Chapter 27

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I can't believe how cliche I made last chapters ending sound. ugh. well hopefully this chapter can make up for it. I'm working on a new story and it's a zayn malik:)


Zoe's POV

I wake up in Liam's apartment, Liam no where to be found. My eyes adjust to the sunlight being spilled into the room from the window.

I stand up too quickly, getting a head rush and a whiff of cold air against my legs. I find my jeans in a pile on the floor and I pull them up my legs. I wonder who took them off of me.

My phone sits on Liam's dresser.

I walk over and stick it into the back of my jeans, pulling my tangled hair into a low bun. I just realized my tank top has a huge hole in it right under my arm. I should probably change it, soon.

"Where's Zoe?" I hear a loud voice, bring me from my thoughts.

I open Liam's bedroom door slowly, and peek out, looking past the staircase.

"Upstairs, sleeping." I recognize Liam's voice.

"Should I go wake her-"

"No! Let her sleep." Liam begins to whisper.

"Uh- okay." I recognize the other voice as Harry's. "Where was she anyway?"

"At the park." I hear the TV now, making it harder to hear the boys. "I- it was pretty bad."

I walk up closer near the railing, but still far enough away where they won't see me. I keep my head close.

"Tell me."

"She said she couldn't be with me anymore." Liam says, sad-like. I can mentally see his brownie-like eyes filling with tears.

But I don't remember saying anything to him. I want to, or wanted to- but I don't remember agreeing I was actually going to do it. I sure as hell wasn't planning to say it while I was drunk.

"Like- something bad happened and she didn't want to tell me why. She just wanted to end it." Liam continues. The sadness in his voice makes me want to run down there and scream 'I'm sorry' and make him kiss me. But, I need to hear his point of view and at least get the story I was too drunk to remember.

"She was drunk. Wasn't she?" Harry asks, with a hint of humor behind his voice. He would think this is funny. Especially at times where his best friend needs him.

"Well, yeah. But she said it so calm-like and.. and serious that I can't stop thinking about it." Liam says. I look down to see him in baggy sweats, shirtless, his head between his legs and his hands hung around his neck. I've never seen him so stressed out before. I must be such a burden. He doesn't know what to do with me.

"I bet you it was the boos talking." Harry comments.

"You think so?"

"Yeah. I mean, I guess she has been mad for these past few days but of course not mad enough to end things. She just needed time to cool off from her parents and things." Harry says, bringing in reasons of why I supposedly wanted to break up with Liam. They are all wrong. Of course they would have no idea of the bet, and I plan to keep it that way. I don't want anyone to know about this horrible, juvenile money-involved bet I agreed to step forward in with Holly.

forever alone || Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now