya kneeled infront of her and hugged her tightly.

"Come to think of it... We didn't decide a name for the baby... Have we?" (Y/N) suddenly spoke up. "You're right..." Byakuya nodded. "How about... I dunno... Kenji? Aki? Yoru?" (Y/N) shrugged. "Wakame."

(Y/N) slapped his arm. "Ow!" Byakuya chuckled and rubbed her big stomach. "I was just kidding, dear."

"(S/N) (Son's Name)...?"

"(S/N)...? I don't think so..." Byakuya doesn't seemed so sure. "Deal, it's (S/N)." (Y/N) smiled. "But..." "Suck it up Byakuya."

"Just wait until I finished talking you're going to love this--"

"Ah ah ah-- I'm the mom, I got to choose our son's name."

"Trust me dear--"

"You'll get to name our daughter."


"Well, that's if we'll get a daughter and if I feel like I want a daughter."

"But... Don't you think it might be a quite some time until we get a daughter?"

"Hush! The preggo mommy needs some peace and quiet, okay? I'll get you a watermelon and plant it on the backyard and you can name it if you really want to name something or someone."



HOLY FLAPJACKS, 9K READS AND #1 ON BLEACHFANFICTION?!! Is this a somekind of weirdass bug or... Something? Coz I ranked up and ranked down so fast!

I refreshed it several times and-- I even reinstalled it to make sure...

I can't believe me eyes...

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