Chapter 28

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Zoe's POV

"Maybe I really am insane." I plop down on my close childhood friend, Alyssa's expensive water bed.

"You're not insane." She shakes her head. "I just think you made the wrong choice in all of this."

I take a few pretzels from her dresser and dip it into the tub of peanut butter sitting in the middle of us. Alyssa steals one from my stash.

"I mean, if you really are thinking about having some kind of future with this guy-" She pauses and gives me a sympathetic look, "You should really be one hundred percent honest with him."

I shrug my shoulders not only because I still haven't made up my decision and that I know Alyssa is telling me nothing but the truth.

"I just don't know, Lyss." I shake my head and curl up with my knees. "It's all fucking messed up and I'm the one to blame for all of it."

"Just take my advice and tell him everything." She takes my hands sweetly just to be nice. I oblige and tilt my head back. "If you tell him and he still wants to stay with you, he's a good guy. But if you tell him and he's wants to leave, he isn't worth it, Zo."

I nod my head and check my phone for any new messages from Liam or the boys. Alyssa's phone rings and she quickly answers it. "Okay." She says into the speaker. "I love you, see you later." She hangs it up and smiles at me.

"I have some time if you wanted to go out for dinner." She smiles deviously like she can never get away from her gorgeous husband. Anyone would die to have a life like Alyssa, and to be honest I think her husband is or might be a little over controlling.

"Yeah, I'm free. Liam hasn't texted me so he's probably busy." I say and cap up the tub of peanut butter Alyssa made fall off the bed.

"Great. Let me go get changed first." She says and skips over to her closet.

I decide to put our snacks back in the kitchen instead of standing in her room awkwardly waiting for her to change.

When I get into the kitchen, all I see is cabinet after cabinet after cabinet. I hadn't watched Alyssa get the snacks when I came here so I have no idea where they go. Instead of messing anything up or going through every one, I set the peanut butter and pretzels by the sink and take the stairs back up to Alyssa's room.

She sits in a silky black dress and heels, trying to clasp a bracelet around her wrist. She throws her hair up into a messy bun.

"Why so fancy? I thought we were going to get Burger King or something." I laugh. I stand here in a cheap pair of blue jeans and at least I put on a nicer top this time with a white jean jacket. I look quite silly standing next to Alyssa.

"I was thinking The Patio." She answers while poking earrings through her skin.

"The Patio is expensive. I can't afford that right now, Lyss." I feel embarrassed telling someone I don't have enough money for something. It's true though; I haven't had a job, I don't live with my parents. I can't expect Liam to give me money all the time.

"Then consider it a treat." She turns around and smiles.

"Really? You would do that for me?"

"Yeah, girl. You been through hell these last few weeks. You need a break." She says and gives me a hug. I hug her back, but pull way after the sequins on her dress begin to irritate my skin.

"Are you seriously going to wear that dress?" I say humorously and stare at her glossy nude heels she wears underneath.

"Why, you don't like it?" She asks and totally misses my humor. She smiles faintly and twirls without falling on her face.

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