Chapter 8

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Boom... Guys, I need someone to volunteer as my proofreader. All you need to do is correcting my typos, hoho~

It'll be great if any of you want to. Just DM me, and you'll help me right away. Maybe you can also take part of the story if necessary.

Wait... Did I wrote 'chapter' on the previous chapter? I mean story.

Now you know how many my typos are...

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(Y/N) luckily got away from the deadly attack from the clone. And Ichigo... Well, he slipped and fell to the ground, so he's saved!

"Watch out Ichigo!" (Y/N) shouted. The clone melted and formed to 2 robot-like women with cyborg wings with deadly knives as feathers. "What the hell...?" (Y/N) muttered as she felt a sting on her head. "I knew this is going to be dangerous..."

"I'll help you..." Ichigo stood beside her. "Go away, Ichigo! You're just a nuisance to me right now... MOVE!!" (Y/N) pushed Ichigo away from her and charged to the robot. But the 2 ninja didn't let her attack the robot. "Away. From. Me." (Y/N) their blades dueled each other. "Come on... Give up."

"If I don't want to??!"


Rangiku attacked the ninja with Toshiro, while Yuyuko and (B/N) dealed with the other ninja. "Oi! Here's the resul--"

(Y/N) pressed her zanpakuto on his neck, ready to bloody slice his head off anytime. "Whoa... Back off... Easy... Easy..."

"Are you the real Mayuri Kurotsuchi?" (Y/N) asked. "Of course I'm the real one! Here's the result. I already gave the copy to Kyoraku." Mayuri explaied. "Ok..." (Y/N) took the result page and read it carefully.

The result is that Mikoto Shinaharo is a:



"So... That was their doing..." (Y/N) muttered. The ninjas managed to avoid Toshiro and Rangiku, they ran to (Y/N).

(Y/N) used her zanpakuto to shield herself. "Damnit! What do you want from me?!" (Y/N) glared. "To eliminate you first!!!!" The ninjas tried to attack her. "Not on my watch!" Kurotsuchi and Nemu protected her. (Y/N) went to attack the cyborgs alone while the others deal with the very tough ninjas.

"Tell me your purpose!!" (Y/N) commanded.

"We just simply follow the orders from our leader." They said. "Who is your leader? Before I freaking cut your heads off."

"We can't tell you that... If you could just not resist us..." the cyborgs said. "Never." (Y/N) glared. The cyborg took a very swift move and managed to knocked her out cold.


The cyborg quickly took her and ran away so swiftly. "No...." Toshiro cursed. The ninjas ran away as well. "We need to find the head captain..." Rangiku said. "But where?! I can't even sense her reiatsu!" Yuyuko glared on the ground. "I'm nothing but a useless Lieutenant..."

"I'm sure we'll find her quick... We just have to stick together." Toshiro said. "Indeed." Mayuri agreed.

"I think we should split up. And in one hour, must come back here and report. How's that sounds?" (B/N) asked. "Well, that's a great plan to GET US ALL IN TROUBLE." Toshiro said.

"No it's not! We haven't even tried that yet! Who knows we can find her faster that way-- you know what? I'm outta here, and find her myself." (B/N) went off deeper into the forest. "(B/N)!! Geez! I'm going to chase him, all of you just split up. Come on Matsumoto." Toshiro went to catch up on (B/N).

"I got your back, Captain!" Rangiku followed him.

"Well, I guess I'll be on my way. Let us go, Nemu." Mayuri flash stepped away into the forest. Then, every each one of them split up.


(Y/N) was teleported to a cave, and she fell down with her head first landed. "Ow...." she mumbled. "Welcome... To my home, CAPTAIN..."

(Y/N) grunted and lift her head up to see. "Who the fuck are you...?" (Y/N) asked. "Me? My name is not your business..." a woman with a fluffly cloak said. "Then my presence here is not your business too." (Y/N) glared. "Of course it's my business... You are the head captain..." the woman said as she drew out her sword.

"State what you want from me." (Y/N) demanded.

"Thirteen, Nineteen, torture her... Use her as a bait... I want them to be here as soon as possible." The woman said. "What?!"

2 cyborgs picked her up and tied both of her hands with a rope, hanging from the walls and they used anti-magic bracelets. And they use a metal chain to her feet. "I'll start first." The woman stepped closer to her. "Get away from me!" (Y/N) shouted.

"SHUT UP!" The woman slashed her stomach. (Y/N) hissed in pain and saw blood flowing from her stomach. "I see that my zanpakuto is working perfectly..." the woman smirked. "Z-zan....--" she got slashed twice.

"Yup... Thirteen! I sense that white haired shorty Toshiro is near." The woman said. "Toshiro?!--" (Y/N) coughed up blood. "Yes... A revenge." The woman chuckled.

"Get your hands away from Toshiro..."

"Ooh! I'll have so much fun when I get him... I think putting needles in his eyes will be a splendid start...." she smirked.

Then, in a blink of an eye, (Z/N) appear infront of (Y/N). "Shut the HELL UP!!!" (Z/N) swinged her sword towards the woman. The woman simply avoid it as (Z/N) glared at her. Thirteen and Nineteen quickly held her, but (Z/N) was strong enough to push them back.

"That's enough, (Z/N)..." (Y/N) muttered. "What?! You're telling me to stop when you're bleeding like crazy?! You're out of your mind. Aren't you? AREN'T YOU?!!" (Z/N) shouted really loud infront of her face.

"I can deal this myself. Just lend me your power like like always." (Y/N) said. (Z/N) disappeared with a few curses.

(Y/N) gripped the ropes and pulled them down with all her might. "Oh, no you won't." The woman took her zanpakuto and thrust it into her stomach.

(Y/N) coughed up more blood and her body slowly went limp.


"White short stuff..." The woman chuckled.

(B/N) froze as soon he saw his sister's bloody body hanging. "What happened??" Toshiro went beside him. Toshiro was shocked to see the woman.

"Well well.... I guess we have extra visitors..."

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I finally managed to finish this chapter. Sorry if it's short.

Please check out my other stories!


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