Chapter 26

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Liam's POV

"Anyone get a hold of her?" I ask the boys sitting at the counter. I dial Holly's number again.

"No." Louis answers. For all of them I'm guessing.

It goes straight to voicemail this time. "Harry, where did you say she was going?'

"To find a job." He shrugs.

All the boys seem to be relaxed at the fact my girlfriend is no where to be found at 10:00, again. Niall is the only one I seem to find sweating buckets.

"Niall, did you talk to her this morning?" I ask.

"Uh- yeah. In the elevator. But she didn't say where she was going." Niall answers. He seems to be the only one I can seem to trust. Even Harry has me a little skeptical. I think Zoe would be home by now if she was just going out job-hunting.

I decide to dial Zoe's number, again. Maybe I should try her mom and Courtney even.

"We can drive around if you want." Zayn offers.

He doesn't interrupt the call that also goes automatically to voicemail. Her phone is either dead or she is still in the process of ignoring me.

"Yeah, let's go." I say and slip on Louis flip-flops. Zayn grabs his car keys and throws on his black hoodie.

"Hey," Harry pushes Zayn's shoulder slightly to get him to stop. "I can go with him."

"No. Zayn and I will go." I pull open the door handle and follow Zayn to his truck.

I've been fed up with the amount of time Harry has been spending with Zoe. It really pisses me off now that she is ignoring me and I almost feel as if Harry has a part in why that's happening.

For now, I need to keep my mind off Harry and Zoe since it's making me even more irritated. I look through the streets for my beautiful Zoe that isn't to be found.

"Where could she be?" I whisper, holding my head in my hands.

"Don't worry so much. We'll find her." Zayn's hand pats my back and I can hear the loud thumps it makes.

"And if we don't?" I ask.

"Don't even have that doubt, because we will. Now stop being such a loser and look out the window." Zayn says sternly. I shouldn't blame him since I feel kind of fed up with myself.

"Maybe she went to her moms?" I scan the sidewalks, but no one seems to be walking.

"That's probably the last fucking place she would go." Zayn admits.

I agree, since I felt like a such a dick trying to help her mend her relationship with her parents and all that does is tear us apart and digs an even a deeper whole with her mum at least.

"I bet you Holly has something to do with this shit." I tell Zayn, as he stops at a red light.

He nods. "I might have to get gas."

"Alright, stop by Moblie at the park. She could be walking back to the apartments the long way." I suggest.

"Okay." Zayn says running a hand through his black hair while taking the left turn towards the city park.

He pulls into the gas station parking by a tank to fill up. I decide to stay in the truck and watch for anyone while Zayn pays for the gas.

I pull out my phone and dial Holly's, Zoe's and Courtney's number. I get there voicemail each time. I slam my phone on the dash board and curse at myself for letting Zoe leave yesterday night. None of this would've happened if we would've stuck together. But since it did happen, I can't believe Harry didn't go with her. This is all just a huge mess.

I see something move out of the corner of my eye, towards the fence by the basketball court towards the park. I figure it's a bird and ignore it. There is literally no one out tonight and that worries me even more.

"Did you call anyone?" Zayn opens the door and starts the truck back up.

"Yeah, I got everyone's voicemail." I admit and let Zayn focus on the road.

"Maybe we can call the boys- see if she showed up at the apartments."

"We shouldn't have to call them. If she shows up, they should call us." I tell Zayn meaning every word. I swear Zayn can be a serious softie and give people a break when they are total assholes.

He doesn't answer me.

My phone vibrates my my shoe and I struggle to pick it up from the floor.

"Hello?" I answer not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hey, did you find her?" Harry's voice rings through the line.

"Who is it?" Zayn whispers. I hold up my finger, telling him to wait.


"Did you want me to go out looking t-" Harry asks and I cut him off abruptly.

"No- we don't need you getting lost."

"Fuck, Liam. What the he-"

"Stop!" Zayn slams on the breaks as I stare out by the swings, looking at the person sitting on the picnic table.

"I gotta go Harry." I say and hang up the phone."

"What, now?" Zayn asks parking the truck close to the sidewalk.

"Who is that?" I open the door and wait for Zayn to come around to the other side.

I start to walk up closer until I see the girls face. "It's Zoe!" I yell and Zayn catches up to me.

I see her continue to tip back a large bottle into her mouth. She must've not heard me.

"Zoe!" I yell again, starting to run up closer. She turns her head, but doesn't acknowledge my presence.

"Hey," I kneel down, trying to settle my breathing. I look up to her face to see her blood-red eyes. "Where the hell have you been?"

"Oh. Hi, Lee-yum." She tilts her head back to finish the liquid.

"Give me that." I steal the bottle from her, reading the liquors label.

"Hey! I ain't done!" She talks slurred, almost with a drowsy feel.

"Now, you are. Let's go." I pull her wrist but she digs her feet into the ground.

"Zoe, please!" You worried me to death and how you are going to fight me?"

She crosses her arms over her chest. Her jacket is gone from yesterday and she must be freezing. She points her top lips over her bottom.

There is no doubt she is completely drunk, but there is no problem with me trying to snap out of it. I look at Zayn and tell him to help me carry her towards the truck.

"Come on. Let's go home." I say to Zoe, but she refuses me to touch her.

"My home isn't with you." She spits in my face.

"Zoe," I try and get her to walk to the car herself then.

"Stoppp." She whines as I try to pick her up. She kicks and fights me as Zayn walks up.

"Zoe, come here." Zayn open his arms and she begins to tear up.

Zayn picks her up, and I can't help but feel jealous. She supposed to be my girlfriend and it feels as if she is down right afraid to be around me.

"Lee-yum?" She calls my name. I run up to Zayn and look down at her. "I can't be with you anymore." She says before her eyes clamp shut.

Sorry for the long wait. This was a major filler, only because I'm thinking of making this book a little longer. I'm hoping for this book to be done at the end of this summer if I start to update a little more. Pleas vote! it means the world to us!

-gianna xx P.S this isn't edited. I'll do that later!!

forever alone || Liam PayneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora