Chapter 8

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Zoe's POV

  "Girls, breakfast!" I hear my mom yell from the kitchen. "When did we fall asleep?" Holly asks jumping up from the floor.

  "Like 12:00, I'm guessing," I say heading into the bathroom.

  Holly follows me to the outside of the door. "Don't you remember? Were supposed to stay up all night!" Holly complains.

  "Yeah, well that was okay until we both got jobs, Holly!" I say walking out. "We don't have work today, Zoe." "Right," I slip off my polo, revealing my pink bra.

  "Get dressed. Were going out," I tell Holly scanning through my closet.

'Knock Knock Knock'

  "Zoe! Mom wants-" "Get out, Courtney! Were getting dressed!" I scoot her out.

  "I bet you wished you had a 13 year old sister as annoying as her!" I say to Holly using sarcasm. "Yeah, sure! I'll take her any day," We both laugh. "I think I'm going to take a shower, be out in a bit!" I close the door and remember I forgot the towels in my closet.

  "Holly, close your eyes I have to grab my towels!" "Kay," I hear her and see she was talking on the phone. I run to my closet and back before she could see anything.

  I think I'm gonna dye my hair back to caramel today.

  Holly is in the bathroom doing her makeup. "Hey, where is a good place to get your hair done?"  "Well, I usually go to Taylor Taylor London, to get my brown," She says and looks at the top if her head. "Why?" "I wanted to dye my hair back to caramel again," I say wrapping a towel around me, in the shower.

  "Then yeah, go there. I need to get mine done again. My blonde is coming in,"  "So, today then?" I ask scooting her aside so I can start my makeup.

  "Yes, why not? We can stop at Forum if you wanted to," Holly says leaving the bathroom.

  I finish with my eyeliner and head back to my closet. "How does this look?" Holly asks twirling in her outfit. She had on her Lacey white long sleeve, dark skinny's, and her white Doc Martens.

  "Zayn approved! Put your hair in that sock bun thing you do, with that white flower, It will make it look fancier." I tell her.

  I decided on my pink and brown Infinity shirt, with my light pink skinny's, my brown Uggs with my North Face.

  "That looks nice!" Holly says complimenting my outfit. "I'll just let my hair wave, after I get it done.". "They will straighten it for you if you want," Holly says grabbing her purse and opening the door. I grab mine and follow along.

  "Bye mom! Were going out!" I scream, knowing she is probably upstairs.

  "Turn on 'Rock Me!'" I say to Holly as she already is one step ahead of me. Now hopefully I can actually finish it this time.


  "Okay so what will I be doing for you today?" The stylist asks lifting me up from the hair washer.

  "Well I want my whole head to be a light brown color, and some long layers. Just don't cut any from the bottom,"  "Alright. Just sit back and relax," She says and starts to mix the color.

Holly's POV

  "Can you make sure that girl over there doesn't pay anything. I would like to pay for her today," I say and point to Zoe. "Sure thing, Holly," Coral, my stylist says and walk over to the register and sticks a note down.

  "The usual?" She asks, as she knows my monthly routine. "Yes, but I would like to add some light blond highlights," I say shocking her.

  "Oke doke, Holly. We should be done in an hour or so." Coral says and takes out her supplies.


Zoe's POV

  "I love it! Thank you so much!" I thank the stylist. "I added some extra in the front of your part, so you can brush it back if you wanted to," She says. "Oh and thank you for straightening it!"

  "No problem, Here is my card. Be sure to come back!" I follow her to the register and pull out my wallet. "Oh, she already payed for you," She says and points behind me, to Holly.

  "Its your Happy early Birthday present!" She says and gives me a hug. "Thanks, Holly. I love your hair!" I compliment her on her now short layered hair.

  "My stylist is a miracle worker," She says and we both walk out the door. "Forum?" "Not now, I'm starving!" I say to Holly and jump into the car. "You choose,"

"Well, I love Café Murano," Holly says and pulls away.

  "Okay, go there," My phone starts to buzz in my pocket. "Hello?" I put the phone on speaker so Holly could hear. "Is this Starbuck's girl?" He asks. I could now tell it was Liam. Girlfriend Mode: On.

  "Oh hi! Yeah, my name is Zoe, Zoe Maher," I say increasing the tone of my voice. "Okay, Zoe, would you like to meet up today?" Liam asks. I could tell he was nervous.

  "Yeah, I'm not doing anything now. We could go eat somewhere," I encourage him to pick a restaurant. I look to Holly who is freaking out.

  "Alright. Meet us at Flip and Dip. Well make the reservations so we don't get held up by fans,"  "I'll be there! I hope you don't mind if I have Holly with me," I ask.

  "Not at all, as long as you don't mind if I have Niall, Zayn and Harry with me," He laughs. "Haha what about Louis?" I ask trying to have a conversation. "Oh, he's sick," "Liam!" I hear in the background. "Oh, I gotta go get ready and see what's going on, see you at one!" He says and ends the call.

  I can't believe I was going to finally meet the two of the three boys I like, and I wasnt even their to see them, but Liam.

forever alone || Liam PayneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora