Chapter 18

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Byakuya glanced to his wife who is sound asleep under the covers. "It's my time to protect you, as a husband." Byakuya muttered and caressed her cheek and leaved. Byakuya went to her office and jumped from the balcony. He looked around and everyone was panicking.

Byakuya flash stepped to Hori's location and faced his army. "Wait, you're not a (L/N)..." Hori squinted his eyes. "Nope, but my wife is." Byakuya drew out his zanpakuto and it broke into sakura petals. "Oh, what a cute zanpakuto... How about you play with her?" Hori snapped his fingers. A hooded woman disappeared and appeared infront of him with a dagger, it looked like she teleported.

Byakuya avoided the attack and the sakura petals surround her. "Die."

But the girl slashed her way from the sakura petals and scoffed. "HAHAHAHHA! You'll never beat her, FOOL!" Hori laughed. "Kill him."

Then the woman attacked him mercilessly, while Byakuya used his sakura petals to dodge her attacks. "While he's busy. Find the (L/N)s... And bring their heads to me." Hori ordered. Then, 6 more people leaped and went to find (Y/N) and (B/N).

Byakuya looked around to find Renji. He made the sakura petals to form back his zanpakuto and fought with the fast woman. "Oh, looking for him?" Hori raised his hand and he saw Renji, beated up into a pulp. "Renji!" Byakuya pushed the woman away.

Then Hori laughed maniacally.


Yuyuko appeared and slashed the woman away from Byakuya. "Yuyuko? Go protect (Y/N)..." Byakuya ordered. "Uh, she ordered me to assist you..." Yuyuko said. "I didn't meant to ruin the conversation, but I don't have time." Hori jumped down. "Let me see your captain." Hori put his hands on his pockets.

"You'll have to step across my corpse first." Yuyuko said sternly. "My, you watched too much drama." Hori snaped his fingers and the cyborgs formed into a bigger cyborg.

"Prepare to die." Hori smirked and the other cyborgs formed a sword and the big cyborg took it. 'I may not survive the contact... But I must.' Yuyuko thought as she gulped. The cyborg swing the sword towards her and Yuyuko avoid it. "A fast pest... KILL IT!"

"It?!" Yuyuko shouted, completely felt insulted. Hori just smirked and chuckled. Yuyuko dashed towards him and swinged her zanpakuto around him. Of course Hori avoid it and a big muscled man jumped and landed infront of her.

"You're facing me... I'm Tye." He said. "Your name is unnecessary to me." Yuyuko swinged her zanpakuto. As if his body is made of rock, it reflected her zanpakuto. "Akh?! What??" Yuyuko is completely shocked.

Tye kicked Yuyuko away and she flew back. "Take care of her. I need to find (Y/N)." Hori said as he climbed on his big cyborg. It slowly walked closer to the Kuchiki Manor.


(I was soooo deep into the narration, I broke my caps lock button)

He slashed the leg and it fell. Just like that. "Why you!" Hori grumbled. Then a zanpakuto was pressed against Hori's neck. "Aftering the captain hm? You sure are done with another man's wife." Kyoraku smirked. Hori jumped away and glared

"Captain Shunsui..." Byakuya muttered. "It's been a long time I haven't dived in some action."

"Reinforcements... Such lowlife..."

"WHAT?!" Yuyuko screamed and thrust her zanpakuto through Tye and glared at Hori. "W-wha... Tye?!"

"YOU'RE CALLIN US LOWLIFE COZ WE HAVE REINFORCEMENTS?! WELL, LOOK AT YOU, SCUM!" Yuyuko got enraged and dashed to Hori. "Yuyuko, wait!" Byakuya took a good grip on her arm. "Let go! I need to give him a piece of my mind!!" Yuyuko struggled and was fuming.

"Don't let him control over you. Keep your cool, Lieutenant Yuyuko Sekiguchi."

"Captain!" Yuyuko's face brightened. "(Y/N)?!" Byakuya then ran over to her. "HA! You're finally here..." Hori smirked. "I'm not going to let you hurt her." Byakuya said, standing strong in front of her. "Byakuya, let me handle this. It's my business." (Y/N) put a hand on his shoulder.

"(Y/N)! Would you please, let me protect you for once. I'm not that weak. To fight a lone insect is not a big problem." Byakuya sighed.

"Oh? What if this lone insect CAN kill you?! HA! I'll be taking her, and I'll leave." Hori jumped on his cyborg, but Yuyuko stopped him and pulled his foot. "Wh--!" "Not so fast." Yuyuko pinned him down. "This is for calling me 'it'!" Yuyuko yelled and cracked his arm. He screamed in pain.

"So, where's YOUR reinforcements, hm?" (Y/N) smirked. "Y-y-you... D-don't tell me you..." "Yup, I sweep them up clean. Honestly, it made my head ache, so I have this urge to crush them." (Y/N) muttered. "Lock him up. Mayuri might like him."

"Yes, captain." Yuyuko dragged Hori away.

"Finally." (Y/N) wobbled and Byakuya caught her. "Did you actually finished them all by yourself?" Byakuya asked. "Revenge. I can't help it." She sighed. Byakuya lift her up bridal style and kissed her forehead. "There you go again. All I wanted was for you to just take a rest from the battlefield. I relied on you too much." Byakuya began to walk back to the manor.

"Well, that just made me even more uneasy. My father entrusted this whole place to me. Not to mention he had to die on my hands, it was his dying wish." (Y/N) looked at her bloody hands, it got bruises and cuts.

"But everyone here entrusted you to my care. Not to mention you're an important role." Byakuya smiled at her. "You're just copying my words." She scoffed and leaned her head on his strong shouder.

"I wonder what my family did... For them to hold such a grudge on the (L/N)..." (Y/N) muttered. "One thing for sure, it's for everyone's sake. Your family was the most reliable here. They can do practically anything." Byakuya said as he stepped inside the manor and went to her office.

"Byakuya, can I sleep in your arms? At the balcony?" (Y/N) asked. "Of all places, why outside?"

"I just want to enjoy the sight of the place I protected all this time." She smiled. Byakuya sighed and went to the balcony. He sat down and leaned on the wall behind him. "I'm tired... Make sure you carry me to the bed when it's dark." (Y/N) muttered as she snuggled to Byakuya's chest. "Alright." Byakuya hugged her and stroked her hair.

"I... Did well right? Protecting the Seireitei..."

"Of course you did well."



"I'm sorry, I was being a bitch lately... I wasn't on my best condition."

"It's okay (Y/N)... I understand."

"I'm glad." She smiled and closed her eyes, slowly drifting to sleep.



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