Chapter 6

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Liam's POV

  "I told you," I say to Zayn and speed out of the parking lot. "Told me what?" He asks folding down the mirror and fixing his hair. "That she liked me," I say again.

  "You didn't say that. You said you would get her to like you," Zayn corrects me. "Yeah, whatever man," I say to him and get stuck by a train. "Damn!" I say and slam on the brakes.

  "We have that interview today also!" Zayn says and facepalms. "I haven't even done my hair yet!" He adds. "Zayn, you sound like a girl," I tell him trying not to laugh. "Haha, very funny," He says and looks away from the mirror.

  "When would be a good time to call her?" I ask Zayn keeping an eye on the long train. "Maybe tomorrow? You can't be too demanding. Go out for brunch or something tomorrow," Zayn tells me.

  "Brunch, really?" I ask giving him a weird look. "Yeah, everyone loves brunch," I look up to see the last car has just passed and we started to move. "Look at the awesome One Direction graffiti on that last car!" Zayn shouts out. "Oh, nice." Of course I missed it.


Zoe's POV

  "I'm spending the night. That okay?" Holly asks. Holly is the type of girl that always invites herself over.

  "Uh yeah? I'm sure it will be fine,"  "Hurray!" Holly says and jumps up and down. "Since when are you so excited to come over?" I ask her locking the register.

  "Since you started dating Liam Payne!" She yelps at me. "We aren't dating Holly, not yet," I tell her. "I'm not even looking forward to dating him. I just don't want to let you down," I say to Holly walking out.

  "Yeah, okay!" She says and plops down into the driver seat. "Aren't you glad you came down here to go to school with me?" Holly asks starting the engine.

  "Yeah. Its just I'm the only one that isn't British!" I say a little annoyed. " Once you start the next semester you will see how many Americans there are! You will feel like you're back home again!" Holly says and starts down the road.

  "Why do you really want me to go out with Liam?" I ask her, knowing she is hiding something. "Fine. If you go out with him, I can meet all of One Direction, and then I can see Zayn, he is my favorite! Not Liam!" She blurts. "But I thought you like Liam though!" I say to her.

  "No, I hate him, just like you! I wanted to get you back for Gavin too," Holly says. Gavin was this super ugly guy that came to our school. I dared her to go out with him, and I would give her cheats to her math for the rest of the year. And in this case, I get money. I'm super smart and shes not so that's why you don't see me desperate enough to ask for school help instead.

  And let's just say she lost her virginity to him. Otherwise if that never happened, I would not be in this situation.

  "I guess that's fair, but its also a surprise you hate Liam," I say to her as she pulls into my driveway. "I wonder when he's going to call," I say walking up the steps. "Ohhh, Zoe got a new crush?" Holly jokes. "Uh, no! Ill just take a raincheck," I say laughing.

  "Oh no you don't, their are rules to this plan, sweetheart!" Holly says before walking into the greasy potato smelling house.

  "Oh hello girls," My mom greets us both. "Are you spending the night Holly?" She asks. "As always," Holly replies in her annoying formal voice.

  "Would you girls like some Potato skins?" Mother asks opening the refrigerator. "Oh no thanks mom, well make a pizza later," I say and slip off my shoes along with Holly.

  "Alright," make sure not to be to loud ladies!" I hear her last words before shutting the door. "Is your mum always pretending to have a British accent?" Holly asks taking a seat on my bed.

  "Pretty much," I say swirling around on my desk chair. "It gets pretty fucking annoying," I say and turn on my iPod connected to my dock. 'Brave' by Sara Barellies comes on. "OoooOoOoh, I love this song!" Holly shouts and walks over to turn it up.

  "Gosh, when are you going to stop listening to this shit?" I ask. "When you stop downloading it to your iPod," Point taken.

  "So are you still hung over with Chris? I mean I know its only been a few months since you broke up, and were already together. I just wanted your okay and I wanted to ask if you're fine with it," Holly explains.

  "Yeah, I mean if you're happy I'm happy," I say to her lying. Of course I still have feelings! If I told her he cheated on me, she would dump him in a heartbeat! I want her to be happy. I just wish I could meet someone that could take my mind off of that two timing dick!

  "Great. I just didn't want a guy to come between our friendship. No guy is worth more than losing you," Holly says leaning in for a hug. Which I grant. "Alright, enough of the chick flick," I say pulling away.

  "Prank calls or Liam Payne fake out rules?" I ask Holly. "Rules, since you never know when he is going to call," Holly says grabbing a marker and a piece of notebook paper off of my desk. She starts writing.

  "Rule number one: Always answer his calls. 

  Rule number two: Never take rain checks.

  Rule number three: Never tell him that this is a dare.

  Rule number four: Pretend to like him. (More than a friend)

  Rule number five: Have things in common.

  Rule number six: Kiss him back if he tries to kiss you. (or any sexual content, just don't get pregnant)"

  I laugh at the last one. "Nice touch on rule number six!" I say to Holly. "Hah, thanks. You think you can fake him out?" Holly asks and tapes the paper onto the back of my closet door. "I know I can," I say to Holly.

  "I remember all the dares you used to do, They were hilarious! Talking to random people, pretending to hack stuff up, messing up people's orders on purpose!" Holly go's on. "Even though they were a little cheesy, it was so funny!"

  "And we save the best for last," I say and pull out my phone.


Gia's Note: Liking it so far? I hope so! Let me know by commenting, my Candy Canes! Will Zoe be able to keep her reputation? Keep reading to find out!

LOTS OF LOVE - Gianna xx

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