Chapter 15

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Niall's POV (Right before the kiss)

  I was walking down the hall thinking about what I saw Liam do before we left her house. I was watching. He kissed her cheek. She smiled. I just don't get it.

  "You've been a little too quiet," Zoe puts her hand on my shoulder and it sends chills down my spine.

  "Oh, yeah this apartment is great," "No I mean, what's up?" I turn to face her, and see she is leaning against the wall.

  She looked so beautiful. Even if we were just moving furniture. I lean in and I kiss her. I couldn't control myself. She stays kissing me and I could feel her lips warm up by my touch. I pull away. "Oh, uh. I'm sorry," I say to her and wipe my lips.

  I could see her cheeks burning redder. "I won't tell." I say and run into the bathroom.


Zayn's POV

  "How's he doing?" I ask Dr. Plague Rudenas. "Okay. He should be able to head home tomorrow. I removed the last of the remaining glass. Now the wounds just have to heal itself," He answers taking a seat next to me and Louis.

  "Are we able to head in there now?" Louis asks the doctor. "Yes. I think he is up now, is what the nurse last told me. She might be giving him his antibiotics right now, though." "Okay, thanks doctor." I say as he exits the waiting room.

  "Let's go," Louis says and heads down the hall. I follow him and catch the door before it can close. "Hey Harry, how are you doing?" Louis asks and I take a seat beside Harry's bed.

  "Feeling better. But they got me on this antibiotic shit, that makes me wanna throw up," He sips his water. "My mouth is watering like 24/7," "Well doctor says you will be able to head home tomorrow,"

  "Where is Liam and Niall?" Harry asks. "With Zoe helping her move out," Louis answers. "They might come see you later. It depends," I add. "When I'm back home, you are so getting payback," Harry says deviously. I cover my head and pretend to look scared. Louis just laughs.

  Louis phone buzzes and he heads into the hallway.

  "Man, I really am sorry for pushing you into his desk. I didn't want anyone to get hurt," I say to Harry. "I know. Just next time, don't jeopardize my bad boy look," Harry says and we both laugh. "Okay. I will keep that in mind, Harry."

  "It was Eleanor. She wanted to meet up. Can I?" Louis walks in. "Yeah, it's fine, I'll stay with Harry," "Thanks!" Louis says and kisses the top of my head. "Hey! Watch the hair!" He tramples out of the room.


Zoe's POV

  I just kissed my One Direction crush. Ex-crush. Wait, I don't know! Why would he kiss me?! I hope I can trust him not to tell.

  "Hey," Liam comes up behind me. "Oh. hey." I say looking in his direction. "Want to head out and get some coffee or something?" He asks and I look at the clock to see 2:00. "Sure. Why not?" "Alright let me just let Niall know." I head out into our bedroom to tell Holly. "Hey me and Liam are gonna go get some coffee," Holly looks my way.

  She winks and turns back around to face her laptop.

  "Ready?" Liam asks. I look down at my ratchet outfit. "Hold on," I head back into our new room and pull out my suitcase full on clothes.

  "What should I wear?" I ask Holly and she rushes over to my bed. "Skinny's, Blue crop, black tank. And.. You can borrow these for right now," She hands me her black Doc Martens. She had a few pairs, so it really didn't matter.

  "Take this out. Your hair looks prettier down. You always have it up anyway," Holly pulls my pony right out as I am tightening my belt. "Good?" "Perfect." "Thanks Holly!" I walk out and grab my jacket and purse.

  "Now I'm ready," Liam laughs and puts his hand above my waist.


  "Mmm. Try this," I hand him my warm white chocolate coffee. "That's good. But try mine," He hands me his. "Oh. My. God. That is so good! What is it again?" I take another sip. "The tiramisu," He answers.

  "So." "So." "Why me?" I ask. "What do you mean?" He answers. "You're in One Direction. You can get any girl you want. But you picked a girl that works at Starbuck's?" "I liked the way you reacted. I like girls who can be their self around stars. And treat them like regular people," "Thing is, you are a regular person. That can sing." I say. "That is all stars are. Regular people, that have a talent,"

  "And that's what I like about you. How you're beautiful and can tell anyone the truth," He smiles making me blush. He had the cutest smile, to be honest. His face looked warm considering his cheeks we're red. Probably just like mine right now.

  I lay my hands on them and sure enough! Warm. It felt calming.  He moves them down onto the table and grabs my hand and we latched fingers. Like earlier in the car. I took a sip from my coffee. I know I'm becoming too attached.

  "Did you want to go see Harry? You're probably worried about him," I ask. "Yeah. We can go see him. What about your sister?" He asks. I look down. "Yes. I think I'm ready to go see her," I answer feeling a cold tear stream down my face and a warm hand wipe it off.


  "Hi Courtney, Your sister is here. Everything is going to be okay." I look at her small face. I see her leg and her chest is wrapped up. She must have got shot multiple times. Oh god, I didn't know she was this bad. Liam brings me closer and gives me a bear hug.

  "Is that Liam Payne?" Her eyes widen.

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