Chapter 5

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Zoe's POV



  I wake to my phone alarm. I do not at all remember coming to bed last night. I stand up and head into my bathroom to start the shower, and I hear my phone go off.

  You better get up out the way, tomorrow well rise so let's fight today. You know I dont give a fuck what you think you-

  "Hello?" I answer. "Hey, I don't think I can pick you up today. I'm running late myself." Holly explains. "Okay, I will find my own ride," I say and end the call. "Damn.."

  I hop in the shower, and can't stop think about the whole Liam situation. Maybe he will come back. Wait? What am I talking about?

  As I get out I wrap my long sweet pink hair in a towel, and wrap another around my body. I start with my makeup adding some concealer. "ZOE!" My sister Courtney screams in my ear making me flinch and poke myself in the eye with my mascara brush.

  "Courtney! What the hell? I'm trying to do my makeup, and now my eye is all red!" I say and grab a makeup wipe to clean it up. I start again, ignoring every word Courtney is saying.

  "So can you?" She asks me popping out her hip. "Oh what?" I ask totally lost. "Can Holly drive me to the mall? I'm meeting Emma," She says again acting annoyed.

  "Nope, she isn't even picking me up. Now go!" I scream at her and push her out of the door. I slip on my Starbucks uniform and brush out my hair. I ended up putting it into a messy pony, like always.

  "Bye Mom, bye Dad!" I will see you later!" I say and walk out the door, just missing Courtney. Well, I guess I walk from here. I check the time to see 8:40. If I ran, I would make it just on time.. So running it is!

  I tighten my grip on my bag and start jogging down my driveway. One thing you have to remember. I love running.


  "Jeez.. What happened to you this morning?" Holly asks me signing in and checking the caper chart. "Oh so you mean  a bitch calling me at the last minute to notify me that I have to run to work?" I say laughing. "Okay, Zoe." Holly says and returns to her place at the drive through.

  "Its freezing, Holly. Make sure to wear a jacket," I say to her since my face is pure red. "Yeah, I thought it might be cold," Holly says and turns to face away. I walk up to the register. "Hello, Welcome to Starbuck's. What can I get you?"

  About a million of those later, Holly starts doing sign language to me. "Uh, Holly? I only speak English." I tell her. "No. Come here now," She whispers to me. "Hold on one second sir," I tell the next costumer.

  "Liam Payne, asked for the girl with the pink hair, He told me not to freak," She whispers some more. "Okay? You can stop whispering," I tell her getting annoyed. I walk up to the window to see the one and only, Liam Payne. And right beside him, Zayn Malik. Yuck.

  "There she is!" He greets me. "Listen, I know you're a pop star and all, but you're not getting the same treatment from me boy!" I say trying now to be too loud.

  "I dont want the treatment, all I want is you're number." Liam says and smiles. "Ohmahgod," I here Holly say in the background. "Can we have a minute?" I say and walk away. "Sarah? Can you get the register?" I ask. "Yeah, sure," She answers and walks over there.

  "What the fuck, man? I hate him!" I start to tell Holly. "I triple dog dare you to go out with him," Holly says. "No!" I tell her. "Then you won't be the queen, the dare devil. You won't be popular anymore." Holly says walking in circles.

  Her words were getting stuck in my head. "I thought you like him?" I ask kinda confused. "I want to see you suffer like I did, when I had to date Gavin.." Holly explains. But I want to make it more interesting. 100 dollars a month." Holly finishes.

  "200," I say to her. "150, thats the highest I'm going." She ends the battle. "Fine, but you might wanna take out a notebook. Watch and learn," I say and strut over to the window.

  "You have a pen?" I ask him tightening my pony. "Always," He says and grabs his autograph supplies. "219-670-9125," I tell him my number.

  "Call me later," I tell him and walk off leaving Holly with them both. I see Holly smile to Zayn and she started to blush.

  I give her wink and smile to myself. This was going to be a long year. I might want to start the calculations for how rich I'm going to be after this.

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